Coach Kev - Belly Fat Pro Profile picture
Helping busy professionals lose their belly fat guaranteed. DM me “BELLY” if interested in coaching. (Not free) Owner @NewBodyIn90
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Sep 24 21 tweets 6 min read
11 disease-causing ingredients found in everyday food:

Some banned in other countries, some proven to cause cancer

But you’ll still find them on your grocery store shelves today

(Avoid these at all costs): 1. Yellow 5 and Yellow 6

Found in condiments, cheese, cereals, chips, cookies, and yellow-colored drinks,

Yellow 5 & 6 are the 2nd and 3rd most-used food colorings

Dozens of animal studies show an increased risk in kidney and intestinal tumors Image
Sep 22 28 tweets 5 min read
My 8 years of fitness knowledge and 28,000+ tweets combined into one thread:

1. Stop drinking alcohol. It f*cks your sleep, recovery, cognition, energy, mood, libido, cravings, and more. STOP. 2. Remember this: Diet for fat-loss, lift for muscle, cardio for heart health.
3. Higher cortisol levels (stress) cause your body to retain more water. Retaining more water = more of that "bloated" look.
4. Room-temp water is better for workouts than cold water
Sep 10 14 tweets 3 min read
If I woke up 30lbs overweight with a big belly

Below would be the grocery list, meals, workouts, and routine I'd use to get my body back in 90 days: GROCERY LIST:

- Eggs
- Carrots
- Low-carb tortillas
- Various hot sauces
- 3lbs chicken breast
- Big bag jasmine rice
- Whey protein powder
- 5lbs 93/7 ground beef
- Apples, pineapple, blueberries
- 4 tubs "Good Culture" cottage cheese
- Pint of ice cream (for sustainability)
Sep 6 18 tweets 3 min read
I’ve been training & study nutrition for 8 years.

Don't want to spend $1,000s on a coach?

Below are the 24 tips I'd give to anyone needing to drop a significant amount of body fat: 1. Creatine. You should take it, your friends should take it, your parents should take it. It's great for strength, building muscle, and cognition. 5g/day forever.
Sep 5 16 tweets 3 min read
After 8 years in the gym, here's every fitness tip I could come up with:

1. Stop drinking alcohol. 2. Fasted cardio and lifting weights will turn your body into a fat-burning machine.
3. Get 50g protein minimum in your 1st meal
4. One 24-hour fast each week.
5. Spend a lot of time sitting? Do "bar hangs" after each workout to decompress your spine
Aug 26 30 tweets 5 min read
My 8 years of fitness knowledge and 28,000+ tweets combined into one thread:

1. Stop drinking alcohol. It f*cks your sleep, recovery, cognition, energy, mood, libido, cravings, and more. STOP. 2. Remember this: Diet for fat-loss, lift for muscle, cardio for heart health.
3. Higher cortisol levels (stress) cause your body to retain more water. Retaining more water = more of that "bloated" look.
4. Room-temp water is better for workouts than cold water
Aug 25 18 tweets 5 min read
If I had to start from zero and my goal was to get as jacked as possible by 2025, this is everything I’d do:

#1 - Compound Lifts Wanna know how some people get MORE out of a 30-minute workout than others do in 60?

--> They focus on compound exercises
--> They take their sets close to failure

Compound movements train multiple muscle groups at the same time

Here are some examples 👇
Aug 24 4 tweets 2 min read
My daily non-negotiables if my goal was to lose 30 pounds by end of the year:

- Awake by 6am
- Asleep by 9pm
- No alcohol at all
- No eating after dinner
- 8000 steps (minimum)
- 100g carbs (maximum)
- 150g protein (minimum)
- Water+caffeine first thing
- 30 minutes direct sunlight
- Two 30-minute walks outside
- Intense 45min lift (focusing on progressive overload and lifting close to failure)
- Creatine, shilajit, magnesium, L-theanine, stim-free pre-workout & electrolytes

Copy & paste this plan and you'll get lean as f*ck. Look I’ll make this even easier for you:

30+ meals you can use to lose fat:

Aug 23 4 tweets 2 min read
2024 is already 64% OVER.

So I built you this weekly routine to make sure you end the year 20-40lbs lighter.

Start following this today:

Meal 1: Greek yogurt + eggs
Meal 2: 8oz 93/7 beef + 1cup rice
Workout: PUSH (Chest flys, incline press, shoulder press, cable lateral raise, overhead extensions, tricep pulldowns)

Meal 1: Protein shake + greek yogurt
Meal 2: 8oz chicken breast + potatoes
Workout: LEGS + CORE (Leg press, leg curls, leg extensions, RDL's, calf raises, machine crunch, cable side-bends)

Meal 1: Turkey bacon, eggs, protein shake
Meal 2: 8oz chicken + veggies + 1cup rice
Workout: OFF

Meal 1: 6oz 93/7 beef + eggs
Meal 2: 8oz sirloin + veggies + potatoes
Workout: PULL (Lat pulldown, close-grip row, cable pullover, preacher curl, cable hammer curl, machine rear delt fly)

Meal 1: Cottage cheese + protein shake
Meal 2: 8oz chicken + protein pasta
Workout: PUSH + CORE (Chest flys, incline press, shoulder press, cable lateral raise, overhead extensions, tricep pulldowns, machine crunch, cable side-bends)

Meal 1: Protein Pancakes
Meal 2: 8oz sirloin + 1cup rice
Workout: OFF

Meal 1: 8oz 93/7 beef + eggs
Meal 2: High-protein restaurant meal
Workout: 30-45mins brisk cardio (assault bike is generally best)

5g creatine
8,000 steps
7+ hours of sleep
Hydrate with electrolytes
Half your bodyweight in oz's of water (200lbs = 100oz's water)

2 alcoholic drinks MAX per week
Take your sets within 1-2 reps of failure
Aim for 1g protein per lb of your current bodyweight (can adjust food quantity in the meals above to hit this)

This is it.

This is your plan.

Follow this and you'll be in better shape than 90% of people within a few months. Want access to 30+ MORE high-protein, fat-loss meals?

Download my Recipe Vault 100% FREE here:
Aug 21 10 tweets 4 min read
Abs aren’t made in the kitchen

Just like your biceps, they’re a muscle that needs to be trained

Below are the 5 exercises I'd do to get a sculpted core and 6-pack abs: Image A strong, good-looking core can be achieved in just 5-minutes/day

But guess what?

If you're going to try for a day or 2 and give up, you're not going to see any progress

Willing to commit?

Then you have my personal guarantee that you'll see amazing results

Let's begin:
Aug 19 12 tweets 5 min read
"Stop snacking if you want to lose weight"


Below are the 9 "ready-to-go" snacks I eat almost every day to stay lean 365 days a year: Image Before we jump into it I want to say ONE thing:

Convenience is KEY.

The reason people opt for unhealthy snacks like Poptarts and chips is it takes 3 seconds to grab one and start eating

When you discover how to do this with healthy foods, your life changes.

Let's begin:
Aug 18 18 tweets 4 min read
5 Non-Negotiables if you need to lose 15-40 pounds in the next 90 days: 1.) Calorie deficit always

Weight loss is SIMPLE

If you burn more calories than you eat in a day, you lose weight END OF STORY.

Don't feel like counting calories?

Do this to lose weight anyway:
Aug 17 10 tweets 3 min read
You can lose 20lbs of fat in 8 weeks:

- Without starving
- Without aggressive dieting
- And without living in the gym

20lbs makes a MASSIVE difference in your physique and energy

Here's how to do it starting today:

#1 - Fasted cardio 2-3x per week. Image Without access to carbs or fat (from food), your body uses STORED FAT for energy.

Wake up and do 30 mins of fasted cardio.

My recommendations in order:
1. Assault Bike
2. Rowing Machine
3. Brisk Walking
Aug 15 18 tweets 3 min read
I’ve been training & study nutrition for 8 years.

Don't want to spend $1,000s on a coach?

Below are the 24 tips I'd give to anyone needing to drop a significant amount of body fat: 1. Creatine. You should take it, your friends should take it, your parents should take it. It's great for strength, building muscle, and cognition. 5g/day forever.
Aug 14 14 tweets 3 min read
Belly fat is shortening your life by up to 15 years

Want to lose the belly, fit your clothes better, and live a longer healthier life?

Start doing these 5 things religiously: Image #1 - Make protein the base of all meals

Protein takes more energy to break down leading to a higher burn rate

High-protein consumption leads to fat-loss because it keeps you FULLER longer for FEWER calories

Aug 13 11 tweets 4 min read
The best exercises you should do for each muscle group:

(Use this anytime you goto the gym) Image ~ CHEST ~

Incline Machine Press (Upper)
Flat Cable Flys (Middle)
Incline Cable Flys (Upper)
Decline DB Press (Lower)

2-3 sets each within 0-1 reps of failure sticking to 6-10 rep range Image
Aug 11 15 tweets 3 min read
If I woke up 30lbs overweight with a big belly

Below would be the grocery list, meals, workouts, and routine I'd use to get my body back in 90 days: GROCERY LIST:

- Eggs
- Carrots
- Low-carb tortillas
- Various hot sauces
- 3lbs chicken breast
- Big bag jasmine rice
- Whey protein powder
- 5lbs 93/7 ground beef
- Apples, pineapple, blueberries
- 4 tubs "Good Culture" cottage cheese
- Pint of ice cream (for sustainability)
Aug 10 9 tweets 2 min read
20 harsh fitness truths you don't want to hear, but need to:

1. If you drink alcohol, you're not serious about your fitness goals. Image 2. Following a plan for 5 days then pigging out because "you deserve it" is exactly why you can't lose weight.
3. Dad bods aren't attractive. They're proof you can't control what you put in your mouth
4. Exercise doesn't make you tired. You're tired because you don't exercise
Aug 3 17 tweets 3 min read
After 8 years in the gym, here's every fitness tip I could come up with:

1. Stop drinking alcohol. 2. Fasted cardio and lifting weights will turn your body into a fat-burning machine.
3. Get 50g protein minimum in your 1st meal
4. One 24-hour fast each week.
5. Spend a lot of time sitting? Do "bar hangs" after each workout to decompress your spine
Aug 2 11 tweets 3 min read
21 tips to lose stubborn fat in 30 days:

1.) Go alcohol-free. This makes everything 100x easier.
2.) 80% of your calories should come from steak, chicken, turkey, beef, veggies, fruit, shrimp, eggs, whole potatoes, white rice, and greek yogurt Image 3.) Get 50% of your protein goal in your 1st meal. This is proven to reduce total calories
4.) Understand this: If you're not losing weight, you're eating too many calories.
5.) Plan your meals. Debating "What should we eat?" always leads to quick, unhealthy food.
Jul 25 12 tweets 4 min read
Visceral fat releases chemicals and hormones that're toxic to your body

In addition to a big belly, you also become high-risk for heart disease, cancer, and early death.

Losing visceral fat should be your #1 priority.

Here's what I'd do to lose it ASAP: Image #1 - FASTED CARDIO

Put simply, without access to carbs or fat (from food), your body resorts to STORED FAT for energy.

Wake up and do 30-45mins of fasted cardio. Turn your body into a fat-burning machine Image