Admiral Invalidator Profile picture
Evolution requires patience. Transhumanism requires patients. Do No Harm. No. 1853 and 6899 of 40K.
Kim Profile picture 2 subscribed
Jun 27 12 tweets 8 min read
Ok so I looked into this and I’m definitely 🚨 breaking a huge part of this story 🚨 You heard the full story here first. Over the weekend a car accident led first responding officers to discover the body of a trans identified male in the backseat of his own car. Image Local news source ABC 6, wrote that Margot Lewis (pictured left), 32, from Iowa and Massachusetts, flew to Minnesota and was found to be driving the car of Liara Tsai (pictured right) when Lewis got into an accident on I-90. Image
Jun 5 17 tweets 6 min read
The fauxgressives will say you’re being racist if you ask questions about the Muslim man who stabbed a lesbian to death. A Muslim man who stabbed an Irish toddler, a Muslim man who stabbed infants in Annecy park. A Muslim man who stabbed 3 gay men in Forsbury Gardens…🧵 Image Since Islam is not a race and these men came from different countries why do people tell us to stop being “racist?” Well it’s bc they know these men are only in these countries bc of global policies. If gangs of men are grooming girls it matters who they are, no? Pakistani Muslim
Apr 27 22 tweets 12 min read
🧵Seen the new outrage over words. Let me be crystal clear, anyone and everyone who supports the new global “2SLGBTQ+” is an absolute groomer of children. No ifs, ands, or buts. The collective agenda was to get it into schools, get as many kids to deny their bodies as they could. From there the kids were locked in, no questioning allowed, tell them it’s all safe and reversible. Hide it from the parents like all good groomers do. Locked in to a permanent decision from childhood? What stakes! Good thing they’re hiding it from parents. No reason for that! Image
Apr 21 22 tweets 11 min read
The Curious Case Of Carly Gregg and HARM-aceuticals 🧵 Another teen girl who identifies as she/they and was on pharmaceutical medication went on a shooting rampage. Her trial started this week past. Image What we know so far is Carly, 14, was upset with her mother, who was also a teacher at her school, for taking items out of her bedroom. She grabbed a gun that was present in the house and killed her mother. Image
Apr 21 11 tweets 3 min read
While researching I found this study on the TRANSITION between juvenile crime, it’s DESISTANCE factors and it’s BINARY relationship with regard to the TWO SEXES. Mini thread 🧵 Image This sounded VERY familiar to me. “Most juvenile offenders desist from offending as they become adults.” You mean to tell me there is some psychosocial and physiological reasons why teenagers/pubescent humans act differently than adults and it’s not permanent?
Shocking! Image
Feb 22 19 tweets 4 min read
🧵Why I’ve nothing but disdain for Social Justice Memo Readers is they follow selective reasoning. I’m not a prison abolitionist. When I see something screwed up I want actual justice. If students killed Nex Benedict they should be in juvie until which time they age out to prison The people I see shouting “Non-binary hate crime” wanted me to contact the school and the sheriff department bc they think it’s being covered up. Guess what? I did yesterday. Today the story has been updated that Nex did not die from injuries sustained in the fight? Image
Feb 13 14 tweets 6 min read
“Fight the real enemy.” Post Lucas John Roberts (Keffals) and John Walker Flynt (Brianna Wu) being named as bully agitators in a suicide note, Wu asked a streamer Tipster to defend him. Tipster is now defending Vaush for having Lolicon on stream. Mini🧵 There’s a real AGPgate going on and it’s not just conservative thinktankers fluffing off a couple AGentProvocateur boring TradTroons. It’s the YouTube and twitch stream gooners all getting caught out having lolicon which is a form of anime porn that depicts children.
Feb 5 20 tweets 4 min read
🧵Spoke to my friend:
“My kid drove me up the wall this weekend”
Me: “What’d they do?”
Them: “He! It’s he.”
Me: “Yeah what was he doing?”
Them: “You know Mark, I just thought you were a hardliner, I thought you cared about safeguarding. Now you’re calling my son ‘they?!’” Me: “I wasn’t saying your son was non-binary I just said they as singular, you know like how you say “d’juw eat?” Instead of “Did you have anything to eat yet?”
Them: “Listen I gotta go HE is acting crazy again.”
“Don’t you mean you HAVE TO go?” She hung up.
Feb 4 19 tweets 4 min read
🚨A TiM posted a goodbye note claiming to have taken pills bc they were bullied by “racist white” TiMs who coerced them to do OF. They went broke, couldn’t afford rent nor “trans medication” and when they tried to raise money @keffals and @BriannaWu bullied them and their GFM. 🧵 So according to this note, the trans community is not really supportive of struggling members and when the person has their online income hacked and raises money leaders of the community spend their time accusing the person of being a grifter and telling people not to help. 2/
Jan 23 25 tweets 11 min read
Men in dresses/cross dressers/males w/ transvestitic tendencies have a higher rate of other sexual pathologies, including voyeurism, exhibitionism (indecent exposure) and assault. They are not only not harmless they are weaponizing “trans” to decriminalize these sex offenses. 🧵
The known comorbidities of cross drsssing men is being rewritten, erased from history and normalized. A dirty nonce playing with his penis when he sees little girls walking by is now argued as a “naturist being punished for her natural trans body.” 2/
Jan 4 21 tweets 6 min read
🧵There are tons of weird people online. I’m one of them. Some share our political stripes, most don’t. But I’ve been thinking about a persistent obvious trait that bears repeating. No matter how weird or fuddy-duddy some of us are nothing compares to the virulent ick of themst. People don’t like to harp on the disgust factor bc it sounds hateful but it’s the absolute essential truth of our gut instincts. Some narc on our side claimed I was a hateful bigot who just fears the “other.” The other what? Not sex.
Dec 25, 2023 10 tweets 2 min read
Christmas was nearly ruined. I woke up an hour before the kid. I immediately realized I put out all the presents but forgot a tin of peppermint bark I hid in the downstairs’ closet. Our tree is next to the bottom of the stairs & when I got to the last step I tripped on something It was a 5’ 4” woman chained to my tree. I said “What the hell are you doing here?” She had an orange, green, red, white and black sweater on that said: JUST STOP ISROIL. She looked up at me, raised a fist and said, “Greasefire Now!” I said, “Keep it down you’ll wake my daughter”
Dec 13, 2023 16 tweets 6 min read
It’s almost 2024 can we stop regurgitating the same talking points? Bathrooms aren’t about passing. A case by case basis is untenable. The point has always been to NOT change laws, policies, or the social contract to weaken safeguarding and overrule sex as a material class.🧵
Image Anybody at any time can break the social contract to enter a space set aside for ☝️ of the ✌️ sexes. Cops don’t fly out of stalls to protect anyone. But the social contract and its norms are a conditioning to prevent chaos. This has been upended for the feelings of a microdemo Image
Dec 11, 2023 10 tweets 5 min read
This is how the Worms turn. The selective bargaining of the FauxDebate pathological identity set. 🧵 When rational people see Hannah Mouncey as shown below the gut kicks in to the obvious existence of an unfair competition. The worms stay silent or sloganeer. “Sports is right!” “No bans in sport!” “Sport saves lives!” 1/

Nov 7, 2023 10 tweets 4 min read
An account that wants to stay anonymous found the man is who allegedly killed Paul Kessler for holding an Israeli flag at Westlake and Thousand Oaks. Turns out it’s Loay Alnaji who is a computer science professor at Moorpark College. @MrAndyNgo

He posted a video on his Instagram supporting Hamas on October 17th.
Nov 3, 2023 9 tweets 3 min read
Listen to the screams of these young women. Massachusetts’ field hockey team Swampscott Big Blue have a male senior on its team named Sawyer Groothius #7. He knocked teeth out of a female player on the opposing team. He also scored both goals in the 2-0 win for his team 🧵
Here you can see the team celebrating their male team mate scoring both goals for the win probably due to fear of the other young women hoping not to be gravely injured by this hulking cheating monster. “Giddy Up!” they cry out after he injured another player, celebrating him.
Oct 30, 2023 13 tweets 5 min read
Happy Monday Snackerdoodles, did I just find CHM’s old AGP videos? Dunno you decide. So first of Oi Matey has recently lied and said @Glinner made up the name Colin but I found an old still live account with an old pic of him disproving that. It’s his name. But check this out 🧵 Here’s a post goof out pic of Hatey notice the green venue bracelet? In the videos posted in 2008 under the name “Colin Montgomerie” the AGP is also wearing a green venue bracelet. Weird coincidence right?
Aug 5, 2023 13 tweets 6 min read
This is a strawman. It’s a social contract issue. The problem is the consequences of legislating that no space can exclude men, putting it into law and policy. It is sex discrimination in law. Male feelings of comfort trump women’s feelings in law? 🧵
Image The idea of genital inspectors is a low IQ diversion from what we already know. Women’s rooms and Men’s room are not magical deterrents to anti-social people, but it is a social contract creating a safer and polite society by order of that social contract.
Jun 18, 2023 9 tweets 4 min read
If only there were times throughout history when people kept ignoring evidence of atrocities and harm by saying “this is not happening.” I wonder if we could see the consequences of that. If only. If only. 🤔🧵 Teacher yells at student, threatens DEI re-education camp for not believing in gender and student records it. People like James: “it never happened.”
Jun 17, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
Not only is this another layer to the mountain of evidence that teachers are ACTIVELY indoctrinating students, it also shows this teacher has no idea what she’s talking about as she called having a DSD a 3rd sex called “intersex” where you’re born with the opposite parts. Liars. Fire everyone.
Jun 3, 2023 24 tweets 4 min read
Did you ever hear of the Pickle Island Punch scandal? So there was this indigenous tribe from Pickle Island called the Binartsies. Because of global warming Pickle Island was almost completely submerged around 2006. 🧵 A group of Catholic Missionaries raised money to relocate most of the tribe to Chubbuck, Idaho. All seemed well until some of the locals realized adults were knocking out teenagers on the street. Many local news stations reported the sudden increase of children being assaulted.