Harry Bridges Profile picture
Information Archeologist. Dirt Unit Podcast. Earseed Music.
Oct 4, 2023 40 tweets 14 min read
Plenty of talk from the #voteNo camp around #TheVoice regarding claims of misinformation but nobody from #voteyes able to say exactly what the misinformation is. So i'm making a thread to explain exactly what it is, who's spreading it and where it comes from. Now although I wrote quite extensively on this back in May nobody really cares to pay attention until it’s slapping them in the face. The ABC published an article a few weeks ago that got the point which is great unfortunately it missed some key details.
Nov 23, 2022 12 tweets 7 min read
This guy below, the one on the right. His name is Barclay. Interesting that he would be in Mulgrave campaigning for the Victorian Liberals, living in Queensland and all. #vicpol 1/12 I guess it's no surprise really when you think about it. Barclay here is 'an actively involved member of Generation Liberty, run by the Institute of Public Affairs.' 2/12
Nov 21, 2022 20 tweets 9 min read
The Victorian Liberals election campaign started 2 years ago in August 2020 with this simple message. /1 Image This was just as we entered lockdown for the second time, the need to click this ad was created by Sky News constantly repeating hyperbole and flat out fabrication regarding security guards at the quarantine hotel. Eventually, an event was organized by this group. /2 Image
Jul 10, 2022 26 tweets 12 min read
#sackdanandrews has been trending lately, leading the charge was Kirralie Smith amongst a mirror image of the same anti-Dan network on Facebook. So it begs the question, are the Vic Libs using Cambridge Analytica or whatever form it takes nowdays? Let's look at the evidence.. If you pour over every scrap of information out there from whistleblowers and the like about how CA worked and what they got up to, as I have, the first thing that stands out is their use of Astroturfed organizations as the focal point of their campaigns
Jul 3, 2022 10 tweets 4 min read
Last night I had this paid post appear on my news feed touting a secret plan by Dan Andrews to give toddlers gender re-alignment surgery so I had a poke around and the results were equally surprising and not surprising at all. Image The post comes from a group called Binary Australia, snazzy looking website but it doesn't reveal much about the group aside from their stance on this made up issue, that toddlers are getting sex changes behind their parents backs. Of course, they are asking for money. ImageImage
Mar 2, 2022 24 tweets 9 min read
Another day. another thread. So, we've looked at Clive Palmer, the UAP, the Aus Liberty Alliance and the Q society, Let's move away from political parties and look at at the think tanks and political action groups involved in the freedom movement. medium.com/@pestcontrolau… The common denominator for the American side of this is a group called the Council for National Policy. The money from the richest and most influential members of the CNP then flows on to fund a plethora of think-tanks and activist groups set up over the course of the last 40 yrs
Mar 1, 2022 25 tweets 10 min read
Ok, thread number 2. We've looked at Clive Palmer and the UAP, let's look at the another major player in the freedom movement, the Australian Liberty Alliance.

All this information taken from here.

medium.com/@pestcontrolau… It turns out that Pat King, the man who started the Canada convoy and a friend of Guru, was an organizer with Yellow Vests Canada.
Feb 28, 2022 15 tweets 7 min read
Im gonna attempt to do a thread with bits and pieces a larger body of work. You can find it here.

medium.com/@pestcontrolau… The United Australia Party. Political party of mining magnate Clive Palmer. Typically his party has filled the role of sucking up votes of people going against the major parties to funnel back to the Liberal party.