Prof. Dr. Sanjeev Bagai Profile picture
Chairman Nephron Clinic Sr. Consultant Paediatrician, Nephrologist MBBS, MD, DCH, DNBE, MNAMS, FSCH, MIPA, FIMSA, PhD.hs. Padma Shri Awardee Dr B C Roy Awardee
2 subscribers
Jan 21 5 tweets 2 min read
SARSCoV2 nAbs specificities differ dramatically btw recently infected infants & immune-imprinted. nAbs specificities of imprinted vs infants infected with recent strain;… spike mutations affect neutrz by Abs of adults & children imprinted by original vac vs infants with primary infection by XBB* variant. serum neutralizing activity of imprinted primarily targets spike (RBD), serum neutralizing activity of infants only infected with XBB* mostly targets spike (NTD). In these infants, secondary exposure to XBB* spike via vac shifts more of neutralizing activity towards RBD, specific RBD sites targeted are different than for imprinted adults. dramatic differences in neutralization specificities among with different exposure histories likely impact SARSCoV-2 evolution.
Jan 11 15 tweets 6 min read
Neutralization of omicron subvariants and antigenic cartography following multiple COVID19 vac & repeated omicron non JN.1 or JN.1 infections; sera from vac-only, hybrid immunity, single or repeated omicron post-vac infections (PVIs),(non-JN.1 & JN.1);… neutralization against omicron BA.5, BA.2.75, BQ.1.1, XBB.1.16, XBB.1.5, JN.1. NAbs exhibited a narrow breadth against BA.5 and BA.2.75 and failed to neutralize BQ.1.1 and XBB lineages after 3 to 5 doses of the ancestral monovalent vac. Hybrid immunity elicite⬆️neutralizing titers than vac alone, but titers remain relatively⬇️. A single omicron PVI elicited lower neutralization titers to all variants compared to (WT),
Jan 4 6 tweets 3 min read
SARS-CoV-2 spike protein long-term effect on neuro-PASC. long COVID/PASC affects at least 10% of all infected, equating 65 million worldwide.Long-COVID/PASC incidence ranges from 50 and 70% in hospitalized & not hospitalized,for 2yr after acute infection… 10–12% in vac; Symptoms can persist for up to 2 or 3 years & vary over time; duration of long COVID is extending. 135,161 infected followed for 3 years, a decrease in the number of infected, mortality risk, and PASC was observed over time. While the risk of death diminishes after 1 year in non-hospitalized patients, it persists beyond 3 years in hospitalized patients, along with an increased risk of developing PASC.
Sep 20, 2024 7 tweets 3 min read
Long COVID is not same for everyone:hierarchical cluster analysis of LC symptoms 9 & 12mth after SARSCoV2 test: 552 individuals at 9 months; 458 at 12 months. median age was 52yr & 59% female. Hypertension & high cholesterol were most frequent pre-existing… Memory loss, fatigue or weakness and joint pain were most frequent symptoms reported 9 and 12 months after positive test. 4 clusters were identified at both times: no or minor symptoms; multi-symptoms; joint pain; and neurocognitive-related symptoms. Clusters remained similar in both times, but, within neurocognitive cluster, memory loss and concentration issues increased in frequency at 12 months. Multi-symptoms cluster had older people, more females and more pre-existing health conditions at 9 months. at 12 months, older people and those with more pre-existing health conditions were in joint pain cluster.
Apr 23, 2024 8 tweets 3 min read
The persistence of SARS-CoV-2 in tissues and its association with long COVID symptoms: a cross-sectional cohort study in China -Viral RNA was distributed across ten different types of solid tissues, liver, kidney, stomach, intestine, brain, blood vessel,… lung, breast, skin, thyroid, subgenomic RNA was detected in (43%) of 61 solid tissue samples tested for subgenomic RNA that also tested positive for viral RNA. At 2 months after infection, viral RNA was detected in plasma of (33%), granulocytes of one (11%),
Apr 16, 2024 13 tweets 4 min read
SARSCoV2 Mitochondrial Metabolic and Epigenomic Reprogramming in COVID19; SARSCoV2 strongly inhibits mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation (OXPHOS) result in⬆️mitochondrial reactive oxygen species (mROS) production. ⬆️mROS stabilizes HIF-1α;… redirects carbon molecules from mitochondrial oxidation thro glycolysis & pentose phosphate pathway (PPP) to provide substrates for viral biogenesis. mROS induces the release of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) which activates innate immunity. Image
Apr 9, 2024 10 tweets 2 min read
Viral persistence in children infected with SARSCoV2: current evidence and future research strategies: Lancet Microbe:LC who underwent surgery for other reasons 175d & 426d after initial infection had e/o SARSCoV-l2 RNA in breast, appendix, skin.… plasma of with or without LC & uninfected controls, show persistence of viral protein in LC concomitant immunological perturbations,proinflammatory & pro-fibrotic cytokines. Viral persistence detected in immunocompromised, persistent virus replicate, evolve, generate new variants
Apr 5, 2024 11 tweets 4 min read
Immune Responses in Discharged COVID19 Patients With/ Without Long COVID Symptoms; 2 groups: LC & CP group. Both groups underwent virus-specific immunological analyses,enzyme-linked immunosorbent,IFN-γ-enzyme-linked immune absorbent, intracellular cytokine… 12mth after infection, 98.5% were seropositive & 93.3% had detectable SARSCoV2-specific mTcells. LC had signif⬆️levels of (RBD)– (IgG) levels, as OD450 values, than CP controls (0.40 vs 0.37 P = .022); magnitude of SARSCoV2-specific Tcell responses didn’t differ signif btw grps
Apr 2, 2024 37 tweets 6 min read
Kidney damage asso with COVID19: from acute to chronic phase; most common form of glomerular injury is collapsing glomerulopathy (CG), strongly asso with apolipoprotein L1(APOL-1) risk variants; acute lesions, are secondary to direct or indirect effects,… progress to chronicity; specific to long COVID-19 in absence of any other cause. Residual inflammation asso with SARS-CoV-2 infection, add to (AKI) as transitional state with or without severe histological lesions,responsible for greater kidney funct⬇️in mild-to-moderate COVID19
Mar 17, 2024 13 tweets 3 min read
SARSCoV2 infects neurons, induces neuroinflammation in a non-human primate model of COVID-19: SARSCoV-2 is found in olfactory brain areas at 7d post infection;
Neurons are initially primary target of SARSCoV2 productive infection;… Neurocovid is accompanied by robust neuroinflammation & vascular disruption;
SARSCoV2 brain pathology is worsened by aging & diabetes in infected
Mar 6, 2024 26 tweets 5 min read
COVID-19 Asso CVS Disease;Risks, Prevention, Management: Heart at Risk Due to COVID19; SARSCoV2 belongs to Sarbecovirus lineage of β-CoVs; SARS-CoV-2 shares 79.5% of sequence identity with virus SARSCoV. transmissibility of initial SARSCo2 variant,… Alpha (B.1.1.7), is estimated to be 10x faster than of SARSCoV virus, result in rapid spread.
SARSCoV2 virus continued to mutate, producing new disease variants character by diff in spike glycoprotein; VOC -beta, delta, recently, omicron strains. omicron variant & subvariants
Feb 29, 2024 6 tweets 2 min read
Long Covid and Impaired Cognition — More Evidence and More Work to Do: Modest cognitive decline occurred with original virus & with each viral variant, B.1.1.529 (omicron). As compared with uninfected (control),… cognitive deficit — commensurate with 3-point loss in IQ — evident even in who had had mild Covid19 with resolved symptoms. with unresolved persistent symptoms had equivalent of a 6-point loss in IQ; those admitted to ICU had equivalent of a 9-point loss in IQ.
Feb 23, 2024 4 tweets 1 min read
Insights into attention and memory difficulties in post-COVID syndrome using standardized neuropsychological tests, experimental cognitive tasks; neuropsychological assessment, post-COVID show signif worse performance wrt normative sample on multiple tests… assessing attention and executive functions (TMT-B, Stroop, PASAT, MFPT), and naming abilities; average z scores 1 SD lower wrt normative sample on TMT-B and naming tests; Prospective and Retrospective Memory Questionnaire (PRMQ) show⬆️incidence of subjective memory complaints: Image
Feb 5, 2024 10 tweets 2 min read
Myopericarditis following COVID19 vac & non-COVID19 vac:systematic review meta-analysis: Lancet Respiratory Medicine; overall incidence of myopericarditis from 22 studies (405 272 721 vac doses) was 33·3 cases/million vac doses,… did not differ signif btw COVID19 vac (18·2, 11 studies [395 361 933 doses]) & non-COVID19 vac (56·0, 11 studies [9 910 788 doses], p=0·20). Compared with COVID19 vac, incidence of myopericarditis was signif⬆️following smallpox vac (132·1, p<0·0001)
Feb 5, 2024 24 tweets 5 min read
Conventional dendritic cell 2 links the genetic causal association from allergic asthma to COVID19: negative causal correlation from AA to COVID19 hospitalization (OR = 0.968, P = 0.031). correlation was bridged thro white cell count,… DCs) as most discriminative immunocytes in AA & COVID19. Among 5 DC subtypes, only conventional dendritic cell 2 (cDC2) exhibited differential expression between AA/COVID19 and controls (P < 0.05), energy metabolism, intercellular communication, cellular stemness,
Jan 9, 2024 6 tweets 2 min read
Conversion of monoclonal IgG to dimeric and secretory IgA restores neutralizing ability & prevents infection of Omicron lineages. mAb IgA for direct admin to mucosal surface; dimerization of IgA, thro⬆️avidity, signif⬆️potency of broadly nAbs,… converting IgG to dimeric & secretory forms of IgA restores neutrz ability against Omicron variants. intranasal dimeric IgA Ab DXP-604 gv prophylactic & therapeutic against Omicron BA.5; nasal spray of dimeric or secretory IgA Abs effective block viral infectn,⬆️ mucosal immunity
Jan 6, 2024 17 tweets 4 min read
Behavioral factors & SARSCoV2 transmission heterogeneity within a household cohort in Costa Rica: estimated household secondary attack rate is 34%. Mask wearing by index case is asso with household transmission risk⬇️by 67% (aOR= 0.33) &… not sharing bedroom with index case is associated with⬇️reduction of household transmission by 78% (aOR = 0.22). The estimated distribution of household secondary attack rates is highly heterogeneous across index cases, 30% of index cases being source for 80% of secondary cases
Jan 4, 2024 17 tweets 3 min read
T4 apoptosis in acute phase of SARS-CoV-2 infection predicts long COVID: peripheral blood mononuclear cells, inflammatory/ anti-inflammatory cytokines; chemokines, Th1/Th2/Th17 cytokines, endothelium activation markers, T4, T8, NK differentiation,… activation, exhaustion and senescence, T cell apoptosis, monocyte subpopulations. compared these markers between participants who devel LC or not one year later.
None of these markers was predictive for sequelae, except programmed T4 cell death.
Jan 4, 2024 13 tweets 3 min read
SARSCoV2 infection is asso with anti-desmoglein 2 autoantibody detection | Clinical Experimental Immunology | Oxford Academic. desmosomal protein levels & presence of anti-desmoglein (DSG) 1, 2, 3 Abs in acute & CP with COVID19 of diff clinical severity… ⬆️levels of DSG2 protein in sera from acute COVID19. DSG2 autoantibody levels are signif⬆️ in CP following severe COVID19 but not in hospitalized recovering from influenza infection or healthy controls. Levels of autoantibody in sera with severe COVID19 were comparable to
Jan 2, 2024 10 tweets 2 min read
Long COVID:major findings, mech,recom; > 200 symptoms impact multiple organ systems. > 65 million worldwide estim LC,pathophysiological changes, risk factors: myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome, postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome… incidence is estimated at 10–30% of non-hospitalized, 50–70% of hospitalized, 10–12% of vac. Long COVID is asso with all ages & acute phase disease severities, with highest % of diagnoses btw ages of 36 & 50 years, most long COVID cases are in non-hospitalized mild acute illness
Dec 29, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Analysis of SARSCoV2 transmission in airports based on real human close contact behaviors; data, > 44 h of close contact behaviors, interpersonal distance, relative facial orientation, relative position of individuals, analyzed; close contact transmission,… average close contact ratio in 9 airport's areas is 25.4 % (range 6.1 % to 55.0 %), with passengers having highest frequency of close contact in manual check-in areas. During close contacts, average interpersonal distance in airports is 1.2 m Image