Audrey Clare Farley Profile picture
PhD @UMDEnglish. Contributor @NewRepublic. Author of THE UNFIT HEIRESS (2021) and GIRLS & THEIR MONSTERS (2023). Researching Lamb of God community in Baltimore.
Mar 22, 2023 12 tweets 5 min read
On racial, sexual, and religious violence...

Meet Carl and Sadie Morlok (aka Henry and Gertrude Genain). When a very pregnant Sadie told her doctor in 1929 that she suspected multiples, he replied, “Aren’t you a white woman?” 1/ Image When Sadie birthed quadruplets, Carl was furious, asking, “What will they think my wife is, a bitch dog?” He’d been told to marry someone with his own superior (German) heritage and this partly Scottish-Irish woman was bringing him shame. 2/ Image