Ilya Shabanov Profile picture
Tweets on how to use novel tools, note-taking and AI to accelerate your academic work & productivity. πŸ‡³πŸ‡Ώ @VicUniWgtn, Ecology πŸ‘‡ Blog & Courses in link below
31 subscribers
Mar 14 β€’ 6 tweets β€’ 3 min read
What if there was a way to get AI to write like you, not like a robot?

Here's how to train AI to write in your (academic) style in just 3 simple steps πŸ‘‡ Image πŸ” Step 1: Gather Representative Writing

Get a few pieces of text that contain good examples of how you write and combine them into AI readable text files using . Gobble.botImage
Feb 25 β€’ 8 tweets β€’ 3 min read
Just tested SciSpace Deep Review AI.

It analyzed 1750 papers and wrote a 3,050-word lit review - in three minutes.

Don't miss this milestone:
πŸ‘‡ Image While the output isn’t ready for direct publication, the level of detail is remarkable.

AI-assisted tools like @scispace_ are changing how researchers conduct literature reviews

It gets faster, easier and more structured. Image
Feb 19 β€’ 7 tweets β€’ 3 min read
I just built a "Research Oracle", an AI that speeds up my research.

Here is how you can build yours:
πŸ‘‡ Image A "Research Oracle" is an AI that contains a lot of knowledge about your research. Once you built it use it to:

βœ… Find citations
βœ… Polish writing & logical flow in your manuscripts
βœ… Help with lit reviews
βœ… Suggest new ideas for your research
βœ… Check for errors Image
Feb 10 β€’ 4 tweets β€’ 1 min read
I tried 50+ academic GPTs.

Most are just amateur projects.

Here are the top 18 that will actually boost your productivity: Image If you have never used CustomGPTs:
β†’ Go to ChatGPT
β†’ Click "Explore GPTs
β†’ Search for the GPTs mentioned above
β†’ Start a conversation Image
Feb 8 β€’ 4 tweets β€’ 1 min read
Struggling to write research papers?

I found a game-changing method using AI:
(prompt in the thread)
πŸ‘‡ Image Here is an example of what core sentence s look like.

Each sentence will be expanded into a full paragraph using AI. Image
Jan 13 β€’ 8 tweets β€’ 3 min read
Using the right plugins in your browser can save you hours in academic research.

Here are the top 9 you need to know:
(links and tutorials in thread)
πŸ‘‡ Image 1. @scispace_

An AI reading assistant that explains technical concepts and sections in research papers. It helps tackle dense academic language, saving time and effort. Image
Jun 19, 2024 β€’ 8 tweets β€’ 3 min read
Almost done with the slides for this upcoming webinar.

It will be aimed at note-taking and synthesis.

Here is a sneak peak:
πŸ‘‡ Image Note Taking

Most people take notes in the order they learn about the content.

This is wrong.

Conceptual notes are much more powerful.

Because you don't repeat yourself and use links instead.Image
Jun 18, 2024 β€’ 8 tweets β€’ 3 min read
Everybody uses Google Docs.

But most don't install any of the 100+ extensions.

Unlock hidden features and save time with these 4 must-use extensions: πŸ‘‡
(I use them for scientific papers) What are extensions?

Extensions add functionality that Google Docs does not have.

Each extension adds a sidebar where it can be configured and activated.

Google does not develop these extensions but they gain access to your content.

Be aware of privacy issues.
Jun 12, 2024 β€’ 11 tweets β€’ 4 min read
I thought I would spend days on this lit review.

It took me just 10 minutes (no joke)!

Here is how and what tool I used:
πŸ‘‡Image My Topic:

I am figuring out how forests react to climate change in New Zealand.

The big question: Who has done it before?
(A vast literature review question that can take hours)

Googling it, I found only a single paper: [Wardle 1992]
Jun 10, 2024 β€’ 10 tweets β€’ 4 min read
Struggling with the discussion section?

Here is an unconventional strategy:

1. Lay out findings from papers on a canvas
2. Link each one to the PDF
3. Group by Topic
4. Summarize what you see as text
5. Flesh out and polish

Let's look at the details:
πŸ‘‡ For this, I am using the @obsdmd Canvas feature. If you are unfamiliar, check out this thread:

Jun 7, 2024 β€’ 10 tweets β€’ 4 min read
Lost in your research?

Create a research map - it's easy.

Here's how to start and find that research gap:
πŸ‘‡Image 1. Use @drawio

A free tool for building research maps.

Drag boxes from the left sidebar.

Customize it with the buttons on the right sidebar.
Jun 3, 2024 β€’ 13 tweets β€’ 6 min read
Every academic wants to find meaningful research gaps.

❌ Old way: Read 1000s of papers
βœ… New way: A step-by-step, visual strategy

Here's my workflow using Obsidian, Litmaps, Consensus and DrawIO:
(and a webinar on how to do this!)
πŸ‘‡ Image 1. Start with finding research questions

Sometimes there are papers dedicated to identifying them.
This will make your literature review process ENJOYABLE, as you won't follow ideas that are irrelevant (but inspire you personally).

Here are two examples:
May 28, 2024 β€’ 15 tweets β€’ 5 min read
Double your productivity in Google Docs.

Learn these 12 essential keyboard shortcuts.

Windows & Mac:
πŸ‘‡ 1. Paste without Style

Ever pasted something from Word or a browser and noticed that the format is completely broken?

Paste without format to avoid this. Press:

⌘ + ⇧ + V (Mac)
CTRL + SHIFT + V (Win)

In this example I copy from MS Word and the style is totally off.
May 26, 2024 β€’ 9 tweets β€’ 4 min read
What makes top researchers so productive?

They know what tools to use and when.

Master these 7 tools for rapid results:
(more info on each one below)
πŸ‘‡ Image 1. Find key research questions for paper:

@scispace_ is an AI search engine for papers.

Ask a question and get papers as results.

May 24, 2024 β€’ 10 tweets β€’ 4 min read
Academics read and annotate papers daily.

PDF++ lets you search and connect these annotations.

Here is how to use it πŸ‘‡:
(A game changer if you are using Zotero) Image Here's how it looks:

The annotation inside the PDF is linked (yellow text) in my notes.

Hover the link to get a preview.

Click on it to open the annotated PDF in a new tab.

PDF++ makes it easy to connect notes to PDFs.

Let's do it step by step...
May 21, 2024 β€’ 14 tweets β€’ 5 min read
This is Niklas Luhmann.

He has more citations than 99% of scientists.
And 70+ books.

Here is how he did it:
(...steal his secret) Image Luhmann (1927-1998) was a German sociologist and philosopher studying how societies function.

He wrote over 70 books and 400 articles on topics like law, politics, and art.

Luhmann described society as a self-sustaining system and was influential, especially in Germany. Image
May 16, 2024 β€’ 13 tweets β€’ 5 min read
Everybody uses Google Docs.

But most don't know its best features.

11 features that save time and make your work more professional:
(even for scientific papers)
πŸ‘‡ 1. Folding

If you have a long document this is a life saver.

Create a heading.
Next to the heading click the ">" button to fold all text beneath this heading.
May 14, 2024 β€’ 8 tweets β€’ 3 min read
ChatGPT just received a massive upgrade: GPT-4omni.

It's a game-changer for academics/students.

Here is how it works and how to start using it:
πŸ‘‡Image βœ… One model instead of three

ChatGPT now talks in real time, can capture clues like laughter, intonation and even video input. This has to do with its new architecture.

How it works:

Talking to ChatGPT is not new but it is done differently now. Previously there were 3 models:

- One translated audio to text
- then the normal ChatGPT answered your query
- and then another model translated that text to audio.

This was slow and most importantly missed key cues of communication like voice, intonation and so on.

In the new model there is a single model that is not just text→ text but directly audio→ audio. It does not require model 1 and 3 anymore.

Key benefit is it's faster, can tell multiple voices apart and feels much more natural.Image
May 9, 2024 β€’ 11 tweets β€’ 4 min read
The best researchers aren't geniuses. They're well-organized.

This is my favorite system to organize 1000s of notes.

Simple, yet powerful:
πŸ‘‡ Image 1. The Problem

Taking notes helps you remember only if you can find your notes.

My vault has almost 400k words over 1000+ notes (and countless PDFs/Screenshots).

To find things easier you need to have MULTIPLE layers of organization. Divide and conquer. Image
May 6, 2024 β€’ 7 tweets β€’ 3 min read
Struggling with remembering where you saved a note?

Use Rainbow Folders: A hidden feature in Obsidian.

Here is how:
πŸ‘‡ Image Obsidian (@obsdmd) is a free software if you are serious about organizing knowledge (e.g. academics)

Organize by: Folders, Tags or Maps of Content

Rainbow folders gives every folder a color making them easier to find.

There are two modes: Backgrounds(Left) or Titles (Mid) Image
Apr 27, 2024 β€’ 7 tweets β€’ 3 min read
Plagiarism is a serious problem in academia.

Even a misplaced citation can massively damage your reputation.

Luckily AI is great at spotting plagiarism. Here is how:
πŸ‘‡ Image 1. Plagiarism is complex

If you look at the Harvard Guide it identifies 6 types of plagiarism.

"Uncited paraphrase" might be the most difficult to spot.

Here you might mention established findings from older papers without citing them. Image