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Jun 23, 2021 5 tweets 4 min read
With a week to go until the deadline for applying for the EU Settlement Scheme, there have been about two million more applications than the previous official estimates for the number of EU nationals living in the UK

#BBCRealityCheck In many areas, including parts of West Sussex, Wolverhampton and numerous London boroughs, the number of applicants was more than 80% higher than the estimated local population of EU nationals

#BBCRealityCheck map
Sep 14, 2020 4 tweets 2 min read
David Cameron becomes the fifth former prime minister to speak out against a new bill attempting to override the Brexit deal

“I do have misgivings,” he says

Here’s what other former PMs had to say 👇🏾
[Thread] Theresa May said breaking international law would damage "trust" in the UK

"How can the government reassure future international partners that the UK can be trusted to abide by the legal obligations of the agreements it signs?"
Sep 7, 2020 6 tweets 3 min read
Brexit is back on the agenda - and everyone’s talking about Northern Ireland

Here’s why 👇🏽
[Thread] The government is publishing new legislation called the Internal Market Bill

This could change a key part of last year's EU withdrawal agreement

(Reminder: The withdrawal agreement is the deal the UK left the EU with on 31 January)
Aug 21, 2020 9 tweets 5 min read
Total UK government debt has exceeded £2 trillion for the first time ever

At the end of July, debt was £2.004tn, £227.6bn more than at the same point last year, the Office for National Statistics says

[Thread] This is 100.5% of GDP, the first time it has been above 100% since the 1960-61 financial year, the ONS report

The government borrowed £26.7bn in July, down from a revised £29.5bn in June, as the coronavirus pandemic impacted on public finances Gold bullion
Aug 19, 2020 6 tweets 3 min read
From telecoms, to test and trace, and now England's new public health agency - Dido Harding looks set to become one of the most powerful unelected officials involved in the fight against coronavirus

So, who is she?
[Thread] For the past three years, she has been chair of NHS Improvement

Prior to that, she's had roles at Thomas Cook, Sainsbury's and Tesco and was chief executive of TalkTalk - but stepped down in the wake of a high-profile and damaging data breach
Aug 18, 2020 7 tweets 3 min read
Why has Sajid Javid - the former chancellor - been allowed to work for US bank JP Morgan?

[Thread 👇] The Conservative MP, who quit as chancellor in February after being told to sack his advisers, has accepted a job as senior adviser with the bank
Jul 24, 2020 13 tweets 7 min read
Today marks the one year anniversary of Boris Johnson becoming prime minister of the UK

We’ve rounded up some of the defining moments of his premiership so far 👇

[Thread] When Mr Johnson came to power, his first task was to get to grips with Brexit

He got a deal, but not before multiple failed votes in the Commons, an extension he'd rather "die in a ditch" than ask for, and, eventually, an election, to get it passed Image
Jul 21, 2020 5 tweets 2 min read
The long-awaited Russia report has been published by the Intelligence and Security Committee (ISC)

Here’s what you missed 👇

[Thread] The report looked into possible Russian interference in UK democracy

It criticised lack of action from the government, for failing to investigate possible Russian interference in the Scottish independence and Brexit referendums
Jun 30, 2020 7 tweets 3 min read
Mark Sedwill has quit as the head of the UK's civil service amid plans to reform the way it works

But why does this matter and what changes does the government want to make?

[Thread] The civil service is huge - there are currently 445,000 civil servants

It’s their job to carry out government policy – and to do so impartially, regardless of their own political beliefs Image
Jun 19, 2020 8 tweets 4 min read
The Health Secretary, Matt Hancock has said the reduction in the COVID-19 alert level in the UK is "a big moment for the country"

The UK is now officially at level three

But what does that actually mean?

[Thread]… The numbers describe the current risk of the virus:

5️⃣ Risk of healthcare services being overwhelmed
4️⃣ High or rising level of transmission
3️⃣ Virus in general circulation
2️⃣ Number of cases & transmission low
1️⃣ Covid-19 no longer present in the UK… Coronavirus alert levels gr...