How to get URL link on X (Twitter) App’s a Vivek supporter? WTF? A reminder that the craziest people in America don’t fall along the typical left-right, Dem/GOP spectrum. were former Whigs, former Democrats and former Liberty party people who agreed on one thing: slavery shall not extend any further. They organized against what they called "The Slave Power," which controlled the Democratic Party (thanks partly to a 2/3 nominating rule)., I could accept this as much as I can a true two-state solution. But how many Palestinians want this? How many Israelis? As mangled and flawed as the Oslo plan was, there are still more people who support THAT in I-P than the Western-style secular lib/dem one state.'m agnostic on whether properly fit-tested N95+ masks work. I'll stipulate that they do, IF they're properly fit-tested & worn ALL the time. If a mask mandate envisions anything less, it is guaranteed to fail. And most people cannot - or will not - wear fit-test mask constantly.