Kindly Atcha 🍀 Profile picture
Kinda good to go (sorta). Just taking any old time about it..! see also see
Kindly Atcha 🍀 Profile picture 1 subscribed
Jul 13 5 tweets 2 min read
Comment: World and followers


it's becoming harder and rougher whilst tougher to simply post or repost here.

#Israel has and continues to get time to kill, maim and terrify Palestinian Gazans as the international community looks on.

and that's you too #Russia #China 2/

I personally have the balls to take on the problem and act to find and employ solutions.

make no bones about that.

this situation is sickening and I'm no longer able to constrain myself.

I have pulled 11 people out of Gaza in 3 years of effort.
I want all of 'em out.
Jul 13 8 tweets 3 min read
good morning & hey World and followers


please look-see here:

secondly: I'm not convinced we're at war in Ukraine per se. And never mind Israel on to Palestine horrors. We see deaths for sure... injured... IDP etc. no doubt about it.

Yet, 2/

like someone with sicko POV may take, it's looking as if 'death' is a coin of the realm in a crazy world of economics where a desired form of business growth is being achieved?

Necro - economic participation is a game you're in, or you're a victim of!

I'm suggesting again
Jun 28 4 tweets 2 min read
Just (Seriously) Spit-Balling Here

(reading advice, go to the bottom or foot of this thread (post 4/4) and begin there.)


Art; today's title: Many Meanings In A Moment Image 2/4

A set of ideas of stuff n' such crossing my mind of late and assembled today.
Self explanatory and make of the text as you will.

Jun 27 6 tweets 2 min read
New Rules (@NewRulesGeo):


Global Axis of Resistance.

Dimitri Simes Jr hosts Alexander Dugin (@Agdchan) and Pepe Escobar (@RealPepeEscobar)

Comment : I'm at ~39min & notion of Nuclear Multi-Polar Peace from Mr Dugin... see thread

video ~57:04min… 2/

This is a very interesting, good to see and yes it's a 'pretty' discussion too.
Nevertheless at the point of my opinion now (~40min in) it's non-compatible with my outlook. But I am ever so glad to see it

IMO we have complicity already in WORLD (not regional) desire to shift
Jun 24 16 tweets 4 min read
World and followers all


we have this from @netanyahu (see vid, see Axios article in QT)

please look-see and I'll comment (if you are interested to read) in this thread...

There's something very wrong with #Netanyahu. As also those around abouts in his cabinet or government and wider, in the #Knesset at large... whilst too there's no doubt that #Israeli public at the least are wanting #Gaza wiped off their versions of the map per se.
Jun 23 9 tweets 2 min read
Am I out on a limb in my opinion?


World and followers I'm not sure...

I can't see WWIII.

I can see the West Asian regional war being the Axis of Resistance against Israel.

I just however saw Ukraine with US weapons had attacked Crimea.

The reason I can't see WWIII is 2/

because I think, I do, that it would not go that far.
I can envisage Russia responding beyond Ukraine and into our UK or US territory. Targeting say into Whitehall, or in to DC areas. And aims of taking out specific people/staff/politicians etc.

That's what I thought.
Jun 16 10 tweets 3 min read

The Independent (@Independent):

Booker-winning author Arundhati Roy to be prosecuted under anti-terror laws in India

and note this awareness from Mr Varoufakis earlier....👇👇👇…

Outlook India:

‘Kashmir Not Integral Part Of India’: What Is Arundhati Roy's 2010 Speech That Invoked UAPA

If convicted of sedition under the sedition law, author-activist Arundhati Roy could face punishment ranging from a fine to life imprisonment…
Jun 16 13 tweets 3 min read
hi yourself @V_eta1

I'm (only now) running through your reply to me (both versions).

Quite packed with ideas/thought I am (kinda) familiar territory wise from myself. Yet nevertheless of your own ilk maybe?!


you begin with a Q&A;
this is sort of a given
no argument 2/

on how to navigate & make sense?
yes it's most certainly a 'kaleidoscope' and yes, one increasingly engineered as you point out.
again,I have no argument

as far as formula for this engineering of our understanding of the present?
the divisions of 'the masses' as you
Jun 9 11 tweets 3 min read
no one (see full thread QT) in my neck of the woods is claiming Ziono-fascists from out of Israel/US/lobby or anywhere is running USA (or UK) per se as Mr Berletic offers we are deluded to think


we're saying they (Ziono-fascist et al) are led by the nose as they lead those 2/

in USA-UK who need them as excuses; or to allow themselves to be led by them too

This WAS a complex game for sure

As far as Hamas goes. NO, not now full on Western proxy or aligned to Western backed Gulf depots or royal idiotic psudo religious authoritarian Arab monarchs...
Jun 9 6 tweets 2 min read
@V_eta1 I'll download both versions of our conversations to pdf @V_eta1

I'll look though again too to consider more thoroughly

at this point again yes your pretty cool for thinking


I'm not convinced systems, Western and Eurasian and China type + more will come out unscathed @V_eta1 2/

from that (R)evolution we both seek, is probable regardless of what we think, and will be universal here on our planet all told

I'm not sure though of form and we may differ on our respective underpinnings to future further chats

nevertheless you err on areas and I think
Jun 8 5 tweets 2 min read
Comment : Hi all World & followers.


My POV, so no mistakes and so you know.

I fail to understand why many aren't prioritizing issues we all face.

Let me illustrate:

the #Ukraine good folks as priority whilst yet #UkraineNazis as pure trouble 2/

#Israel and facilitators/support as a problem...
being principally the
#USA #UK #EU #Western drift to #Fascism as issue beyond the norm
#Russia as the good guys in the anti-fascist battle here-and-now
(#China I blow hot-and-cold over & yet I have no issue here as I type)
Jun 6 8 tweets 2 min read

Active Measures (@KitKlarenberg):

from today 6 June

Declassified: BBC and MI6 Kosovo War Propaganda Blitz… 2/

The Grayzone (@TheGrayzoneNews):

from 24 March

Kosovo War at 25: Blair’s secret invasion plot to ‘topple Milosevic’ revealed
Kit Klarenberg…
Jun 5 13 tweets 3 min read
Comment: hello World and followers.

Thread type thing


I'm pro - peace ✌️

nevertheless I say I'm pro Resistance Axis.

I can tell you I'm feeling rank.
Gaza FFS is getting hectic if ever it wasn't.
I feel lost in my ability. I'm unable to do 2/

all needed. My cash is reduced by the effort plus I have been scammed and to me some considerable amount is lost.
I'm gutted.

What to do?
UK - US - damned EU et al Western are pulling the rug and now a blanket of lies over our very eyes.
Nevertheless we are in fraught times
May 26 6 tweets 2 min read

From Active Measures (@ActiveMeasures8):

of May 23 UN majority recognition of July 11 as annual Sbrenica international memorial day of Genocide & further

Thought to you @samhusseini @Glenn_Diesen @AMercouris @AXChristoforou

(Link in post 2/6 below (poor audio at start)) 2/

Please track to view Kit Klarenberg (@KitKlarenberg) discuss this with Nebojša Malić at ~52:00min

All are urged to view. I have idea of evolving & attempted say, reality design perhaps? And so I disagree with Mr Malić's imagery of end of US hegemony

May 4 9 tweets 3 min read

Maverick News (@rw581): Lori Spencer (@RealLoriSpencer):

An alternate (to my) view on the protests US side etc.

'Useful Idiots HOODWINKED By Hamas'

Mr Walker: "Once they get done with the Jews, they're coming for you!"


video ~1:08:03hrs… 2/

i) Psychological Overture (Live)
followed by
ii) Floating Anarchy (Live)
Gong (the remaining album is cool too)

let me quote a lyric: "Fascism, Communism, Capitalism, Socialism...Aah...Obsolete"

Comment: we knew this in '77. Let's finish the job

May 1 8 tweets 2 min read

Consortium News (@Consortiumnews):

Patrick Lawrence: This Isn’t Fascism

Comment: a bit of a read and I offer it is absolutely contentious under the circumstances.

my POV in post 3/ below. This is difficult Ok but I'm going to express my self ...… 2/

The Manifesto of The Man Who Self-Immolated Outside Trump's NYC Trial

comment: please go through this. you will see him as not as sadly misguided or mistaken as Patrick Lawrence offers he was ...


Apr 28 6 tweets 2 min read
Suck It Out
Menace Beach

audio ~ 3:25min

Comment: you'll be going fine (?) and a f****n' country like f****n' #Israel f***s it up & pulls the entire Western f****n' elite and lackies into this sh*t.

And what about #Palestine?



I know
I know

I'm not here arguing...

F****n' USA - UK ---- name 'em all and the rest

Well it's one big sh*t show now for sure.

#FreePalestine FFS

And think of your neighbour in your locales. Everywhere...

A bulk of them too...lackies or ignorant or WTF
Apr 26 7 tweets 3 min read
NOTE: to all Followers & of the World

I'm especially directing this to youth or young adults please.


To begin, please view :

Col Lawrence Wilkerson guests on a Judge Napolitano (@Judgenap) programme, earlier today 26 April

Video clip ~7:04min


A POV of mine was brought to focus in the clip from Mr Wilkerson.

To young people, you bulk of peaceniks and anti-genocidaires ... you all protesting US side and here UK, in Europe, Australia and so forth Western based.

Mr Wilkerson is "proud" of all the young people.
Apr 17 4 tweets 1 min read
for immediate attention

@4noura @VanessaBeeley @EvaKBartlett @FiorellaIsabelM @gheliason @afshinrattansi @MaxBlumenthal @aaronjmate @anyaparampil @21WIRE @mtaibbi @Consortiumnews @DerbyChrisW @Tracking_Power @ryangrim

I mean everyone

are you aware of this obscenity

👇👇👇 👆👆👆

@KatieHalperShow @SabbySabs2 @NatCounterPunch @NormIslandNews @CEstateMedia @JeffreyStClair3 @NatStClair @unjoe @CathyVoganSPK @ElizabethleaVos @ ...

get the word out eh...

this is utterly not on
Apr 6 8 tweets 2 min read
Comment: hello World & followers



I'm woke this morning and flying through X/ & reposting.
here-and-now it's striking me a good number of us are.
What do we do?
Getting news around is good okay.
Bevertheless, what do we do in immediacy to stop it ... 2/


I have a deep revulsion to think this is a day like any other now.
We know to stop this.
We know peace and almost (and if required) the dismantling/end of Israel is necessary.

Yet that mindset [of Israel's] is around in many Western areas and esp politically.
Mar 30 17 tweets 4 min read
I want to say a thing.
I'm thinking of #Anonymous per se.


I'm not techie.
I'm not.
so I'm not an active person in this crew.

further, I once was invited and milled amongst them & was recognised soon amongst a few of them and groups etc

my point is: you find good eggs all 2/

over the place. you certainly do.
anyhow, I became aware of not friction in areas of Anons I coexisted with online. but there's a lot of effort in Anonymous to smooth the way for each and all amongst themselves and I shan't say more.
just to point it's okay in ways to hang