Angela Vasquez-Giroux 💅🏼 Profile picture
Mother of #LittleRock, dragons. VP of Comms & Research @reproforall. 😍 @JakePechtel. Collects tattoos & pink sneakers. Takes it personally. Tweets are mine.
Aug 6, 2018 11 tweets 2 min read
Alright, guys -- I can stomach that politics means being tough on your opponent. I've been doing this a hot minute -- my skin is thick (and, let's be honest, covered in tattoos.) But here's what I cannot stomach: hypocrisy. One rule I have for my clients, when they want to go on the offense with an attack, is this: be above reproach. So, don't accuse your opponent of a felony like money laundering unless every dollar coming into your CTE is SPOTLESS.