الأخ الكبير Profile picture
إن لم أَكُنْ أَخلصتُ في طاعتِك فإنني أطمَعُ في رَحْمَتِك وإنما يَشْفعُ لي أنني قد عِشْتُ لا أُشرِكُ في وَحْدَتِك
Sep 1 6 tweets 2 min read
🧵Fundraisers offer a powerful way to make a real difference in Gaza. Your contributions can put food on the table, provide tents and shelter, secure life-saving medicine and support critical evacuation efforts. Every donation can bring hope and relief to those in desperate need. If you have a few hundred followers, take on a campaign. With a few thousand, consider adopting several. Those with tens of thousands should champion multiple campaigns
Sep 1 8 tweets 3 min read
🧵The heroic Martyr Muhannad Al-Asoud who carried out today's Tarqumiah operation that killed 3 IOF thugs, and the victorious Martyr Mujahid Mansour who carried out the "Dolev” operation that killed 1 IOF thug and injured 7 others, are both from the PA's Presidential Guard.
Muhannad was able to neutralize 3 IOF thugs with just 11 bullets and later he ascended to meet his God in a heroic last stand, facing off against the zionist scum that besieged and bombed the home he fortified himself in in central Al-Khalil.
Aug 15 6 tweets 2 min read
🧵When the enemy makes any claim, especially about the Resistance, our immediate reaction should be to dismiss it outright.

The Resistance does not deceive its people as the enemy deceives its settlers and lies to them. When the enemy reached and killed leaders like Martyr Ismail Haniyeh and Martyr Hajj Mohsen, the Resistance informed us and did not hide the truth.
Aug 12 6 tweets 1 min read
The Resistance fighters, at the end of the day, are human. For 10 months, they had to endure watching their loved ones, family, and friends systematically annihilated using the most despicable means of genocide possible, like starvation, disease m, and endless massacres. The Resistance didn't have to reveal this info, but they did it regardless, which goes to show their unyielding commitment to truth & honesty, and that they don't view this matter lightly, unlike the demons they're up against who let rapists walk free.
Jul 21 12 tweets 2 min read
🧵Dissecting the Myth: Iran and the True Nature of Regional Resistance.

The concocted narrative to label any act against the entity and its imperial master in the region as an Iranian plot is one of the ways the empire tries to delegitimize the Resistance. Hamas didn't do October 7 because the Palestinians have been suffering under the yoke of colonialism and oppression for decades! No, it was an Iranian plot.
Jun 17 7 tweets 1 min read
🧵The Rafah invasion has been absolutely devastating for the occupation. Since they entered, they have suffered heavy losses almost daily, and just now, Enemy media reported injuries among the IOF thugs following the launch of an anti-tank missile at a military vehicle in Rafah. The lack of an achievable goal on the ground or a purpose for the operation outside the genocidal politics of Biden and Netanyahu has definitely made things worse for them as morale continues to crumble.
Jun 15 4 tweets 1 min read
It's worth reminding people that Saudi Arabia has banned all forms of what they call "political" slogans, speeches, Duas, and prayers to prevent people from supporting Palestine during Hajj. They did this under the claim that Hajj is supposed to be a "spiritual" event only, which is a blatant lie that ignores the core principles of Hajj,
Jun 11 5 tweets 1 min read
🧵1-5/When you see the pictures of Palestinians released from the entity's concentration camps, with signs of torture, frail bodies, and destroyed souls, it becomes clear why the Resistance acted on October 7. 2-5/They broke out of prison to free their people from the hellish prisons of the Zionists. No one in the world cared enough to take serious action to liberate and end the suffering of thousands of Palestinians—except the Resistance.
Jun 10 6 tweets 2 min read
🧵Thread: Palestinian Resistance factions' statements regarding the UNSC ceasefire resolution 10-06-2024. 🟢Hamas:
Jun 2 11 tweets 3 min read
🧵1-10/ Gaza is not alone.
In the past few weeks, there has been a significant escalation on the Northern Front with Hezbollah, both in terms of the quality of the operations and the chosen targets. 2-10/Also, as expected, Yemen has lived to its word and started the fourth stage of escalations after the invasion of Rafah, conducting many damaging operations against the US-led coalition. Image
May 31 4 tweets 1 min read
🧵1-4/In my estimation, the reason Zionist propaganda is so lackluster and quite asinine at times, is that it has thrived unchallenged for the past 75 years, dominating mainstream media and shaping Western beliefs with their narrative without opposition. 2-4/Even influential figures like Edward Said were often marginalized and denied a platform. However, with the advent of social media, Palestinians and Muslims have gained the ability to counter Zionist propaganda in the West, catching the Zionists unprepared.
May 24 8 tweets 3 min read
🧵1-8/If someone truly believed in Palestine and giving Palestinians their full rights, they would have cheered Oct 7 and welcomed it with open arms. The fact that Oct 7 made them drop this pretense of peace only goes to show that they only approve of violence Image 2-8/when it is committed by the Zionists, because why didn't the violence committed by the entity against the Palestinians make them abandon their peace activism? Image
May 16 15 tweets 4 min read
🧵1-14/The cost of war.
When analyzing the battle between the Axis of Resistance and the empire solely in terms of economic or material costs, it becomes evident that the Axis of Resistance holds a significant advantage, far surpassing the empire by considerable margins. 2-14/The costs of the resources the Axis spends versus the resources Usrael spends are not even comparable, and this reality is mirrored across all fronts currently engaging with the enemy.
May 15 7 tweets 2 min read
🧵1-5/Please do not share, post, comment, or like any post discussing the names of Martyrs unless those names are released by the official channels of the Resistance itself.

There is a reason why the Resistance does not announce the names of its Martyrs in the Gaza Strip. 2-5/The entity will target the Martyr's family in an act of evil and malicious revenge if they are able to locate them.
May 14 5 tweets 2 min read
🧵1-4/I cannot but disagree with the opinion that the Resistance is fighting as if they were in the first days of the ground invasion because it's abundantly evident that they've significantly progressed since the onset of the war. Image 2-4/They're adapting, leveraging their arsenal and strengths with greater efficiency, and demonstrating a deeper comprehension of enemy tactics and weaknesses. Their operations are getting more complex, their ambushes more frequent, and their attacks more deadly🔻.
Apr 23 27 tweets 7 min read
🧵A thread: After 200 days of genocide; the people of Gaza tell us about the situation and share their thoughts, feelings, and emotions. [After 200 days of war, what remains?]
Apr 21 18 tweets 4 min read
A thread: All episodes of Podcast Revolution by the Resistance in chronological order.

Episode 01 part 01 Episode 01 part 02
Apr 14 7 tweets 4 min read
🧵A thread: 🇵🇸Palestinian Resistance factions' statements about the Iranian response against the Zionist entity.

⚫️Palestinian Islamic Jihad:
Apr 14 25 tweets 7 min read
🧵A thread: people from Gaza react to the Iranian retaliation against the Zionist entity. "The Gazans see rockets above them, but for the first time not to kill them! Theater? May God increase such actors and such theater❤️"
Apr 10 27 tweets 7 min read
🧵A thread: Eid in Gaza

Gazans share their thoughts, emotions, and experiences about Eid
Apr 8 11 tweets 3 min read
🧵1-10/I feel as if we are rushing toward this chapter's conclusion, and what this conclusion will be is anyone's guess. Will it lead to a violent new chapter where the whole region is engulfed in flames, 2-10/and the armies of good & righteousness make their stand against the abyssal hordes of the empire? Or will it lead to another chapter of a long and patient game where we are slowly but steadily gaining power