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Aug 3 14 tweets 2 min read
Your time of birth wasn't random.

The sign rising when you were born, your ascendant sign, is a deliberate choice by your soul, a strategic selection of qualities needed for current life's journey.

Brief explanation 🧵: Aries Ascendant:

This lifetime, your focus is on asserting your individuality and pursuing your personal goals. You are meant to develop courage and independence.

In your past life, you were likely more focused on others, may have been overly compromising or people-pleasing.
Jul 7 14 tweets 2 min read
Whichever house Cancer sign occupies in your birthchart, it infuses it with emotional sensitivity. You may have a strong need to feel safe and secured about the matters governed by this house.

Brief explanation: Cancer in 1st house (self) :

You might present yourself with a warm, caring demeanor, seeking to create a sense of comfort and familiarity in interactions.
Jun 8 14 tweets 3 min read
Whichever house the Scorpio sign is placed in your birth chart, it pinpoints the area of your life where secrets and stubborn habits are present.

This isn't a curse, but an invitation for transformation.

Explanation 🧵: Scorpio in the 1st House (Self-Identity):

Dark Mysterious Persona.

Scorpio often constructs a carefully curated persona.
A mask hides burning desires and a hunger for control.

This hidden depth is what makes Scorpios so magnetic, yet also so difficult to truly know.
May 27 9 tweets 2 min read
What they find hard to deal with:

Sun 🌞(Leo) :

Humiliation and Public Shame: Anything that shatters their sense of self-worth and public image.

Being Ignored or Underestimated: Not receiving recognition for their achievements or leadership qualities. Moon 🌝 (Cancer) :

Abandonment and Rejection: The deepest fear of being left alone or isolated, especially emotionally.

Betrayal of Trust: Someone they rely on emotionally betraying their confidence or breaking a promise.
May 21 9 tweets 2 min read
When Rahu ☊ (north-node) conjuncts a planet in your birth chart, it highlights the area of life where you have a strong urge to grow and develop.

Rahu conjunctions also manifest as an insatiable hunger or a tendency to chase illusions related to that planet.

Brief explanation: Sun+Rahu:

A burning desire for recognition, leadership, and leaving your mark on the world.

An inflated ego that can morph into arrogance and a domineering presence.

Desire: Earning respect through authenticity and becoming a beacon of light for those around you.
May 15 10 tweets 2 min read
When Ketu ☋ (south-node) conjuncts a planet in your birth chart, it indicates a past life gift, and also a karmic lesson linked to that planet.

Brief explanation: Sun+Ketu: Can signify a charismatic personality with a strong sense of purpose. However, there might be a struggle with egotism or a fear of not living up to one's potential. Empower others instead of controlling them.
Mar 7 15 tweets 3 min read
First Lunar Eclipse of 2024!!

when: March 25
where: 11° Virgo
(hasta nakshatra)

Moon will be conjunct Ketu, opposite Sun, Mercury, Rahu, and aspected by Mars.

Be prepared to declutter your life and release outdated beliefs.
An emotional detox!

Sign wise general insights 🧵: Aries (lunar eclipse in 6th house)

This eclipse urges you to streamline your daily routine, prioritize sleep, and cultivate a calmer approach. It may also bring to light any conflicts or challenges in your workplace or daily life, prompting you to find practical solutions.
Feb 16 9 tweets 2 min read
Ketu is the Flag ⛳

Its placement in your birthchart is indicating what your past life revolved around, what you have already experienced.


Ketu in fire signs:
(Aries, Leo, Sagittarius)

Past life revolved around self-expression, independence, taking impulsive action.. You may have been very assertive, and driven by external validation.

Challenge in this life is to move beyond self-centeredness, developing emotional intelligence.

Unexplored potential lies in your ability to initiate things intuitively with creativity, and emotional depth.
Feb 6 15 tweets 2 min read
Kemdrum : Isolated Moon!!

When Moon, the emotional mind, is alone in a house without any other planets occupying the houses before or after it, this isolation can create emotional challenges.

Positive & Negative impacts of Kemdrum 🧵: Two conditions for Kemdrum:

1. Moon should be alone in a house.

2. Moon should not have any visible planet on either side of the house it is in, for example, if Moon is in the 12th house, then there should not be any planet present in the 1st house and 11th house.
Dec 13, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Auspicious Time for Marriage as per Vedic Astrology:

( based on 'mahurata chintamani' )

Sun ☀️ should be transiting one of these 6 signs:

Aquarius 11 Auspicious Nakshtaras (lunar mansions) for Marriage:

Uttara Phalguni
Uttara Ashada
Uttara Bhadrapada

*Please Note: The first quarter of Magha & Moola, and the last quarter of Revati are rejected (gandanta)
Nov 22, 2023 6 tweets 1 min read
12th house: magic of dream recall

12th house is associated with the subconscious mind and the unseen realms within.

Dream recall enhances your intuitive faculties, sharpening the ability to tune into subtle energies and messages from these unseen realms.

🧵: Keep a dream journal by your bedside. As soon as you wake up, jot down any fragments, feelings, or images you remember.

The act of writing can help reinforce your connection with your dream world.

Especially during this transit of Rahu in Pisces and Ketu in Virgo.
Nov 15, 2023 10 tweets 2 min read
Pisces ♓ Double Trouble: Confronting Saturn's Discipline and Navigating Rahu's Whims

If you have moon in sidereal Pisces then you could be dealing with an emotional whirlwind.

Rahu transiting your moon sign, Saturn transiting 12th from your moon.

Prioritize Health & Sleep🧵: Mind could be feeling like an alien. It's crucial to cultivate resilience, focusing on grounding practices like meditation, and seek supportive connections.

Sense of responsibility and a cautious approach is being advised regarding financial matters. There can be uncertainty.
Nov 9, 2023 11 tweets 2 min read
12th house is associated with hidden matters, the subconscious, and what's concealed from plain view. This includes hidden agendas and unseen adversaries.

Not everyone you encounter will have pure intentions.

12th house protection🧵: 🧿Protecting yourself from unseen adversaries:

Trust Your Intuition:

Listen to your gut feelings. If something doesn't feel right in a situation or with a person, pay attention to your intuition. It's often an early warning system.
Nov 7, 2023 11 tweets 2 min read
Mars is currently combust, meaning it is very close to the Sun.

It will be in combustion degrees until Dec 17, 2023.

9 potential effects of this transit: 1. Energy Drain:

When Mars is combust, one may find their energy levels significantly reduced. This can manifest as fatigue, lethargy, and a lack of motivation. Tasks that are typically straightforward may feel more challenging due to this energy depletion.
Oct 31, 2023 10 tweets 2 min read
Ketu ☋ is the cosmic whisperer of forgotten truths.

These "forgotten truths" are the lessons, wisdom, and experiences we carry from our past lives. Ketu's presence in our birth chart and transits serve as a reminder to reconnect with these deeper aspects of ourselves. Ketu's transit over Sun leads to a reevaluation of one's identity.

It may trigger a detachment from ego-driven ambitions, guiding individuals towards a more spiritually aligned purpose. One may even go into their shell for a while. EGO DISSOLUTION.
Oct 19, 2023 9 tweets 1 min read
4 Planets Transiting Libra !!

Today, Mercury, the messenger, has joined forces with Sun, Mars, and Ketu in sidereal Libra. They will be here until Oct 30, 2023, when Ketu will exit Libra.

7 potential challenges to be aware of, especially considering the lunar eclipse on Oct 28: 1. Conflict Potential:

This combination of Sun, Mars, Mercury & Ketu may lead to heated arguments and conflicts. Be cautious with your words and actions.
Sep 28, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
How to distinguish between a Libra and a Scorpio?

Observe how they handle conflicts:

Libra is the peacemaker, uses charm and will do almost anything to avoid conflicts, while Scorpios confront conflicts head-on with intensity, viewing them as opportunities for transformation. Their Emotional Resilience:

Libras can be emotionally sensitive, and decision-making may be a struggle due to their desire to please everyone. While Scorpios can navigate intense emotional waters without flinching and are unafraid to dive deep into profound feelings.
Sep 27, 2023 13 tweets 2 min read
The position of Mars in the birthchart also sheds light on what provokes anger in an individual.

Brief explanation:

Mars in the 1st house (Self):

Mars here can result in a quick temper, easily triggered by challenges to one's identity, personal space and their autonomy. Mars in the 2nd House
(Personal values & possessions) :

Embodies patience until provoked. Threaten their stability or possessions, and their anger simmers like a volcano, waiting to erupt. Rage related to financial or family matters, often expressed through harsh speech.
Jul 24, 2023 13 tweets 2 min read
Placement of Ketu indicates the area in which you desire liberation.


Ketu in the 7th house:

Your soul seeks freedom from dependency on others.

It is essential to cultivate independence and create your distinct identity rather than allowing others to shape it for you. Might as well cover the remaining houses as well ..

Ketu in the 1st house:

Your soul seeks freedom from self-centeredness and ego-driven behaviors. Embrace humility and let go of attachment to your self-image, allowing your true self to emerge.
Jul 6, 2023 9 tweets 2 min read
Flute 🪈 & Dhanishta Nakshatra
(23°40 Capricorn - 6°40 Aquarius)

One of the symbols associated with dhanishta nakshatra is a flute.

' The flute does not worry about who listens. It simply gives its melody to the wind. '

7 spiritual teachings of a flute:

🧵 Embrace Emptiness:

The flute teaches us that true beauty arises from the empty spaces within us, allowing the divine to flow through and create melodies of the soul.

In the emptiness of the flute, we find the space for divine melodies to flow through our souls.
Jun 30, 2023 7 tweets 1 min read
spiritual narcissist's 7 red flags:

🚩 Divine entitlement:

Beware of those who believe they have an exclusive connection to divine knowledge, claiming they possess special powers or insights that others lack. True spirituality embraces humility, not arrogance. 🚩Emotional manipulation:

Be wary of those who use emotional manipulation tactics to control vulnerable individuals. Spiritual narcissists may play on emotions like guilt, fear, or shame to maintain their power and influence.