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Feb 21 4 tweets 1 min read
The level of cope required to craft this post is incredible

The left hate Musk, and they treat intelligence as a proxy for morality so Musk must be stupid or average at best The idea that morality is a purely rational endeavor has all kinds of disastrous consequences

Not the least of which is that the left has given birth to the IQ maximalists who they absolutely cannot handle because it’s just the logical conclusion of their own ideology
Jan 3 4 tweets 1 min read
I love this meme because it displays the stupidity required to conclude that mass immigration is only a "consensual" exchange between a corporation and foreign labor The workers don't magically return home through their libertarian portal when they get done with work

They radically alter the neighborhoods they settle in, compete for housing, place stress on infrastructure, increase crime, and reduce social trust
Nov 27, 2024 10 tweets 2 min read
Samuel Huntington prophetically claimed that the question of this century would be "Who are we?"

The debate over what a nation is and who is an American will continue to haunt every political issue until it is settled 🧵/1 This question isn't going away and panicked conservatives spouting platitudes about the founding fathers while trying to cancel anyone who actually repeats what the founders said won't make it go away

If conservatives refuse to participate it will simply be had without them /2
Oct 15, 2024 5 tweets 1 min read
The level of incompetence in the Harris campaign makes it difficult to judge how possible this really is

Yes, she’s failing horribly with men and Rogan has a huge male audience but Harris also has a record of embarrassing herself in any interview that lasts more that 15 minutes Rogan goes at least 3 hours, he’s not exactly a hard hitting interviewer but he isn’t going to spoon feed her like most of the mainstream

Italian seems very unlikely that he’d heavily edit to protect her like CBS
Oct 12, 2024 5 tweets 1 min read
Sure, but what you are really observing is the lifting of the liberal veil, the return to a recognition of politics as an existential clash of cultures When you have a fairly unified society minor deviations can be navigated through consensus or even tolerated

But as the differences come to define your society and the gulf between becomes too vast common ground erodes
Oct 2, 2024 4 tweets 2 min read
From what I can only assume is his padded cell James Lindsay has constructed an elaborate conspiracy theory in which I have almost single-handedly captured conservative media in a a nefarious scheme to implement the Globalist Schmittian WEF agenda known as …. regionalism
“Don’t you see! Auron MacIntyre convinced Trump to post a Catholic prayer in an effort to push global gnostic Marxist Christian Nationalist regionalism!”
Sep 22, 2024 4 tweets 1 min read
Only someone bent on the destruction of their civilization would celebrate turning men and women into hostile voting blocs

Which would explain Kristol pretty well Mass democracy encourages the politicalization of every aspect of society until civilization itself becomes impossible

Families can’t form and your way of life can’t persist because political divisions run down the middle of every household
Jul 29, 2024 6 tweets 1 min read
The Total State Schmitt warned about was one in which democratic politics came to dominate every sphere of life

Here we see universal suffrage as the universal acid of civilization🧵/1 The fact that our two political parties have basically become coded male and female is a disaster, turning the arenas of dating and marriage into a political battlefield 2/
Jul 19, 2024 9 tweets 2 min read
The media has basically laid siege to the Biden presidency, running endless stories about his inevitable resignation

Trump obviously took for granted going in that he would have this level of hostility, but Democrats assume slavish press compliance 🧵/1 The press have been running cover for Biden his entire presidency, which is the only way he could ever even pretend to function, but now journalists are running any and every roomer of disfunction or concession they hear as fact in the hopes of pressuring the old husk out 2/
May 17, 2024 17 tweets 3 min read
The government is madating gay indoctrination for children

NBC can't do a nature documentary without making it gay

The NFL is condemning a player for loving his wife and preferring a traditional family, calling it an attack on the gay community

What's happening here? 1/🧵👇
The total state seeks to maximize efficiency and stability by exerting control in every domain of life
within its ever-expanding borders. /2
May 16, 2024 30 tweets 7 min read
Memes I have made, a thread 🧵 Image Image
May 10, 2024 11 tweets 4 min read
A thread of Republicans spending all of their political capital on a foreign nation while America is being invaded 🧵 Children are being trafficked across our border but a totally foreign conflict is the only priority
Apr 7, 2024 12 tweets 2 min read
We’re entering very interesting territory where non-state foreign actors can challenge state sovereignty in very direct ways 👇🧵/1 Image This power has been available for a while of course, the GAE used it to manipulate many different color revolutions and the Arab spring, but that power has always been wielded by regime-aligned actors 2/
Mar 23, 2024 8 tweets 2 min read
The truth is that in a multiethnic democracy identity politics are the most reliable and powerful tool available

The GOP knows this and deploys them whenever it's allowed to but the left sets those rules 1/🧵 So conservatives have to play this strange game where they pretend that different rules don't apply to the majority of their coalition /2
Mar 10, 2024 5 tweets 1 min read
A gentle reminder that the border is open and there is essentially nothing preventing immigrants from bringing this madness here

In fact, when those immigrants arrive at the southern border the Biden admin often flies them directly into the heart of the country Image When they arrive the left will claim that these immigrants are immediately American, in fact they are better than American citizens

If one of these immigrants murders an American anyone who calls them illegal, even the president, will be made to apologize
Mar 6, 2024 16 tweets 3 min read
We live in an ideological age

Communism, fascism, classical liberalism, progressivism, democracy

We fight wars over these terms even though some of them have become dead and others meaningless 🧵/1 👇 Modern people think of ideology as something constructed before a society begins, something that defines a civilization from the start but this is not the case 2/
Mar 5, 2024 4 tweets 1 min read
Most of the conservative voter base has accepted the progressive fatih claim that minority voters are a sacred class and their approval is the only way to validate your political formula The GOP has been eager to discard its white working and middle class base for some time so they embrace this, even though this much vaunted support never seems arrive

It also make it easier to sell the open borders the GOP actually believe in
Feb 24, 2024 7 tweets 1 min read
The American identity is fundamentally Christian and specifically Protestant in nature

The only reason a debate around “Christian nationalism” even exists is that we allowed the liberal delusion of neutral secular institutions to take hold 👇 1/🧵 Every every nation has a system of beliefs that frames their worldview and defines their vision of the good

No one is secular, replacing a formal religion with an ideology doesn’t make you neutral, enlightened, or objective

Ideology is simply a crude substitute for religion /2
Feb 21, 2024 4 tweets 1 min read
People are freaking out about Google's "great replacement history edition" AI but I promise you it's way worse than you imagine

Google has worked hard to make the Chromebook ubiquitous in public education

They own the architecture by which your children validate truth 👇🧵/1 The browser, the search engine, Google classroom, docs, slides

Everything is integrated and this algorithmic ecosystem is the only way students ever learn to gather information or judge its validity 2/
Jan 27, 2024 10 tweets 2 min read
I feel bad for the classical liberal hold out sometimes, they don't know that we've already passed an almost comical number of "point of no returns" at this point

Then I remember that they encouraged most of those revolutions and I don't feel so bad anymore "Oh no muh credentialism!"

Yes that will be the final block that collapses the order but where were you when the revolution ate the church, the family, the nation

Oh right you were spearheading the revolution against them
Jan 25, 2024 5 tweets 1 min read
We are entering a critical moment where the discipline of the regime will be tested

The leftist vanguard will attempt to initiate a wreckless purity spiral, demanding the Biden administration crack down on Texas in order to retain its authority 1/🧵 This is a nightmare for Biden (when I say Biden I mean the people who actually run his administration)

He can't been seen sending any kind of force with the explicit mission to OPEN the border, it gives away the game especially in an election year 2/