National Autistic Society Profile picture
We are here to transform lives, change attitudes and create a society that works for autistic people.
Jeannette King OG (Jett, ChillZ,Flo,Jill) Profile picture 1 subscribed
Apr 26 4 tweets 1 min read
It’s disgraceful that one of the biggest streaming services in the world, with an audience of hundreds of millions of people, has given a platform to a show that casually promotes dodgy and untested science about autism. @netflix should take this down immediately. (1/4) Text: Hack Your Health. The Secrets of your Gut. The show refers to autism as a 'disease' and 'brain problem'. Autism is a lifelong disability, not a disease linked to gut health, and cannot be treated or cured. To suggest otherwise is wrong, deeply irresponsible, and offensive to autistic people and their families. (2/4)