Aydin Paladin🍸👑💛🖤✝️📊 Profile picture
Nov 20, 2023 9 tweets 3 min read
Oh WOWEE, where do I even begin? Let's start with the fact that you don't chart regression analysis on a linear chart like that. A regression chart will have multiple points and look more like pic, tracking the relationships between predictors and outcome variables; a thread:
Image There are multiple types of regressions; linear, multiple, non-linear, etc. The image represents none of the types of regressions. I get this is supposed to be a "joke" but if your whole point is that social justice comedy is "smart but funny" then don't screw up like that.
Sep 11, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
Looks like someone is mad that I reported on their published paper. If you don't want your "research" to be criticized, don't publish it. That's what peer review is. All information in my video is public and published BY THE AUTHORS. Image @OregonState If your faculty do not want their publications to be reviewed by peers, then they should not be publishing it. Is this the standard of academic ethics endorsed by your institution?
Jul 24, 2023 25 tweets 5 min read
Ive heard the most conflicting things about Barbie. The trailer looked great, but reviewers I trust have said it's a bait and switch for vile anti-natalist misandry while others are saying it's actually good. Only one way to find out. 🤷‍♀️ Will give my thoughts in this thread. As Ive mentioned, I loved Barbie and American Girl dolls when I was a child so I SURE HOPE this doesn't make me irate, but the word feminism got dropped in the first 5 minutes after showing little girls violently destroying baby dolls because motherhood bad, so...probably not.
Jul 23, 2023 9 tweets 2 min read
This study is one of the funniest things I've ever read. Not just the shitpost troll responses from the students, but the utter lack of both self-awareness and research methods best practices that produced said responses, which are easily avoidable bulletin.appliedtransstudies.org/article/2/1-2/… I may make a short video about this, but the TL;DR is they offered a $5 Amazon gift card for participation and then booted participants who didn't identify as transgender/non-conforming, at which point they were pissed and reloaded the page, now saying they were to get the card.
May 17, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
I wanted to try food from this pub that recently started delivering and got nachos with guac. I didn't refrigerate it overnight and had some leftovers the next day, thinking it would be fine for just 12 hours. They were not. Worst food poisoning I've ever experienced 😭🤮 I must have puked over a dozen times from early morning yesterday till 4am this morning. Couldn't even keep down water to the point I got so dehydrated I started having hallucinations. I probably should have gone to the hospital but made it through and can now drink water,😮‍💨
May 8, 2023 14 tweets 3 min read
I feel like people are probably really tired of hearing me talk about my personal experiences with Lupron depot, but when folks like Lance keep talking about it like a harmless panacea I feel I need to keep talking about it to explain what exactly this "simple" drug is and does.. I have, again, said this many times, but it is important because this drug, Lupron, is the primary drug given to children as a hormone blocker and it is one I took when I was 21 to treat stage IV endometriosis. It destroyed my bones. I am glad I took it, but I was an adult.
May 6, 2023 14 tweets 4 min read
I would say I'm at a loss for words to describe the film I just watched, but I'm clearly not because I'm about to post a thread about it; but in short, WOW was this movie not only trash but perhaps the worst American "remake" of horror film to date. It's actually shameful. Image I call From Black a remake, though it doesn't purport to be as such, because it's nearly a 1-to-1 American adaptation of the 2016 Irish film A Dark Song, which is one of the most brilliant horror movies I've ever seen. Yet writer/director Thomas Marchese obviously didn't "get" it
Mar 29, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
When I was about 21 I was placed on Lupron Depot to treat endometriosis; the drug that is given to children to prevent puberty. I lost something like 40% of my bone mass. To this day I have to worry that any trip or stumble will break a bone. No one tells trans people this. I have largely overcome my serious disease as a product of being a guinea pig for current treatments for endometriosis. That's fine. But PLEASE stop giving children Lupron depot! It is NOT SAFE!
Feb 27, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Vaush talks a lot about 'stochastic terrorism', a tactic he frequently accuses people like Tucker Carlson of for talking about drag queen story hour. It's the idea you create an environ of hate to encourage violence. This is stochastic terrorism. The purpose is fear and death. Everybody knew Jeremy is on vacation and likely had someone house-sitting for his pets. There main point of swatting is death, to get people or pets (the most common victims) killed. Even if you truly believed Jeremy is a Nazi (he's not), the intent here was to harm innocents.
Feb 26, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
It's incredibly cute (read: sick) that it took a month for the left to notice what was happening in East Palestine OH, only for them to claim it was all Trump's fault. These people are overtly evil. They denied it for a month and now only admit it happened because ORANGE MAN. Y'all literally spent 3+ weeks saying that everything was fine and only now do you pretend to care because Trump showed up with water and goods as the first person to give mass support to these people. We know you hate them; they're blue collar workers. Why even pretend now?
Feb 16, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Oh God, do I have to explain statistical significance? Okay, significance means that the chance of an item occurring in a system is non-random. We determine association via things like correlation, but significance via predictive modeling, such as ANOVA or regression. Determining if an item will occur is not based on random belief; but on statistical analysis. We do not predict things based on correlation, but on modeling to determine variance accounted for. This is not actually that complex.
Feb 15, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
In our TTRPG, I have been asked to choose an eveelution for a pet for my character. Which type should I go with? My character is a rock person and there isn't a rock type, so not sure which one works best.
Jan 11, 2023 10 tweets 2 min read
If you're not aware, Wizards of the Coast are currently trying to claim copyright over every single company's IP who has used their TTRPG rules. It is the dumbest attempt at squeezing money while fucking over all your contractors I've ever seen. I hope they get what they deserve. That means a Hasbro subsidiary is currently claiming licensing rights over Disney, Warner, GW, etc properties because of they have made rules for TTRPG versions of their IPs. I have never seen a company so desperate to destroy itself as Wizards appears to be dedicated to
Nov 15, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
I've had some free time while in the US to now finish more of my next vid research and each study only makes it more clear: leftist politics are driven by envy and greed. It is truly astonishing and I can tell the scholars themselves are uncomfortable with the findings...me too There's one solo-publishing scholar who does all but apologize every other sentence for her own data. No shock. When I started talking about this I had many "liberals" tell me to stfu. Dude, I can't control your groups answers to questions about economic redistribution. Sorry.
Oct 25, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
So I started looking into the recent data on political orientation and morality and what I found was honestly shocking. The left, as of the last 2 years of published analysis, can only be typified by envy, greed, hatred, and violence. This is in PUBLISHED RESEARCH....WTF I will, obviously, show you guys all this research but I was just...stunned. I never would have thought something like this would be the case as I've always thought things were a bit more equal but...uh...again, hatred, greed and envy are persistent.
Sep 1, 2022 7 tweets 2 min read
HELLO. I am someone who has taken the drug Lupron depot, which currently the main hormone blocker given to actual children. I am not transgender, but I was given this medicine as a treatment for the disease I suffer from (endometriosis). It is a NIGHTMARE When I was about 20, after years of misdiagnosis, my disease was finally identified. I was involved in a number of therapies I don't think I can legally disclose, although the Violet study was one that I can disclose. Yes, I was treated with Lupron.
Aug 30, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
Men who wanted power over women realized they could just hijack feminism (which was already cancer) to become WOMEN 2 - ELECTRIC BOGALOO and have 2x power over women. This is just reality. The truth is, someone who identifies as astral gender could call me every single slur in the book, and Twitter has mad it clear they will defend that person; meanwhile, if any of us accidentally misgender someone, that's basically moral murder.
Aug 30, 2022 6 tweets 1 min read
Keep trying. Image Fucking loser.
May 24, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
I know that I hurt many rainbow-flags by saying I had issues with Doctor Who, but I would like to see the same 1k+ tweet storm over this. Oh no? Understandable that you don't actually give a fuck :^) Image Oh no, it's almost like you don't give a fuck about male victims because that doesn't give you attention on the bird app and tiktok Image
Aug 20, 2021 5 tweets 2 min read
Mason (2020) left wing authoritarians (an instrument which has only recently been developed because reasons) are more authoritarian than right with authoritarians in terms of lockdowns. There are only 2/19 authoritarian variables those high in LWA did not support vs 4 in RWA. Also, degree of support for authoritarian measures was almost unilaterally stronger in left-wing authoritarians than in right wing ones. The overlap in groups was significant. This is not horseshoe theory memery; these are data indicative that left authoritarians are just as bad.
Jul 18, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
Reddit mod perma-bans guy for misgendering a sandwich.
reddit.com/r/OutOfTheLoop… I'm being a bit facetious, but the tl;dr is this power-tripping dick (typical Reddit mod) banned a guy for posting the phrase "chicken sandwich" in response to a thread calling something a "chicken burger". Reddit is cancer incarnate.