Bandy X Lee, MD, MDiv Profile picture
Psychiatrist expert on violence who compiled Kelly’s “owner’s manual” on Trump and may have prevented nuclear war, whom Dershowitz “canceled” for truthtelling.
9 subscribers
Jul 4, 2024 4 tweets 1 min read
I have noted before that enclaves of medieval barbarity exist even in civilized society, such as behind the concrete walls of jails and prisons.  An even worse world of savage brutality exists behind the self-imposed “court seals” and secrecy of the Family Courts. I postulate that our inability to maintain a civil society, let alone a democracy, has much to do with the widespread destruction of innocent, budding lives through a modern-day slave trade that is occurring through the euphemistically named, “Family Courts.”
Feb 23, 2024 23 tweets 5 min read
I was told that a publication by the Heritage Foundation would at least be intellectual.  The misconceptions would be laughable, if not so tragic (and perilous for the nation).

Below, I try to debunk the myths they promulgated: “Dr. Bandy X. Lee … last week defended Biden in light of the Hur report.”
A psychiatrist does not “defend” a president; she detects (or not) signs of unfitness, regardless of person.
Nov 25, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
How Family Courts destroy families:
When my brother-in-law initiated his divorce, he was ready to engage in an equitable settlement, even considering selling the house. Then, Family Court deluded him into believing that he could win a “jackpot” in an all-or-nothing contest. Family Courts identify and target psychological weakness: Psychopathic personalities believe that they are “ingenious” in their crafty ways and easily lured into criminality, without recognizing that they are ultimately setting themselves on a course to self-destruction.
Sep 1, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
I am writing a book on the crisis of the Family Courts. In it, I will illustrate my own family’s case in New Jersey. My sister lost custody to an abusive husband who was on a restraining order for seriously injuring their children....
... The Court ruled that the mother should lose custody because an unlicensed “associate counselor” said her speech was “tangential”—contradicting 9 psychiatrists who said she had “excellent mental health.” She has not seen her children for one minute during the last 2 years.
Sep 1, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
The Dangerous World of Family Courts:

I have described this as an abuse industry. Yesterday, I had to do a heart-wrenching examination of a beautiful 5-year-old girl, raped by her father, who has been forced to go back to him for the last 5 years. If the mother resists, the court will cut her ties with her mother entirely, and isolate her with her rapist. This sounds unbelievable, but this is already my third such case. Nobody will help, since too much profit is involved.
May 8, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
What is wrong with this picture: only SCOTUS is exempt from the canons of judicial ethics that apply to ALL other judges in the country, and only POTUS and Congress members are exempt from mental fitness standards that apply to ALL other jobs in the country! This is the very definition of tyranny, not democracy.
This is why these important positions have become the coveted targets of ineligible and unfit individuals—tyrants—who know they can do whatever they wish, once they seize power, no matter the means.
May 2, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
We now see that, once we start normalizing pathological and criminal behavior—either from fear, out of convenience, or for profit—there will be no end. Soon, the criminally insane will be in charge of the asylum. The origin of all this can be traced to one source: the undermining of democracy by placing “the Goldwater rule” and “the OLC memo” above all other Laws.

The first says a powerful public figure takes precedence over society, and the second says a criminal president is immune.
Nov 16, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
I will say it again: Donald Trump is more dangerous than Adolf Hitler, as his defiance parallels his ignorance. He does not act as if he needs to do more to keep his followers loyal to him, and it works. Whether he incites a violent insurrection, destroys democracy for this land and the globe, sells the nation’s secrets to our enemies, or kills close to a million Americans in two years—a feat that Hitler himself could envy—his followers are in too deep to admit their gullibility.
Nov 15, 2022 7 tweets 2 min read
Please feel free to sign this petition! I will be going into a mandatory “mediation session” in relation to my appeal.… Since Yale terminated me for my speech, here is what happened:
It was revealed that former White House Chief of Staff General John Kelly had secretly purchased my book in 2017 and considered it a kind of “user’s manual” on how to deal with a uniquely dangerous president.
Sep 16, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
No U.S. press or news program has so far been able to name the book or—God forbid—the editor of the book John Kelly consulted when he was overwhelmed with, essentially, managing a psychiatric patient in the White House. Why?

(Only the Guardian so far has named them.) If we cannot name the problem, we will not be able to solve it, let alone prevent it. Because of our refusal to name it for seven years, we are in a more vulnerable state than ever to continue to be victimized, or be victimized anew when other impaired “leader” comes along.
Feb 6, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
Family Courts resemble criminal gangs in the following ways:
1. They exploit loopholes (rather than fix the defects in society or in the law, they exploit them, becoming hubs of criminal activity, only with added power and immunity). 2. They keep strict secrecy (our courts are supposed to be transparent, and yet almost every contested family case has a gag order, nominally “to protect children,” but in reality to cover up their abuse of children).
Jan 2, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
Supporters of Donald Trump who have adopted his delusions, paranoia, violence-proneness, and entitlement are likely suffering from shared psychosis, which has now turned into mass psychosis. Hence, as with any severe psychopathology, those afflicted will deny what they have. One means of denial is projection: accusing healthy persons/groups of what they have, in order to “disown” not only their afflictions but the very concept that they are impaired. Because this process is unconscious, the drive is compulsive—and more effective—than strategy alone.
Dec 31, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
That the BBC and the NYT so constantly falter is a sign of our times. But @AlanDersh himself should have declared his conflicts. We now have people so unethical that not only does he fail the first requirement of experts, he denies even when confronted!!… The same goes for Jeffrey Lieberman, who failed to disclose that he was a past president of the APA and eyeing a position in the Executive Branch before giving Donald Trump a glowing psychiatric clearance (he violated the Goldwater rule more thoroughly than anyone, by the way).
Sep 26, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
When I mentioned at a symposium today that the American Psychiatric Association (APA), after shutting us down, received windfalls of federal funding and even moved its headquarters to Washington, DC, people were shocked.

Here are its new headquarters: This was when the Trump administration was massively cutting funds to legitimate science and medicine organizations:…
Jul 23, 2021 6 tweets 2 min read
“[W]ith the original virus, you would have to be in a closed space within 3 or 4 feet of someone for about 10 minutes to be assured of picking up the infection. With the Delta variant, all you have to be is in contact with them for about one minute.”… “[I]f you went to your doctor with chest pain. We know what to do for that. We do an EKG. We run some blood tests. This is going to your doctor, except the doctor is a public health official who knows a lot about how epidemics emerge. There isn’t politics in this.”
Jul 7, 2021 7 tweets 1 min read
I am perhaps the only person to have paid the consequences for breaking “the Goldwater rule.” No member of the APA has been disciplined for breaking it, as far as we know, and no state licensing board is allowed to take it on, as it conflicts with the First Amendment. Perhaps the most disturbing aspect of the APA was the way it handled debate—or blocked it altogether. When protest letters flooded its ethics committee after its March 2017 opinion, committee members assumed they would be reconvening; no such thing happened.
Jul 6, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
We invited Jason Stanley to our major interdisciplinary conferences in 2019 and 2020. Here is a good thread on fascism (combined with the psychological concepts, below, you can have a complete summary of what is happening): Psychological underpinnings of these political observations:
1. Regression (return to childhood)
2. Delusion (self-deception)
3. Anti-knowledge (denial of reality)
4. Psychotic spiral (further detachment from reality)
5. Domination-submission as the only path to stability
Jul 1, 2021 6 tweets 2 min read
When a doctor tells you a large mass is benign, or a small sore is part of metastatic cancer, you feel correspondingly relieved or worried. A doctor’s word has a lot of weight. If “speak responsibly” were the true goal of “the Goldwater rule,” then it would make a lot of sense. But it was changed nonsensically to suit Donald Trump. t contradicted science. It gagged responsible voices, while elevating irresponsible ones because of the confusion.
Jun 30, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
How did the APA force us to violate ethics?
1. In a case of danger, we are supposed to act, not stay silent (in ordinary situations, we could be held legally liable for this).
2. If in any doubt, a mandatory examination was warranted (no exceptions).

We were told to do neither. What medical ethics support this?
1. The AMA Code tells us we cannot choose to walk away from an emergency. The APA Code tells us we have a responsibility to the public. The Declaration of Geneva prohibits assisting dangerous regimes.
2. A president does not have immunity.
Jun 30, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
A friend in Boston said recently: “If [Hillary Clinton] had turned to the fat pig and commanded him to ‘back off, you creep,’ she would have won.”

She is right. When Donald Trump got away with it, it imbued his defects with special powers.... Every time he “got away with it,” his powers grew: his fixation over crowd size, his firing of James Comey, his giving away intelligence to Russian spies, and his “my button is bigger than your button… (to cover only some of the first year).
Jun 29, 2021 5 tweets 1 min read
“To their advantage, [politicians] have designed the political system for them to be the sole decision makers on the laws and on the constitution and, by the way, on whether their mental or physical health condition should allow them to serve in office, or not.” - Dr. J. Chaoulli “In 1965,... a Representative from Pennsylvania, Curtin, suggested that, under some circumstances, a doctor has to go in and forcefully examine the President, and that a Commission should have the power to compel an examination....