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Culé (definition: fan of the most beautiful football club in the world) Socio (definition: I vote against Barto but ppl with the same definition voted in favor)
Mar 14, 2023 18 tweets 3 min read
This is a must-read, written by somebody who knows a bit more about Spanish law than the rest of us (the man is a lawyer in Madrid).

Some of my conclusions from this article 🧵 A lot of people including myself have chatted shit and speculated so far, but for guilt to be determined in the case against Rosell, Bartomeu and FC Barcelona, the law speaks of two layers of proof.
Apr 15, 2022 23 tweets 6 min read
So I arrived at the Camp Nou yesterday and the first thing I said was:
“Parece el puto Bernabéu!” followed by “Que vergonya” followed by “there is no way we’re gonna win this game” followed by “and as culés we deserve to lose this.”

(THREAD INCOMING) This is not the club’s fault. You cannot buy tickets with German credit cards. You cannot buy tickets from a German IP address. At some point tour operators and resellers resold tickets in mass to Germans who travelled to Barcelona in mass.

(Picture via @ARAesports)
Mar 23, 2022 13 tweets 4 min read
Match thread coming up.

Let’s start with the fact that everybody who been beating us to death with Xavi ever since the Font campaign get to tell all of us who had doubts great or small that you told us so.

That’s the way it works.

What a fucking coach! We are blessed. This move wins the popularity contest, but it’s the little things that Pedri does that make him great.

Mar 22, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
People huffing at suggestions that Kessie is not a technically gifted midfielder. I am not saying that he is or he isn’t, but let’s also not forget that in the context of FC Barcelona, technically gifted midfielders are extremely technically gifted midfielders. I have seen maybe 45 minutes of football of AC Milan these last five years, so I do not have an opinion one way or the other. I bet Xavi is going to make him press more, though: Image
Aug 7, 2021 30 tweets 4 min read
Let's try to wrap my head around Messi leaving.

Like most culés, i have felt like shit ever since the news broke.

Ten days before the fucking season starts.

Ten fucking days before the fucking season starts.

Ten fucking days before the fucking season fucking starts.

It is important to note that the world is not ending (and depending on how old you are, it might not end during your lifetime).

Feb 18, 2021 26 tweets 8 min read
A popular train of thought says that since we are losing to teams who are more athletic than us, our model is outdated.

The model is great, but its execution is very, very difficult. And, spoiled as we are, we must take into account that success is never guaranteed. Over the course of 8 seasons, Johan Cruyff's dream team won 4 leagues, a Copa del Rey, a Cup Winner´s Cup and a European Cup.

Since Cruijff, we have followed his blueprint and kept winning and winning and winning.
Feb 17, 2021 4 tweets 3 min read
Step 1.

Inherit a technical director who assembles a treble-winning team.

Fire him halfway through the season. ImageImage Step 2.
Give your head coach the power over signings. Get stuck with Area Turan, Aleix Vidal, Paco Alcácer, André Gomes because they impressed Luis Enrique once when he played against them. ImageImageImageImage
Feb 5, 2020 18 tweets 3 min read
How to make sense of what happened yesterday? An interview that 95% of English Barca Twitter has not watched in a language they don't understand.

A thread. Barça Twitter is on some binary bullshit.

Everything against the board = good. Everything anyone in the club says if he's not a player we like = bad.
Jan 23, 2019 23 tweets 4 min read
FDJ thoughts (looong thread): 1a) People will say "see, it's all about the money."

It is not. There are too many doubts on how much we wanted him and if he would get enough playing time. Looking at our coach, those doubts are understandable and that's why PSG was able to seduce him.