AzPinkLady #SaveArizona #SaveAmerica Profile picture
Fighting for our country. Everything stems from the single most important issue of our time.…
4 subscribers
Oct 26, 2024 5 tweets 10 min read
I was reading through the latest ruling for the Mississippi lawsuit (ballots accepted after Election Day).…

This really is a great read on the history of mail in ballots & makes a fabulous argument for why ballots are not legal to be accepted after Election Day.

The bottom line is they reversed the lower court’s decision & are sending it back down to the district court to come up with a remedy. And telling the lower court to consider “the value of preserving the status quo in a voting case on the eve of an election." We are now required to demonstrate “
"(1) that it has suffered an irreparable injury; (2) that remedies available at law, such as monetary damages, are inadequate to compensate for that injury; (3) that, considering the balance of hardships between the plaintiff and defendant, a remedy in equity is warranted; and (4) that the public interest would not be disserved by a permanent injunction."

So it remains to be seen what will end up happening.

But… I noticed something even more fascinating…

They also make a great argument for Election “DAY”. Even though they cover changes that have been made over the years to extend “making a selection”.

And I think they just gave a legal reasoning on rerunning our elections when the boiling point of @PatrickByrne findings reach a level that the entire country understands we are using Venezuela Smartmatic infused voting machines that are coded in Serbia, With China parts assembled in Taiwan.

As a side note: The 5 yo little boy in me finds it hilarious to draw the comparison when the judge refers to consummated elections. Because we all have felt “F*cked” by our elections. 🤣

I digress.

Next posts have my supporting reasoning.

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The judge refers to two statutes that

1) "The Congress may determine the Time of chusing the Electors" for President. In 1792 Congress had set a 34 day period "preceding the first Wednesday in December in every fourth year." Some states adopted multi day voting. But it “caused election fraud, delay, and other problems.”

🤔 kinda sounds like what we have with a month of early voting, mail in ballots & weeks to get to results.

2) The state determines the time, manner & place of elections for Federal races BUT “the Congress may at any time by Law make or alter such Regulations." “It also vests "power" in Congress to "alter those [state] regulations or supplant them altogether."”

Supplant = supersede or replace

In the early days of our Republic (not a democracy) states held elections at different times. Giving “"undue advantage" of "indicating to the country the first sentiment on great political questions."”

🤔 Kinda sounds like early voting. Did we just prove by voting early that it can sway sentiment, polls & cause the candidates to alter their course?

The judge summarizes that these statutes “"mandate[] holding all elections for Congress and the Presidency on a single day throughout the Union."” And subsequently refers to “Election Day” as a “ singular day established by federal law as the time for choosing members of Congress and presidential electors.”

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Jun 14, 2024 49 tweets 100 min read
Another Spaulding source of reference has crumbled. Add that to the list of Hamilton 68, NewKnowledge & First Draft. Check out @mtaibbi #CTILFiles & #TwitterFiles for more - I believe @pepesgrandma has researched them further. These folks are THE treasurer trove of research the makes the whole house of Russia disinformation cards crumble.

You can easily search their posts for hashtags or key words listed above. Remember to check out how CTIL made an CIA trained army to “combat” Russia disinformation with tactics used to interfere in foreign countries.

Obviously Spaulding doesn’t follow them. 🤣

All Spaulding’s sources to scare judges are bullshit. And even though the Az Disinformation Task Force couldn’t find any disinformation (screenshot for Task Force 7/2020 meeting minutes) that was ok. They greatly used Spaulding’s work products & wording for the report. I will guide you through that claim as we go along.

And yet…Spaulding is still pushing the bullshit lie that the judiciary is under attack.

“Courts and the election are on a collision course”. Which election, Spaulding? Will 2020 finally get it’s day in court?

And she’s still pushing her bullshit on state bars across the united states.

The show must go on, right Spaulding?

The best thing any bar, judge or attorney can do is loose her number.

And legislators would do their stares justice by removing the power for the Bar to discipline judge’s & attorneys. They deserve their day in court just as any citizen. It is imperative we keep the judicial system neutral from influence. The Bar’s ability to intimidate judges & attorneys that will have any effect on the decisions they make.

@JohnKavanagh_AZ @anthonykernAZ @Wadsack4Arizona @WendyRogersAZ
@JWilloughbyAZ you may want to pay attention to this thread

Come along with me….

Listen to Suzanne Spaulding describe why the commission she was on was called “Solarium”. She is speaking to a panel about the Cybersecurity Solarium Commission- to talk about the report she was a “leading voice” on, that provide steps forward to combat “Russia disinformation” which included pre-written legislation, ready tor the floor, which resulted in CISA getting more power & more money.

Indulge me as I take you on a journey from the Az Disinformation Task Force to Dwight Eisenhower & his Russia “Project Solarium” to develop an “effective strategy to respond to Soviet Expansion” & come along for a thought stream afterwards, then re-listen come back to this first post & re-listen to her describe Eisenhower’s “Project Solarium” through the lenses I will clean for you.

👇🏻Image I couldn’t put the nice little video provided to me, in the above post, that the source was lucky enough to capture Spaulding in the only meeting she attended. Which happened to be 8/2020, just before the final report for the study phase of the task force was produced. This is a significant capture of information because the meeting minutes do not provide the context & depth of understanding as these raw videos.

I thought about editing them to make the videos more palatable, but thought it best to leave raw. However, I did edit to maintain the anonymity of the source.

Here is a video of Patience Huntwork identifying “hate speech” & an opinion that jury duty is a waste of time as items for “disinformation” & Spaulding’s response is that they use that as an indicator that the message is out there & needs combating.

Do you remember from the task force thread who Patience Huntwork is? Long time anti- Russian activist that helps Ukraine in their elections (no way CIA doesn’t know about this 😉)

And if you remember, Elizabeth Rindskopf-Parker, Spaulding’s right hand man in this “mission set” as Spaulding describes it, helped Brutinel select the academia to put on the task force. Listen to Brutinel explain how the task force came to be, within it, he reveals parker helped him…

Remember, Spaulding is an ex-CIA & Senate Select Intelligence Committee council who founded CISA & left CISA to go to CSIS - huge policy driver of our country - specifically to combat Russia going after our courts. “mission set”…odd way to put it, don’t you think?

You can read more about her on my task force thread.

Source tor “mission set”

And how influential was the anti-Russian, pro Ukrainian, anti-judge hate speech hunter on the report? Significant. Hear Spaulfing describe it as so much she thought “Huntwork is working on this” noted in the drafts was a company.

BTW…why is Spaulding getting drafts of the reports? 🤔 Monitor it’s progress? Perhaps she came to the 8/2020 meeting to get them on track & provide them with documents & wording to beef up their report & get the product she can use to take to other courts. 🤔

Keep following along - that thought won’t seem so far off when I’m done.

This is going to be a long thread. I will add to it often.

Bookmark & check back.

More 👇🏻

Mar 22, 2024 9 tweets 5 min read
The info bring exposed is so explosive the bad guys are in over drive.

They are D-O-N-E

This is a really good lead in to the information I was working on to share with you.

@PatrickByrne did a locals on 3/21 - I put todays date on the video clips 🤪

Although I believe this info is not behind a subscription paywall, he is well worth $5 a month. This money goes directly to funding this fight. He revealed a lot of information - but I want to address this topic in particular & give you pieces of video to share. Ask the BOS, Richer, Hobbs & fraud denying legislators why they”appealed to a higher authority” & didn’t investigate legitimate concerns.

Ask them why they obstructed. Were they part of it?

There was SOMEONE on the ground that made the boxes “match” the audit. 🤔

Follow along & you’ll understand why I say that.

👇🏻 Byrne has let us know SCOTUS has a nice package that proves A) the Dominion system is 💩. So bad it is “had to be” designed that way. B) that the elections were fraudulent & C) data was manipulated- untraceable.

This gives Richer & the rest of them plausible deniability. I’m not saying they were involved. But someone made the data & the paper match.

What it does not do is excuse them from upholding their oath. They have a DUTY to investigate. Not just take CISA/CIA/FBI word for it. They had a DUTY to open up their systems & go through them with a fine tooth comb. They had a DUTY not to obstruct.

This little video is a lead in to the rest of the thread I’ll do. I may get interrupted.

There is more 👇🏻
Jan 31, 2024 10 tweets 16 min read
Can’t make this stuff up folks.

@billgatesaz & @stephen_richer sitting on an org with Mossad asset linked to the subversion of our courts.

We also linked Toma through connections to this same Mossad character.

It’s no wonder these jokers snub citizens! They think they will get away with this.

Check out the other list of characters. I want to clarify “mossad character”

It has been speculated that Michael Chertoff is connected to Zionism & Mossad through his family.

And I connected Michael Chertoff to Susan Spaulding (#AzTaskForce thread) and to Ben Toma.

The above posts @DecentFiJC connected Richer & BOS Bill Gates to Chertoff

So I thought I’d add context to the above post.

Chertoff’s mother is undisputed first stewardess of El Al Israel Airlines. There are many resources that confirm this. I’ve checked the sources that don’t resolve to the same source. It will become clear later why I took the time to confirm this 1 piece of information. Here are the sources:

1. pro Palestinian “Middle East Monitor by Maidhc Ó Cathail
“The Merchants of Fear: Israel Profits from Homeland Insecurity” - Maidhc Ó Cathail died in 2017. In a tribute article he is said to be honest & “painstaking” researcher.

2. Book written by Jack Kitaeff “Jews in Blue” - Jack Kitaeff is a professor of criminology with a JD & PHD. He has written many books.

3. A book written by Johnathan Cook “Israel and the Clash of Civilisations: Iraq, Iran and the Plan to Remake the Middle East” is quoted in several articles. Johnathan Cook is an independent researcher/journalist that is not a fly by night journalist.

4. Several resources that resolved back to an article by Christopher Bollyn “Controlled Press Hides Chertoff's Israeli Roots” - Christopher Bollyn is an independent investigator of government coverups, etc. he’s been labeled a “conspiracy theorist” by Rupert Murdoch, at the helm of ADL at the time. Perhaps because he is said to have solved 9/11 & found Zionist Jews involved?

His website is a whole other rabbit hole.

He’s “disappeared”. His last post on his site was march 2017. One site said they hadn’t heard from him since 2017.

2 guys who aren’t here anymore both gone in 2017 & both who were investigator/journalists exposing 9/11 & the Zionist Israel link. 🤔 what are the odds?

I didn’t post reviews, works, etc because that’s not the point. You can research each of them if you so choose.

More 👇🏻…Image
Jan 25, 2024 11 tweets 12 min read
What a great lead in to my next thread.

@BlehmLawAZ has filed his bar complaint answer.

Blehm’s bar complaint is law fare, orchestrated by the IC/CISA/Spaulding.

Anyone that has followed along with my #AzTaskForce information recognizes that IC & CISA with the head “4 star general”, Spaulding, infiltrated our courts & our state bars to kick court cases out/deny evidence be heard/set unprecedented & unsupported standards/limit court time to present evidence/deny justice, tainted by a belief of “Russia is trying to undermine our judicial system”, which and bar complaints are just an extension of that.

We have Elizabeth Rindskopf-Parker (Spaulding’s woman behind the woman) admitting on video that they (Spaulding & herself) were training judges & state bars on “Russian” Disinformation & telling them to come up with a plan…that includes changes to rules & rules of conduct…you know,the ones, for example, that say attorneys can’t criticize judges.

Attorneys have been weaponized to further this agenda.

I don’t know WHO filed against Blehm. But my guess, it’s either Tom Ryan (opposing council on many cases with Blehm) or Ryan Heath (IMO intelligence, trying to infiltrate Lake’s cases - now doing Abe’s). But, just from the way it’s written, I believe it’s Heath.

Either way - they should be put up for review for filing frivolous charges.

Let me explain 👇🏻 (be patient as I put the pieces together & I may get interrupted, but I will get it all up - 👀)Image The complaint says Blehm made a knowingly false statement because he said 35k+ ballots were “undisputed”

Pic 1 - Blehm bar complaint response
Pics 2, 3 & 4 from bar complaint

Let’s dive deeper into that, shall we… 👇🏻

Dec 30, 2023 37 tweets 18 min read
Let’s talk more about this presentation & break it down, shall we.

As always, my content is free to swipe, share & make your own.

The importance is to get the information out there.

As a reminder, I don’t number my posts because I always forget 🤣 & be patient with me as I gather all the pieces.

Ready to roll👇🏻 As @realAlexKolodin pointed out 👆🏻. The voter problem & printer issue has been happening since 2018, in increase numbers, in direct correlation with the growth of Fontes’ vote center model.
Dec 23, 2023 14 tweets 6 min read
You likely know this already …those travel sheets are from the non-profit Helping With All My Heart. Their Facebook says Inc, but they have non profit status. Next post

They used to have a website, but it is no longer up (catching heat & closed it down? 🤷🏻‍♀️). This video used to be on that website.

/1Image @JamesOKeefeIII 2/

They have a history of not filing their taxes timely.
Aug 25, 2023 4 tweets 3 min read
I heard through the grapevine that Kris Mayes called @WethePeopleAZA1 a terrorist organization on MSM.

I’m pretty sure her objective is to silence WTP from speaking truth.

She can’t afford to let the truth to be exposed.

Appointed to corporation commission after helping Napalotano win an award?

While she worked for the corrupt controlled mockingbird media Az Republic.

Attended ASU, which looks like a hotspot for intelligence to groom & recruit intellectuals along with law firms. Didn’t Hitler do that at Cambridge? How many intellectuals get recruited & get duped into thinking they are doing service for the country? My guess 100% bought the Russia Collusion lie. And as my task force thread points out, CIA/intelligence honey Elizabeth Rindskopf Parker, hand selected ASU fellow intelligence assets to the task force.

If I suddenly get shut down, we know the new WEF CEO of Twitter is toeing the line.

Well, of course she was an ASU professor
Jul 19, 2023 22 tweets 14 min read
Yes, Bryan, it did.

Az Supreme Court established a “task force” to prevent “disinformation” from infecting their courts.

One of their recommendations - modify court conduct rules about criticism of judges. Sounds like banana republic stuff when you can’t criticize those in power.

Judging by the comments on Bryan’s posts regarding this, I don’t think it’s a subject many of you are aware of or may have forgotten.

Come with me on another journey. Be patient as I get all the pieces together.Image
The above tweet wouldn’t let me put the link to the task force report.

They outlined 3 “misinformation” campaigns during their time investigating. The misinformation? The Censorship Industrial Complex’s definition- any truth or questioning of the narrative is misinformation.

Which, all 3 have now been proven lies & propaganda.

This alone gives you an idea where their heads are at.

I recommend you read the whole thing. It’s quite “entertaining” when we read it through the lens of what has now been made abundantly clear.…Image
Jun 29, 2023 70 tweets 54 min read
@PatrickByrne has provided a “clean link” to the article I mentioned the other day. “Domestic Extremist #1”…

I want to do a thread on this to make shareable tidbits because this is a long. I hope I do him Justice. It is very informative & I highly recommend reading the whole thing.

Please, share this with everyone. Especially off Twitter.

This story is THE biggest story of our time. And I’m counting on you guys to help me get it out there. Especially outside of our bubble.

This story is why I have a snippet of Byrne in my bio pointing to “14 minutes that will change your life”. THIS will unite the country- or at least it should. Because this isn’t about Trump. This isn’t about R vs D. This is should be a concern of every American.

As always, please be patient with me while I peace all of this together for you. I’m going to cover the article first. But I want to take you on another journey about Byrne, that many may not know.

There are many pieces to curate. So this won’t be a “fast” thread. I will let you know when I get to “the end for now”. Byrne is an ever evolving story. Every interview he goes he drops little nuggets. Rarely are they all in one spot. And it depends on what audience he is communicating with.

So I am confident there is “more to the story” that will emerge.
May 15, 2023 20 tweets 10 min read
I’ve had time to read Scott Jarrett’s declaration.

And I have questions.

Points 1 through 6 are intro pieces. The meat starts with point 7. But I want to jump ahead to point 9 & do a Psaki to circle back to 7.

Jarrett says that during testing from the 4th to the 10th they…… Image I’m sorry, but WHAT?!

They are purposely REJECTING provisionals & early ballots. Two thoughts on this & 1 requires a story, that you’ve seen me tell arts of it before.

1. If you are making ballot definitions to accept why can’t early ballot definitions be made to read in the……
Mar 28, 2023 11 tweets 5 min read
SB2325 - expansion of voting to those who are pre-trial detained (innocent until proven guilty)

/1 Image The proposed changes to ARS 16-558 by adding a section to specify rules about voting while detained.

/2 ImageImageImage
Mar 28, 2023 7 tweets 3 min read
For those not paying attention to work being done in the Legislature to protect our elections, I’m going to do a thread on some bills that are being voted on.
We are now at “cross over”. Meaning bills introduced move to the other chamber.
Yesterday the Senate considered bills…… SB2305 - signature verification process.
Take note on who introduced it in the house. These are legislators who get it & are working towards making new law & revising old to protect our elections. McGarr introduced it & everyone else on the list support it.
/2 Image
Mar 26, 2023 9 tweets 4 min read
Borrelli gets it. Rogers has a 98% rating. She gets it. We have other Rs that get it. And are busy crafting & passing Legislation to protect Arizona from our Federal government.
I think it beneficial to follow the work being done in the legislature (judge them by their works…… We hired the Senate & House members to craft laws that reflect the will of the citizens. Look at Borrelli’s list of bills he is either primary or co-sponsoring.…
Mar 19, 2023 23 tweets 9 min read
Patrick Byrne has previously warned that China wants our land. He shared a speech by General Chi Haotian in 2005 obtained by Epoch Times in 2019 that reveals these plans & more. I highly recommend you read it. But I am going to put some pieces in a thread to help you understand If you want to skip the thread & spoiler alerts & read the speech in it’s entirety…
Feb 28, 2023 15 tweets 9 min read
I want to do a thread on Speckin's presentation that I think got severely overshadowed because of the 🤯 presentation by Breger. Speckin presented provable facts about Maricopa and other states that I think many may have missed.
Speckin has serious credentials in doc…… Speckin was asked to examine the high forensic photographs taken at the audit. This was the part of the audit that was left out of the report that Senate Lawyers wouldn't allow in. I wonder now, was it left out on purpose to expose at a more strategic time?
Notice how he says……
Feb 28, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
@WendyRogersAZ is doing the job her constituents hired her to do-pass laws to protect our vote. I don’t proclaim to know the leg can & can’t do. But I don’t see this letter as a betrayal to Liz or AZ citizens. The information presented was not an investigation sanctioned /1 All the presenters in the last few weeks have been for sanctioned Senate investigations. It was presenting findings & “what now” - the dangers, the pitfalls, the loopholes & what authority do they have to get it fixed given the hostile takeover of the governors office. /2
Feb 13, 2023 8 tweets 4 min read
Your break from BS…enjoy the creativity of these costumes. The Renaissance is full of happy people. I do have to say…there were more dudes in dresses this year than I’ve ever seen before-both as a joke (nods to Princess Bride) & transgender. 🤔 ImageImageImage The most beautiful elf I have ever seen. Image
Nov 15, 2022 14 tweets 4 min read
I have been trying for days to get this message out after twitter messed up my thread. Now is a good time - before Trump's big reveal.

The years leading up to 2020 have slowly created a huge chasm in America - one based in the reality of truths shut down by

/2 #CommunistControlled BigTech and Media and the safe space created by those very same. It has resulted in 1/2 of our country completely in the dark about the truth, that they believe with every fiber of their being to be true.

Isn't that exactly how cults operate?
May 18, 2022 10 tweets 14 min read
@HuttonPulitzer⁩ is the ONLY one in history to examine the paper ballots to finite granularity to analyze everything. ⁦@FannKfann⁩ ⁦@AZSenateGOP⁩ ⁦@AZHouseGOP⁩ why are you not meeting with Jovan? Image @JovanHPulitzer @HuttonPulitzer determined out of calibration machines forced ballots to be treated differently (Amendment 14 violation) Image
May 10, 2022 13 tweets 6 min read
@FannKfann @speakerbowers @RealMarkFinchem @WendyRogersAZ @AZKellyT @AZHouseGOP @AZSenateGOP @MaricopaGOP @GOPChairwoman @kelliwardaz @brnoforaz @GeneralBrnovich @stephen_richer @billgatesaz @jacksellers this thread is for you - buckle up. Feel free to share with your buddies Citizen don’t care where facts are found. We just want the truth. Denying there is a problem IS the problem. If YOU deny it, then WORK together to find the truth! I am SICK of you all fighting against each other & making the citizens suffer for your petulance. 👇🏻