BadEmpanada Profile picture
Anthropologist Specialised in the Analysis of Westerners
Jan 5, 2024 13 tweets 2 min read
Here is what theoretically is supposed to happen if the genocide case against Israel at the ICJ is allowed to work as it is supposed to. It won't be, but anyway:

- On Jan 11th and Jan 12th South Africa & Israel will argue for/against preliminary measures. This is not an actual genocide case yet. It is rather a request for 'prevention of genocide' outlined in the Genocide Convention. The idea is to stop even a possible in progress genocide.

So genocide doesn't need to be proven, it just needs to be shown that there is a risk.
Dec 26, 2023 17 tweets 3 min read
Veo mucho que los liberales usan Australia como ejemplo de lo que quieren para Argentina.

Bueno, yo soy australiano, y les digo que Australia es un ejemplo de todo lo contrario de lo que quieren. Hilo: Primero, en Australia los planes sociales son relativamente gigantes. Cuando yo vi los planes de Argentina por primera vez, me pareció absurdo que se puedan quejar tanto de montos de dinero tan chicos.

En Australia, te pagan como minimo $1000 USD por mes si estás desempleado.
Dec 26, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
CONFIRMADO: El dueño de la cuenta de doxxeo @MinidoxeoArg es FRANCO EZEQUIEL ESCALANTE de RESISTENCIA, CHACO.Image AVISO: Puede ser equivocado el segundo nombre. En algunas de sus cuentas, usa users con '04', algo que indica que tiene 19 años. Pero no hay un 'Franco Ezequiel Escalante' con 19 años de Resistencia, Chaco. Sí hay 2 otros 'Franco Escalante'

De todos modos, Franco Escalante es su nombre. Puede ser que tiene más de 19, o que tiene otro segundo nombre.
Dec 24, 2023 13 tweets 5 min read
Everything to do with the Holocaust was about land. Everything.

To frame it as inexplicable is both Holocaust denial and an attempt to weaponize it to downplay the previous genocides that inspired it.

Here I will explain why, with actual sources. Nazi ideology was based around 'Lebensraum' - living space. This was created by German intellectual Friedrick Ratzel, who was inspired to advocate for German colonialism after visiting the USA, reading American colonial intellectuals, and becoming obsessed with Manifest Destiny.
Nov 21, 2023 12 tweets 2 min read
Going to expand on this because lots of people in the replies don't get it:

The Holocaust can absolutely be explained as imperialism.

The Nazis believed that Germany had lost WW1 due to a global Jewish conspiracy that 'stabbed them in the back'. (1/11) Hitler's ambition was for German expansion across most or all of Eastern Europe, as Germans according to him did not have enough lebensraum (living space) in their country. In order for this to be possible, Nazi logic dictated that lessons had to be learned from WW1. (2/11)
May 18, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
An excellent reminder that Breadtubers are fundamentally Western exceptionalist liberals who will support any position that they see as furthering Western hegemony the most, regardless of the obvious consequences for human beings. Ukraine retaking all of its lost territory is likely going to be impossible and come at a ridiculous human cost. The simple sovereignty of one state over another is not worth being completely unwilling to compromise over without it being a proxy to stop national oppression.
May 18, 2023 15 tweets 4 min read
I want to explain precisely why this video & the situation it depicts is so heinous for those that don't get it.
First, more details on the situation: this woman was in the USA for 30 years working for this family, and was not able to leave according to the video creator. Image There is one reason for this and one reason only: she did not have a work visa. So this family employed her for 30 years, did not sponsor her as an employee to help her regularize her migration status, and let her visa expire.
May 17, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
Renegade Cut made a video telling Americans not to join the military and mass murder people. It immediately got a response from a Vaush orbiter arguing that there's actually nothing wrong with that Image Every time, "cops who police me are bastards, soldiers that police the third world on my behalf are fine" Image