How to get URL link on X (Twitter) App workers don't magically return home through their libertarian portal when they get done with work goes at least 3 hours, he’s not exactly a hard hitting interviewer but he isn’t going to spoon feed her like most of the mainstream you have a fairly unified society minor deviations can be navigated through consensus or even tolerated democracy encourages the politicalization of every aspect of society until civilization itself becomes impossible fact that our two political parties have basically become coded male and female is a disaster, turning the arenas of dating and marriage into a political battlefield 2/ press have been running cover for Biden his entire presidency, which is the only way he could ever even pretend to function, but now journalists are running any and every roomer of disfunction or concession they hear as fact in the hopes of pressuring the old husk out 2/ are being trafficked across our border but a totally foreign conflict is the only priority conservatives have to play this strange game where they pretend that different rules don't apply to the majority of their coalition /2 GOP has been eager to discard its white working and middle class base for some time so they embrace this, even though this much vaunted support never seems arrive browser, the search engine, Google classroom, docs, slides"Oh no muh credentialism!" is a nightmare for Biden (when I say Biden I mean the people who actually run his administration) CRA destroyed or curtailed several core constitutional rights and created a blank check for the centralization of government power