How to get URL link on X (Twitter) App crowdfunding platform CrowdJustice transfers funds raised directly to solicitors acting in a case, to ensure they are not used for some other purpose by the crowdfunding promoter, but plays no role in reviewing or auditing the solicitors’ bills in any way case of a man who killed his mother and was indulgently sentenced for his offence was reported this week. I’m troubled by it. Imagine the same events happening in the moral universe Matthew Parris describes? The Sixth Commandment in shades of grey… link is more informative and makes it clear that there are lawyers acting in the case. But why does Chris Packham, who owes his public prominence to work for the BBC, a public service broadcaster funded by licence payers, need to crowdfund for this litigation? from @mermaids_gender which explains that Mermaids’ challenge failed on the issue of standing, but that the tribunal was divided on the issue of whether or not LGBA was entitled to be registered as a charity to nested threads about the appeal, in particular on Mermaids’ standing to argue the appeal at all. The evidence which is being heard this week is relevant both to standing and to the appeal itself, if the tribunal decides they do have standing to argue it - standing is about eligibility to argue a case. Mermaids must show that its legal rights are or may be affected by the decision to register LGBA as a charity. Ideological opposition to a charity’s aims or work isn’t enough anyone who follows me knows, I oppose the ready resort to professional regulatory complaints for differences of opinion or for political ends. The best regulation is self-regulation and open discussion of what is or isn’t proper discourse for identifiable professional people to litigation crowdfunding have no rights to any specific information about the case at all, usually do not see any confidential advice on its merits, have no say in litigation strategy and no share in any rewards of the litigation, if the claim is for damages seeking vindication of individual rights eg “I lost my job” are much easier to understand than public law cases, where even a successful claim often results in no more than a declaration. From what I read, many people mistakenly equate such declarations with criminal guilt