Actually Disabled Adult Profile picture
#ActuallyAutistic diagnosed in adulthood, w/ autistic husband and daughter, lover of pineapple on pizza, feminist, atheist, chronically ill, bisexual. She/ her.
Oct 29, 2018 8 tweets 2 min read

TW: R slur, old-fashioned and ableist beliefs, brief transphobia, using “autistic” to mean “stupid”, ABA

Just had a horrible fight with my mother. She still thinks I’m a “modern hipster just looking for attention”, as she puts it, for wanting to get a diagnosis. I told her about my evaluation last week and she said, “I knew you were r*tarded when you were fixated on ‘accepting’ Legacy’s autism. And ‘supporting’ your confused SON, who is definitely not this modernista ‘non binary’ bullshit. Yeah, those were some real autistic beliefs.”