Husband; Dad; Constitutional Conservative; Energy Attorney; 4-Time-Undefeated KACS Checkers Champion *All views expressed are mine alone
May 7, 2024 • 9 tweets • 2 min read
Satan tells many lies.
But what is *the* lie—the original lie he used on Adam and Eve and has consistently used against humanity?
“God is not a loving, gracious God.”
This one lie comes in multiple forms. 1) God is not love. 2) God does not love *you.* 3) God does not love you *at this moment.* 4) God did not *always* love you. 5) God only loves you *because of Jesus.*
Aug 6, 2019 • 12 tweets • 7 min read
A THREAD ON GUN VIOLENCE, in which I'm sharing several articles that address the issue from varied perspectives--politically, religiously, sociologically.
(Taken together, I think they paint a fair picture of the issue and suggest some ways to address the problem.)
@andrewtwalk recently wrote "Mass Shootings and the Church’s Opportunity in Confronting the American Male Mindset" which attacked the issues facing our young men head-on, from the perspective of what the church can and should do.…
Aug 6, 2019 • 8 tweets • 2 min read
As I read Psalm 136 tonight, I was reminded that God’s everlasting mercy isn’t just a repeated theme in this Psalm.
It is a repeated theme through the entirety of Psalms and the Old Testament more broadly.
The Hebrew word used in Psalm 136 is “ḥas·dōw” (חַסְדּ֗וֹ).
It occurs 58 times in the OT—first in Genesis & lastly in Jeremiah.
It occurs in 11 different Psalms & 10 OT different books.
It is sometimes translated in the King James as mercy, lovingkindness, kindness, or goodness.