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Editor in Chief @QawwamMagazine | SAIF Propagandist | My Book: https://t.co/WabOScSeNA | https://t.co/6sPzbr51Iy
Oct 29, 2024 7 tweets 7 min read
So it’s confirmed that American Psycho, the right-wing/straight male classic and Zoomer meme treasure, is being remade. I’m personally a big fan of the original — hilarious, predictive, and pisses off the right people who can’t stand its popularity despite its gruesome attitude. I originally wanted to talk about what I expect they’ll do exactly to ruin it as an F U to all the men who love it, but first I’ll have to explain, in layman’s terms, why it became so loved in the first place.Image
Brett Easton Ellis wrote the original novel as a frustrated young man (of fluid sexual inclinations) who couldn’t stand the vapid materialist consumerism of 80s yuppies. I haven’t read the novel yet, but read some passages and heard that it's far more graphic than what the film portrays in terms of Patrick Bateman’s killing. When the movie was made though, the novel, which didn’t have much of the now well-known “American Psycho Aesthetic” took on its modern flavor with Christian Bale and a female director who added an incredible comedic and philosophical punch (which I don’t think she even realizes she made in the movie.)Image
Oct 1, 2024 6 tweets 5 min read
The Bodybuilding Forum, one of the earliest fitness online communities, was shut down recently. It's incredible looking back on it, such a wild snapshot of the recent past before the cultural revolutions that made today's clown world. Here's a thread of my favorite posts: Image 1. The Dreamer Bulk. A 17-year-old kid in 2007 decided to "bulk up" and posted his routine/diet. He received so much ridicule he left the forum. The term "Dreamer Bulk" (getting fat under the pretense of bulking) came from this.

This was considered an insane, comical diet back in 2007. Today a significant % of Americans eat like this without any specified goal.

Apr 12, 2024 6 tweets 2 min read
The ex-gangster/pimp turned Islamic speaker. The psychology major to “female scholar” pipeline. The redpill masculinity coach who converts to Islam because it’s “based”. The divorced single mother who wants to teach young Muslim girls “their worth”.

Any worthwhile islamicate will never come about as long as this type of Broken Muslim is allowed to even speak in public. No one seems to talk about the undeniable historical fact that Broken Muslims with ridiculous pasts filled with degenerate behavior never cause any worthwhile change. At best they inspire some Muslims to cut out some sinning from their personal life and a few conversions, but that’s it. They never actually build anything yet we treat them like they do. It’s sickening.
Dec 18, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
Nobody talks about how many Muslim girls implicitly reject guys for being too good/outshining them in basic character traits You hear a lot about the opposite, but no one talks about the fact that loads of these girls are actually terrified of guys who are hyper aware about deen issues or have a mildly interesting inner life. They just want an empty headed retard who fits the materialistic aspects.
Sep 13, 2023 14 tweets 7 min read
🧵I haven’t made a “what I hate about popular entertainment” thread in a while, but regardless, this episode in Black Mirror’s latest season falls right into my “cultural sphere” and I haven’t been able to stop thinking about how utterly horrific it is

So let’s talk about it: Image To preface: I’m sure you guys who follow me all know already, but almost all popular depictions of Muslims in media today all suck. Horrifically, gut wrenching levels of low quality trash. It’s libtard diversity token propaganda with cultural communist undertones and never delivers a positive message that leaves the audience fulfilled or having learned anything. You will always leave these productions feeling worse than before.

You might think: is this the usual case of white libs trying to write about cultures they don’t understand and failing as usual? Nope! Not this time.

Aug 21, 2023 10 tweets 6 min read
I decided to give this a read. I knew it would be bad, but I didn't expect this. Lmao.

Let's go through it:

The point of this, according to this lady, is to "preserve the Islamic tradition" whilst extrapolating it into modern contexts. It uses, as a primary example to detail her thinking, a "case" she got of a woman who was "ghosted" during the courting process with a man after an argument. There was no nikah contract done, they were doing this purely moving along with social expectations. Therefore, under the tradition's law, there is nothing legally binding on this man. He doesn't owe her anything.

This text however argues, that because we allegedly don't live in a time where this man would be accosted and browbeaten for ghosting this girl (a lie), and that we aren't in Islamically sanctioned lands (in addition to other factors), we can use the sharia to hold him liable in this case. What could possibly go wrong?

Furthermore, she concludes from these reasons that this somehow makes the argument for a need of "female jurists" (AKA Muslim Longhouse Commissars) to help in these cases,

Ah yes, please hit me with "The modern world brings with it a total loss of Sharia, women most affected"

I'm sure this narcissistic perspective won't creep into the rest of this text at all Image
Aug 11, 2023 21 tweets 13 min read
A few weeks ago, I finished watching The Sopranos. After some thought I believe it’s the best show I’ve seen yet that illustrates the decline of male brotherhoods, immigrant communities, and American society as a whole

This will be on an ongoing thread of my thoughts: Image From the get go, Tony tells you what the series is about. He knows that even though he’s far richer than his father was, he feels his father “had it better.” Both were mobsters, but Tony believes he had the better life as one.

“I came in at the end. The best is over.”
Jul 1, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Regarding the situation in France,

For the foolish people playing the “we wuz colonized” angle, I have a question for you.

If you were the colony of a nation for a hundred years and were brutalized by them to the extent you hate them for generations, you’ll understandably want… twitter.com/i/web/status/1… American Muslims get a lot of rightful flak for how they behave, but maybe you should think about why they never seem to have these problems.
Jun 6, 2023 11 tweets 4 min read
I won’t get into the reasons for sisters or the negative exceptionalism associated with “western girls”, rather I’ll point out the obvious one that seems to be the biggest issue for most guys: the money requirements *for the marriage itself* (1/x) A lot of the time, it’s not that they’re unable to afford the life of being married (bills, apartment, gifts, etc.), rather it’s the *procession* of getting married blows a medieval cannonball through the bank accounts of most guys.
Jun 6, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
“The Matrix” but it’s a movie about a guy who cures his “porn addiction” by leaving the USA and finding out that beautiful women do actually exist, just not in an American shithole city Average passport bro when they land in a foreign country for the first time and see a woman that actually looks like she’s alive and not grey, dull, packed with SSRIs
Jun 5, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
No one that reads the ahadith about Uthman RA can have faith and say this Also, the very popular claim that he was a tribalist because he allegedly placed his clan in positions of power isn’t nasty because it’s an outright lie, it’s a complete lack of context
Jun 3, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
“Possible Western agent” LMAOOOOOOO Also, what is this tweet? I’m quoting in defense of the Muslim world from the propaganda that we commit violence against women at astronomical rates, yet this means I’m a Western agent?
May 18, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
Lot of people lost their minds over me including Malala in the tweets I deleted. I got rid of it because I realized no one understood the point.

It’s that the American security state and cuckservative press always props up characters like her in media to justify western… twitter.com/i/web/status/1… Image Malala, whether she did anything “wrong” or is a grifter or whatever is irrelevant. What’s relevant is the fact that diasporatards always fall for it when US state department and NGOs craft a character out of a sob story that happened in a Muslim country, then using that they… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
Apr 29, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
Scenario: a secular figure criticizes the Prophet ﷺ for establishing offensive conquest across Arabia.

Muslim A response: contorts into vague explanation about how it was defensive

Muslim B response: calls out secular figure for pretending entire history of humanity wasn’t a… twitter.com/i/web/status/1… Claim: the Prophet ﷺ genocided the Jews of Madina unjustly

Muslim A response: pretends it didn’t happen outright, only acknowledges the Charter of Medina without the history that followed

Muslim B: points out that the Jews who were subject to punishment violated the treaty… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
Apr 29, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
It became pretty known some time ago that debating secular leftist scum was pointless because their entire view of history, human nature, and politics is a mythology fostered by academic fart huffing; so their arguments against Islam all stem from that @DrJavadTHashmi, instead of debating on the correct grounds that the footing they stand on is an emotional modernist mirage, wants to take the debate back 20 years when we still took these idiots seriously.
Apr 28, 2023 8 tweets 3 min read
This is now a serious issue by the way. I hear constantly from students of knowledge, imams, mosque organizer friends that they’re afraid of confronting feminist delusions NOT because of “backlash”, but because they don’t want to cause girls in their congregation whose faith is… twitter.com/i/web/status/1… And they do this without even knowing it. They hear about the existence of slavery in Islamic empires for example, of very basic quotes from scholars in mainstream books about nature of women or marriage according to Quran and Sunnah; but they’re so drunk on narcissism and their… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
Apr 23, 2023 6 tweets 3 min read
Seeing a lot of morons talk about Homer again, so just to repeat: there’s an active agenda, predominantly through neutered and effeminate translation and re-writing, to reinterpret all classical works as never disturbing the false holiness of the gynocratic world of today ImageImage I went over this in my article for @im_1776 last year. The main goal of the trash heap of anti-male propaganda being pushed through these academics is to cast a filthy shadow over anything that inspires young men to reach for anything greater

Apr 22, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
You’re displaying the exact behavior of Ibn Abi Salool, the leader of the hypocrites in the Prophet’s ﷺ time

It’s a sign of faith to rejoice when those who harm Islam and Muslims meet their demise, doesn’t matter when or how. Those who object to this joy, whine, and proclaim… twitter.com/i/web/status/1… Hey Javad, what was the Prophet’s ﷺ reaction when Abu Lahab and his sons passed? Or Abu Jahls? Did he put on a facade of pity and compassion like you’re doing now?
Apr 17, 2023 12 tweets 4 min read
🧵: I saw this story recently and it enraged me to no end, so after thinking about it for a long time I realized my opinion hasn’t changed Image In short: Malaysian American guys’ son is pizza delivery guy. One day he gets lured by a delivery in an awful neighborhood where the guy who ordered robs and kills him. Image
Apr 15, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
I’m once again reminded with stories like this how many women don’t even have the humbleness or sly to be indifferent towards modern matriarchal divorce rape, but actually go through great pains to justify it and rub it in men’s faces During times of peace, medieval despots and nobles of the old world would often cloak their privilege and status in a digestible way to the masses, to seek their sympathy and not garner their hatred.

The irascible noble women of today however rub it in your face and spit on you
Mar 23, 2023 8 tweets 3 min read
Obviously won’t quote the explicit tweet, but this touches on something I thought of recently. Since when have we accepted prostitutes and pornography actors so easily into the mainstream?

This is a cultural jump (though non surprising) that just went under the radar Not that long ago, among the large majority of center-liberal secular westerners, pornography and prostitution were two big red lines. It was a growing open secret that many, many people consumed them, porn especially, but it was considered insane to ever bring it up