BSWH Temple Infectious Disease Profile picture
Division of Infectious Diseases & Fellowship Program at Baylor Scott & White in Temple, TX. Excellence in Patient Care & Education.
Aug 31, 2020 11 tweets 4 min read
It's case time:
55 YO AA male with for the past 6 weeks, anorexia, fatigue, 30 lbs weight loss over 6 months, subjective fevers. He was admitted to the hospital for shortness of breath and xray findings. From Jamaica, has been working in west Texas for the past 1.5 yrs. Image Transbronchial biopsy shown here Image
Aug 24, 2020 8 tweets 2 min read
Coming to u live from Tejas:

50 YO male HIV controlled since 90s, dx Burkitt's lymphoma of Spine/GI tract on DR-EPOCH/intrathecal MTX yesterday 3wks of fever, malaise, left neck swelling and pain with multiple painful lesions of arms, hands. Picture to follow with poll: Here are pictures and a lot of lesions look like the first ImageImage
Aug 16, 2020 12 tweets 4 min read
Lets turn up the heat:

45 YO HIV lost to f/u 5 year ago, with diarrhea and confusion. He is thin, slightly hypotensive and febrile to 103. Labs: pancytopenia, crypto ag -, ferritin 15k, fungal profile -, AFB/bacteria cx in blood -, Stool PCR -, CT scan w/nodes and ileus. A very dedicated tech calls the fellow on call and says I think you need to look at this slide: Image
Aug 12, 2020 10 tweets 3 min read
Answer to prior case:
Mucormycosis is an increasing problem in the immunosuppressed. Mucor is a problem classically found in the uncontrolled DM as rhinocerebral mucormycosis but seen trauma, localized, disseminated infections. 2nd most common mold infxn after aspergillus. Image 2/11
Mucor is actually the order of fungus. K->P->C->O->F->G->S (for those of us who need the reminder). It used to be called Zygomycosis but this is no longer the proper nomenclature because of reclassification.
Aug 6, 2020 9 tweets 3 min read
Answer to prior question:
Diagnosis was Norwegian or Crusted scabies as @mettingal astutely pointed out with his flag. @apakers11 very on top of things noted its association with Down's Sd. Image Patient had high evaporative water losses from wounds causing severe dehydration. Improved with ivermectin and topical pyrimethamine.