Barnaby Wharton Profile picture
Thinking about the future of the electricity system @RenewableUK; proud father of 2.
Sep 28, 2023 14 tweets 4 min read
So, today Civitas has published a great new report, publishing the "realisistic" costs of Net Zero. Apparently, it’s a whopping £4.5 trillion, or £6,000/home/year.

Wow. However, how do these numbers stack up?

(tl;dr: no. but stick around for the 🧵, because it's fun). 1/12 (I would normally ignore this sort of thing, but the numbers are so ludicrous, it needs calling out)
Jul 7, 2022 13 tweets 4 min read
So, the HND from @NationalGridESO is quite a document, and lots to digest. Well done to all involved in getting there. What is it all about? A🧵 We currently build offshore wind farms with individual, "radial", links to the grid. This was fine when we wanted 10GW, but now our ambition is higher. To minimise impact on communities and costs we'll coordinate connections. The OTNR aims to do this:…
Jul 7, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
#CfD results are in!!

£37.35 /MWh for offshore wind - securing 7GW
£42.47/MWh for onshore wind
[with correct numbers now!]… Given commodity costs, uncertainty in the market and networsk charges (Scottish projects face particularly high costs), these offshore prices are, once again, amazing.