How to get URL link on X (Twitter) App @UniversitiesUK CEO @viviennestern notes this Conference is happening at a fortuitous time, with new leadership in 🏴 & 🏴, Stormont back up & running, and “the mother of all battles” as we go into a general election #UUKPolAffairs speaker Viscount Camrose (Jonathan Berry) sets out the @Conservatives agenda for SIT. He argues that SIT “often doesn’t get enough attention” in a GE campaign so welcomes the opportunity to “rectify” this tonight #SITHustings24, Chair @Emma_Norris notes that Labour's Plan for Power has no "rabbits pulled out of hats" within it, so it will be interesting to see if the pledges are coherent and add up #IfGGeneralElection @Gilesyb gives his overview of the pledged tax cuts, which he notes will be funded by £12bn in cuts to welfare, civil service reform & closing down tax avoidance loopholes - argues it is achievable for govt in , but will be felt by those on benefits #IfGGeneralElection, @Emma_Norris gives an overview of the size of the polls this year - with votes for over 30k individual Cllrs, 12 Police & Crime Commissioners, 25 London Assembly Members, 10 Metro Mayors and a by-election for the MP for Blackpool South #LocalElections2024 CEO @dr_joe_marshall notes that the #SpringBudget24 was not laced with major financial or policy announcements, expresses his disappointment that more emphasis was not based on how to unlock innovation across Unis & businesses. Warns funding cuts "on the horizon" #NCUBEvents, President and CEO of @NewYorkFed John C Williams is asked to reflect on the past 3 years and the importance of academics. He insists they are "critically important" to all the work that the Federal Reserve Bank of NY does #LSEPublicPolicy, @PJTheEconomist notes that "very little" has changed following yesterday's Budget - noting that this means the public will still be facing rising tax revenues & decreased investment in public spending #IFSEvents, shadow Housing Minister @mtpennycook repeats Starmer’s message that a Labour government will build new homes to “give Britain its future back”. Notes that previous Govts of all colours have failed to grasp the challenge of homebuilding #Lab23 @JeevunSandher gives a potted history of industrial growth since the 1980s. Notes that it has been heavily focused on major cities and growing the number of graduate/white collar jobs #Lab23, @OVOEnergy CEO Raman Bhatia welcomes the progress made in decarbonising the energy grid. However, he argues in recent years, progress has stalled #Lab23 @gemmatetlow opens by giving a brief overview of the scale of the challenge to decarbonise the grid. Notes this will require joined up thinking from local & national govt as well as regulators & industry #Lab23 @CentreNetZero’s Lucy Yu sets out what a “smart people-centred green energy system is”. She explains that UK’s energy system is increasingly becoming smarter & more data rich #Lab23