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Jul 9 15 tweets 3 min read
The Popular Front's comeback across Europe, especially in France, hints at a major shake-up of the political order by the GDS.

India's choice of NDA brings a sigh of relief. The US should follow suit with Trump.

Set aside the flawed Democracy for now and focus on the PF.

1/15 Why do @narendramodi and @AmitShah keep pushing for a 'Congress Mukth Bhārat'?

It is a socialist party, formed by the Colonial powers and is still under. Has the same ability to bounce back like the PF in Europe.

Congress's recent makeover to a complete Islamic party

Jul 6 9 tweets 2 min read
GDS is using their Puppet to target two key issues:

1. NEET - to mobilise students
2. Agniveers - to disrupt the defense system Modi is standing up to counter the GDS plans to create Civic havoc and unrest.

I warned about this 2 years ago. Recap here

War takes many forms:

1. Military Combats
2. Political Warfare
3. Information Wars
4. Propaganda Warfare
5. Cyber Warfare
6. Psychological Warfare
7. Biological Weapons (e.g., COVID)
8. Chemical Weapons (e.g., Anthrax)
9. Economic Hit Jobs
10. Trade Warfare

Jun 20 23 tweets 4 min read
Priyanka Gandhi launching now through Wayanad is concerning.

If you followed my January thread, you will know why.

Looks like the GDS has brought forward their plan.

PG was set for a 2029 rollout, banking on Congress's 100-seat tipping point from the Muslim vote bloc.

1/23 Here's a quick recap for our new readers:

~ Under UPA rule, container loads of cash flooded Kerala's ports

~ Rumor has it, this money originated from Pakistan, allegedly using our Mint which Congress may have sold.

~ Over time, this cash infiltrated three key areas:

Jun 16 8 tweets 2 min read
Why overanalyse the #Vikravandi by-elections?

AIADMK isn't even running. DMK has the cash and brawn, with PMK as the main opponent.

Some say AIADMK votes hold the key.

Time to face reality.

AIADMK is no longer the anti-DMK force it once was.

With JJ gone, the party’s true colours are showing.

Much of this stems from the Dravidian Kazhakams' origins.

MGR and JJ pushed the party forward with progressive, nationalistic, and Dhārmic ideals.

All that changed under EPS. Key shifts in AIADMK under EPS:

Jun 16 14 tweets 3 min read
Millions of BJP Kāryakartās, heartfelt thanks to you.

The months-long democracy festival has concluded, reaffirming our collective Dhārmic conscience.

As a humble Praja of this Mahārājya, I extend my deepest gratitude to the BJP Karyakartās for your tireless Rāshtra Sēva.
1/14 The sweltering heat, the vicious propaganda, the toxic media, the splurge of ill-gotten money,

the shadowy GDS power, judiciary overreach, corruption of officials, and most importantly, violence in some parts -

you overcame all that to secure our nation in safest hands.

Jun 14 17 tweets 3 min read
Tamizh Nadu Elections 2026: AIADMK, BJP, and Annamalai - The Starting Position

1. Will AIADMK team up with BJP?
2. What’s behind EPS’s confident grin?
3. Can AIADMK unite its factions?
4. Will BJP's internal strife escalate?
5. What's @annamalai_k 's game plan for 2026?

1/17 1. Will AIADMK team up with BJP?

AIADMK craves an alliance with BJP, but EPS won’t budge with @annamalai_k at the helm.

He wants BJP to replace Annamalai with a leader he can team up with ease. Someone who will never overshadow him.

EPS is determined to oust Annamalai,

Jun 8 30 tweets 6 min read
1. Did @annamalai_k stumble by going solo in Tamizh Nadu?
2. Will AIADMK join the NDA fold now?
3. Is Tamizhisai right about her comment on BJP followers?
4. What if Annamalai becomes a Cabinet Minister?
5. Will Annamalai be removed as party president in jeopardy?

My take

1/30 1. Tamizh Nadu BJP made a huge leap in vote share under the dynamic, firebrand leadership of @annamalai_k

Interestingly, this was pan state, not pockets. Even Chennai rocked.

His inspiration has everyone thinking, "I can do this too!" - which may explain older leaders

Jun 6 39 tweets 7 min read
Analysis of Poll results, coalition, and our challenge at hand.

I will break some convention and challenge the recent narratives in this thread.

Firstly coalition, then results.

1. @narendramodi will successfully lead the coalition.
2. Initially it will be a tough time for the new government as the opposition now large in number will not let a single bill to pass easily. Will keep disrupting with full force.

You can witness anarchy first hand.

3. Congress will NOT come to power at least the next decade or more.

4. NCB will NOT leave
Jun 1 19 tweets 4 min read
Tamizh Nadu results may not be what everyone is hoping for.

As I have forewarned, EPS is likely to be the architect of TN results.

The last thing I want is Political Analysts setting a wrong narrative.

Firstly, I need you to get this right.

1. Everything is not based on

1/19 arithmetics - which is alliance formation

2. Caste wise bloc voting is a myth in TN

Some political analysts have already started pinning the blame on NDA alliance - implying that BJP and @annamalai_k have failed in forming the right alliance with Krishnaswamy and others.

May 21 25 tweets 5 min read
Prashant Kishore must be exposed.

If I see young @annamalai_k as the bright sun of Bhārat, then I perceive PKP as the harbinger of an eclipse.

I will clarify this through exposing PKP's ulterior games anchoring on his interview with @BDUTT recently.

1/25 PKP is a smart strategist. He is good at campaign as well as grass root calculations. He can make even a corrupt politician win.

But it all turns bad when we know he has no scruples.

First, I'll counter bit by bit his anti-Modi narrative, then expose his true agenda.

May 17 11 tweets 2 min read
Quick thoughts on AAP and the Deep State Plans in the Maliwal Scandal.

Unlike other times, these notes are hunches, not definite facts. I am considering possibilities in this short thread.

First of all, AAP chronology samjhiye.

1. AK goes to jail.

1/11 2. Swati goes abroad, presumably to meet her GDS bosses/handlers.

3. Returns to find her being cut out from the campaign trail.

4. ED frames and names AAP party along with AK

5. Swati comes to AK residence, questions AK and gets beaten up.

May 12 18 tweets 4 min read
Kejrival's Bail: Subverting Judiciary and Sabotaging Democracy.

Rule of Law is a key ingredient of freedom. When that is subverted, we must know our Democracy is in danger.

And, no, India is not alone, nor the first.

I am exposing the types of subversion and their modi.

1/18 Happens in two ways:

FIRST - When the elected Executive - in our case, our Government undermines the powers of the judiciary.

This happens when the Judiciary plays their Constitutional role to the detriment of a corrupt Executive and the Executive reviews Judiciary.

May 9 17 tweets 4 min read
Rahul Gandhi's Caste Census, Sam Pitroda's relevance, Stages of CIVIC WARS, and the Agniveers.

Don't be fooled. Rahul Gandhi's call for a caste-based census has nothing to do with caste reservations.

It has everything to do with future Civic Unrest. It's a blueprint.

1/16 Pitroda's seemingly innocent blurt is actually a deliberate move.

It was made to popularise the belief that Congress wants to Divide and Rule by creating North South Divide or through advancing racial theories.

While the Divide and Rule part is right, the modus is hidden.

May 5 5 tweets 1 min read
Those predicting a split in Congress into PG and RG factions after June 4 don't know how dynastic politics operates globally.

As I have said, Congress is waiting for the tipping point when Muslim votes reach a critical mass.

Remaining relevant until then is the game.

Do you think PG is made to look exactly like her grandmother without a reason?

Wait and watch. Over the next few years, more and more "truth" about the Islamic ancestry of the G family will come out.

Keeping PG away from electoral politics is key for future launch.

Apr 21 21 tweets 4 min read
Analysis of Tamizh Nadu Polls #Elections2024

What I have to say is not what you may want to hear. Especially my conclusion that EPS has played this game very well.

1. DMK manages to keep their votes intact but will not get the same win as 2019

2. As I have always maintained, EPS is no fool.

He has emerged as the Oligarch of Tamizh Nadu Politics.

While others lauded EPS for being a great leader, and later called him a fool, mine was the lone voice that said EPS knows exactly what he is doing.

Politically he is dangerous and must be stopped.
Mar 21 5 tweets 2 min read
I demand CJI to withdraw his outrageous comments on Hon Guv of Tamizh Nadu Sri RN Ravi @rajbhavan_tn

1. Clearly a case of Judicial Overreach (see my pinned thread on what's behind this)

2. What RN Ravi has done is perfectly Constitutional. A minister shall hold office at the Image 'pleasure' of the Governor. In this case, SC has NOT acquitted the culprit, but only stayed the lower court's award.

Governor has acted as per 'Article 163 and 164 of Part VI - States' of the Indian Constitution. Subsection (3) of Article 163 is inserted to ensure the Governor
Mar 16 22 tweets 4 min read
Avial thoughts on Politics:

1. CEC brief: very comprehensive reflecting excellent master plan and meticulous blueprint. Felt the only weak point was no concrete answer to how EC will demonstrate enforcement of MCC.

TN among the first states off the block underlines what I have always been saying. TN is a terror hub and brain of deep state

2. Electoral Bonds: crystal clear case of #JudicialOverreach

As mentioned in my pinned thread, Judicial Overreach will be one of the tools to undermine the executive with flow on effect on BJP
Mar 10 16 tweets 3 min read
Containers of cash from Pakistan in Kerala ports, Biriyani addiction and DMK aligned Drug Mafia - short thread.

This thread is a collection of expose I have made over the past few years.

Drug news is sensational. But it's important to see what's behind all this.

1/16 1. Cash from Pakistan and Demonitisation

During UPA 1.0, it is believed that ISI managed to print Indian currency and sent them in containers to the Kerala coast.

Mar 9 23 tweets 6 min read
Twitter axed this thread pre- @elonmusk takeover.

It unveiled a massive and successful propaganda against Bhārat. As this propaganda rears its head again in the light of the recent events, I'm re-sharing my thread which was written in 2021.

Use information or graphs freely. Image The propaganda industry in India have focused on 3 major narratives over the past 10 years.

1. Lynchistan

2. Fascist

3. Rapistan

First two failed. Image
Jan 21 8 tweets 2 min read
A Shiva miracle in the life of the legendary archeologist K K Muhammad.

Loose translation of his Malayalam interview:

He was posted as the chief for the Chattisgarh branch of ASI.

There was a very Purātan Shiva Temple called Lafagarh temple (Chaithurgarh) in the state. The priest of the temple approached KK and said the temple will be in ruins soon as the structure is about to collapse.

KK said the experts to do the reinforcement work were in Madhya Pradesh, a state he is not in charge and
Jan 14 34 tweets 6 min read
Many wonder why Congress is boycotting the Ayodhya event. Some view it as a monumental blunder or even Harakiri.

However, their puppet masters are not naive enough to go against the sentiment of the nation and the Dhārmics.

In this thread, I unravel their master plan. First of all, we are talking about a party that survived many tests including an Emergency, Sikh Genocide, and gigantic corruption for over 100 years.

It cannot survive if not supported by long term strategy and patient execution.

Also, this is a party as per Wikileaks cables