Ayesha A. Siddiqi Profile picture
writer, i forecast trends for a living. editor in chief @newinquiry ayesha@thenewinquiry.com
Oct 19, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
Director at the US State Department Bureau of Political Military Affairs, which oversees US military aid and arms transfers around the world, has just resigned in disagreement of the ongoing “lethal assistance” to Israel, his statement is here: linkedin.com/posts/josh-pau… his job was to arm people around the world for US state interests, even he said “enough”, a member of the state department! of America! Palestinians have been so patient and suffered so much for us to reach such unprecedented days
Jun 18, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
insightful, sharply written, broadly relevant and accurately contextualizes both its subject and the culture it emerged from nytimes.com/2022/06/16/mov… every sentence is an unsparing but fair and thorough dragging, best piece of criticism i’ve read in ages
Jun 17, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
this student is going through a difficult time and needs a little help to cover the days before their next job starts, they’re not asking for a lot and i’m sure every bit helps let’s help them stay on track gofund.me/cea8db86 they’re so close to their goal, and are only asking for enough to get them through a few weeks. i believe what you give will come back to you 10x in your life
Mar 7, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
smokey eye makeup is coming back, minus the heavy beat. fresh faced + smudgey, more dimensional (shimmery, satiny, glittery, and matte finishes equally relevant) + colorful (think beyond brown/black…blue smokey, pink smokey) than the last time it trended. bold, not muddy. like this
May 12, 2021 5 tweets 1 min read
if you understand why “all lives matter” is an ignorant position endorsing violence then you should be able to understand why calling an occupation a conflict is an ignorant position endorsing violence a very specific subtweet directed at all the people who claim to have progressive politics but defend Israel
May 11, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
remember that during the Ferguson protests Palestinians sent tips in solidarity bc the same brand of tear gas is used on them middleeasteye.net/news/palestini… the chief of St. Louis Police studied counter protest tactics in Israel dailydot.com/debug/ferguson…
Apr 20, 2021 7 tweets 2 min read
It feels like the trial and verdict was an attempt at placating a growing movement against police, to show ‘the system works’ so that people stop calling for the system to be abolished. Across cities the police response to the verdict confirms that. People are still being killed and everyone knows what’s killing them. The people that aren’t calling for abolition know too, they’re just ok with it.
Mar 8, 2021 17 tweets 4 min read
british people reacting to american pharmaceutical ads during the harry/meghan interview
Sep 18, 2020 6 tweets 1 min read
My view of Charlie Kaufman is that just because you’re afraid of being pretentious and boring doesn’t mean you aren’t. So many white guys think gesturing at self awareness redeems them from refusing to evolve as a person. They seem to have an allergy to recognizing a world exists beyond the one their feelings are informed by.
Jul 9, 2020 31 tweets 6 min read
Engaging with their terms legitimizes them. I’m not going to use “cancel culture”, it’s an unserious aspiration to victimhood by those who the status quo benefits and protects. It’s term designed to defend the status quo by obfuscating what is at stake. We can’t effectively counter these people by listing who the real victims of “cancel culture” are, we can’t correct the application of the term. We have to reject it completely, it’s very premise is ridiculous. There’s no such thing as what the term refers to.
Mar 16, 2019 5 tweets 1 min read
The aggressive defense of Chelsea Clinton, who needs none, and the vicious hostility directed at a young grieving girl is just the paper lifting on the real values and priorities of white people. Any excuse to hate muslims they grip. I don’t want their faux “thoughts and prayers” These people were never going to show up for us anyway, we don’t need to pay them any attention. They’re mad bc we refuse to be silent victims of their policies and gracious audience to their performances.
Mar 6, 2019 9 tweets 2 min read
two recent stories demonstrating the nature of fascism in America: the fact that a sixth grader even had charges against him