Bruno BaKano 🇪🇺💙💛🇺🇦 Profile picture
🇵🇹 Xennial born in 🇫🇷 and currently living in 🇳🇱 after some stints spent in the 🇬🇧 and 🇯🇵. I usually have opinions about everything and anything.
Feb 4 5 tweets 2 min read
I share this update on the latest assessment report from the Frontelligence Insight team because I've been looking at Kupyansk for more than 18,5 months after reports of russia amassing lots of troops and equipment there for an assault on the city (and after on Kharkiv)
1/ After those initial reports, vatniks starting saying this would happen quickly, like you can see one of their mouthpieces, that Galloway moron politician guy, back in August 2023 (check the tweet I replied to)

Feb 2 6 tweets 3 min read
When I first saw footage from the press briefing and heard her say "killed tens of millions of Americans" I was like "WTF?!?!" and was surprised that no one called her out immediately.
Apparently people and journalists only noticed the 25% and 10% figures.
1/ Image
To be honest, I had no idea how many people have died from fentanyl in the US but of course tens of millions was a ridiculous claim as that would be a catastrophe on par with the plagues and diseases that killed millions centuries ago.
Turns out numbers are very different
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Feb 2 25 tweets 7 min read
I haven't posted a 🧵 about the Georgian Legion specifically during last year cause I tried to stay away from all the bullying (even though I have replied and shared comments on others) but now is the time to make a more clear comment because of this

1/… If you don't want to open the link here's the 2 main points (the statement by the @DI_Ukraine is due to accusations from the Slovakia government as reported in the article above)
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Jan 31 18 tweets 6 min read
The NY Times (that some consider fake news, but not when it validates those "some" own beliefs) reported about the understaffing of the control tower at DCA, and here are 2 screenshots with the whole piece

Of course, after Trump's remarks about ATC, a lot of people are already making the conclusion that it was ATC fault, cause they were understaffed, all because of DEI (there are other crazy stories like the helicopter pilot being trans)!
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Jan 31 14 tweets 3 min read
Let me comment on this news.
First note is that I don't like the now "realistic" talk about not being possible to defeat russia. Just like in the American Revolution, 🇺🇦 is not looking to conquer its agressor, just wants to defeat it unequivocally in their land...
1/ ... and thus force it to give-up and to settle for peace as it is no longer in condition to continue a war of aggression (offensive war).
But by already stating "can't defeat russia; can't go back to previous borders" Rubio is repeating Kremlin's arguments.
Jan 30 8 tweets 2 min read
I guess it's a symptom of having Trump as president as the public discussion get's even more dumb than usual, usually started with his own reactions, but I recommend people this 🧵to understand that accidents like this tend to happen due to several conditions that...
1/6 ... build up over time. Ultimately someone made a big mistake so human-error is most likely the cause, but several decisions and circumstances cause these type of situations and eventually lead to an error being bad enough that it causes a tragedy
Jan 23 16 tweets 3 min read
Sharing some thoughts about Trump-Putin-Ukraine:

I had no trust that Trump would do right for Ukraine but after the previous talk with Zelenskyy (before inauguration) he looked to be somewhat convinced supporting Ukraine was better;

However he still said every now and then some stuff about. But his actions, and from his administration, after Monday, so with 3 days of his presidency, have been positive for Ukraine.
His words about Putin destroying russia and doing very poorly are good ones.

Jan 22 9 tweets 3 min read
I was making fun on my first reaction to the salute Elonolf Muskler did on Monday but now I am going to be a bit more serious.

We can debate intention, if he really wanted to do it or he was just too fucked up (too high) and got too excited and let his emotions go wild
1/ That is debatable and it is true that Delulon Musky has shown to be supportive of Jews at times.
But what to me is LUDICROUS, actually RIDICULOUS, is people saying that of course it wasn't a salute.
So here's a video with neo-nazis doing it, side-by-side
Jan 21 35 tweets 10 min read
A couple of days ago, Oryx's list of 🇷🇺 equipment losses surpassed 20K, a milestone, and to celebrate that I'm finally making the 🧵about this topic, similar to what I recurrently do for casualties, that I wanted to do for a while.

1/ To start, I want to just share what Jakub has repeatedly said about this list, it lists visually confirmed losses and it should be a consider the minimum value, or a conservative floor as he sometimes says.

Dec 29, 2024 24 tweets 6 min read
I was waiting for the usual article about this year cost of the war in BBC Russia but there's none so far, but I can make some comments about the Mediazona count, since they won't make another update this year.
(a 🧵)
1/ Image I have mentioned the count (this is the absolute confirmed minimum losses) and their estimate before that a while back was done via an analysis on cemeteries data/info but now it's an estimate calculated on the excess mortality among men using Probate Registry data.
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Mar 10, 2024 61 tweets 12 min read
Today is the Legislative elections, or general elections, in Portugal, my home country.
I will use this thread to talk about, and cover, them throughout the day like I I did 3,5 months ago for the Dutch (country where I live) ones.
By the way, its been 3,5 months and many people here on Xitter asked what was going to happen after the win of the far-right but there's still no new government and I'm not sure if an agreement will be reached.
But that's a story for another day
Dec 23, 2023 63 tweets 20 min read
So this will be the placeholder to my list of #SongsNotInEnglish. I didn't hashtagged the first tree and I will not add new tweets here, I'll just link them and keep this pinned because why not? #SongsNotInEnglish no. 1:
Nov 21, 2023 68 tweets 18 min read
Tomorrow is a general elections (for the parliament, the 2nd Chamber, officially "Tweede Kamer der Staten-Generaal") day here in 🇳🇱.
Normally elections were due in 2025 but the Rutte IV cabinet (a coalition one) fell apart in July this year resulting in snap elections.
1/ Image There are 21 parties with candidates for the parliament seats. In reality 22, as the PvdA and the GroenLinks are running together with same list.
This election will result in a new prime-minister since October 2010, as Mark Rutte announced he would quit back in July.
Nov 20, 2023 20 tweets 6 min read
Por uma vez escrevo uma thread em Português pois é um fact-check desta notícia do @dntwit (DN) que presumo outros órgãos de comunicação social também partilharam (eu admito só vi esta)

Comecemos então.
1/ O DN não "inventou" esta notícia. O DN usou como referencia um artigo do jornal israelita Haaretz. Eu não tenho conta no site deles, mas o artigo pode ser consultado no Archive Today, aqui (e podem usar um tradutor online para ver o que diz):

Oct 9, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
Hey @F1 , I have a suggestion: next time there's heavy rain and bad visibility, instead of waiting hour(s) and then have drivers immediately box for inters once SC goes in, why not go early behind SC on full wets, that are designed to clear water... 1/5 ... for some laps, then allow them to race on full wets for some other laps some other laps, maybe with some yellow flags on sectors that are more dangerous, or if visibility is really really bad under VSC? Cars running on full wets create a racing line pretty quickly 2/5
Oct 8, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
Coming to check Twitter this morning and seeing the images and news about the damaged Crimean Bridge over the Kerch Strait is very satisfying.
There's a particular significance to this as the bridge was built after 🇷🇺 illegal annexation of the peninsula 1/6 Most of us further West, myself included, reacted too lightly to that annexation, and quickly accepted it as a "fait accompli" because, well, there wasn't much anyone could do about it.
Then 🇷🇺 build the bride to connect Crimean to the "motherland" and reaffirm its claim 2/6
Oct 7, 2022 7 tweets 1 min read
During a talk with a colleague (because of a longer than usual post of mine on LinkedIn) he said I could title myself as a content creator, and I had forgotten about that definition.
It is true, I see myself as a content creator, in particular if I take Adobe's definition of it:
"A content creator is someone who creates entertaining or educational material to be expressed through any medium or channel."
Sep 3, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
It's now ~5:45 AM here and I tried to hide from my son that woke up and was looking to see if I was already awake so that he could stay with me in the living room and watch telly (or watch videos on the telly). I succeeded for 3 minutes only... Most of the mornings I try to lay very still and see if he doesn't realize I'm already downstairs but today I tried to hide when he went upstairs to check our room.
Didn't work, as always...
Aug 18, 2022 9 tweets 2 min read
At lunch my father gave me a great example of what affects society nowadays, in particular white males over 55 yo: they are scared of problems that don't exist but they think are very important ones. 1/ According to him, it's a big fucking deal that employers, or people responsible for employees, don't keep a close and detailed track of the employees whereabouts, in particular their absences and why, you may ask? 2/
Jun 7, 2022 19 tweets 4 min read
It seems I'm not able to gather enough inspiration and motivation (and time, what I constantly lack to do all that I want and must) to sit for a few hours and write the Cogitation in the Time of War #32 (the 100+ days of Putin's Invasion). So I'll share here some points 1/ Most of the focus has been on the Donbas, first Izyum, then Popasna and now Sievierodonetsk because 🇷🇺 keeps "reducing" their goals, but actually I'm much more interested in what's happening near Kherson with 🇺🇦 counteroffensive there 2/
May 31, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
There's a song from a Portuguese artist entitled "Os Maridos das Outras", translated as "The Other Women's Husbands" with very clever lyrics that maybe surprisingly became popular also with married women (the target of the critique). 1/… And today a thought popped in my mind, related with this song: that my wife wants me to be an amalgamation of the other women's husband's 2/