How to get URL link on X (Twitter) App have mentioned the count (this is the absolute confirmed minimum losses) and their estimate before that a while back was done via an analysis on cemeteries data/info but now it's an estimate calculated on the excess mortality among men using Probate Registry data. DN não "inventou" esta notícia. O DN usou como referencia um artigo do jornal israelita Haaretz. Eu não tenho conta no site deles, mas o artigo pode ser consultado no Archive Today, aqui (e podem usar um tradutor online para ver o que diz): of us further West, myself included, reacted too lightly to that annexation, and quickly accepted it as a "fait accompli" because, well, there wasn't much anyone could do about it. Ukraine accepting neutrality and not joining NATO that is perfectly fine. It does not mean they won't have protection. You don't need to be part of NATO to have security treaties. Also Finland is not in NATO but their military is perfectly integrated with it 2/8