CEO of @UIAinnovation, Host of #WeeklyWisdom & #InnovationSpotlight, Arne Duncan once called me the Oprah of Higher Education. Tweets=mine.
Mar 16, 2021 • 5 tweets • 2 min read
#Hivemind:what are different styles of mtgs to accomplish specific outcomes?
I’ll go first.
Huddle: 15 minutes on 1 topic for quick progress check/align who’s on first or communicate new nuance on the strategy. Standing up pre covid, probably best via phone call right now.
Brainstorm: 30/45/60 minute session on a specific topic via zoom with a prepared Jamboard. (One jam page for the challenges/problems/factors, one for solutions/ideas and one parking lot.) Begin and end Mtg with a specific question you need to answer.
Size limit: 8-10 people.