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Tracy Shannon #transwidow #DragQueensAreNot4Kids #DragQueensRSexClowns #Dragnet #GroomerDetective #AskATranswidow #StopGenderFiction #SexNotGender
Jul 10, 2023 7 tweets 5 min read
A mom asks others in a support group for parents of trans kids what they think of top surgery and hysterectomy for minors.
The replies are insane.

Jun 26, 2023 23 tweets 4 min read
A thread: 🧵Daily reminder that ALL political candidates for President need to answer questions on this issue. Every candidate for any office should be able to answer w clarity the following:
1. What is a woman?
2. Can a man become a woman and vice versa?
3. Should sex on vital records, ID, govt documents reflect biological reality?
Apr 26, 2023 12 tweets 5 min read
In 1998, a therapist told my husband he wouldn't know if he was a male or a female for 3 months. She wrote him the letter to go get hormones and start sex change behind my back. He took them for 11 years of our marriage behind my back. We are beginning to find out what a horrible fraud this entire gender industry is. When will the perpetrators who carried it out be held accountable? How will they be held accountable? Statutes of limitations and laws dictate who can sue these monsters. They r protected.