Baruch Kogan Profile picture
מתהלך בין העולמות
Feb 21, 2024 4 tweets 1 min read
Zionoids are impervious to learning, continuing to dream of corrupt and violent Palestinians who will be their security contractors and rule the Arabs with an iron fist for them. I suggested Mo Dahlan would be brought in, but in the Arab world, there's a Dahlan on every corner. But they can't think two steps forward. The obvious career move for an Arab strongman working on their behalf is to consolidate and then flip. The Saddam trajectory. I guess they're banking on building a mini-King Abdullah, not a mini-Saddam.
Feb 7, 2024 5 tweets 1 min read
Discussion with a friend last night about the development of the West.

Four possibilities I can think of:

1) collapse, like the Bronze Age empires.

2) Brazilification: a yawning favela underclass, smaller upper and middle living in gated communities and remote places. 3) populist leaders like Bukele or Milei launch an autocoup, does what must be done

4) a coup from outside the government. Imagine Musk, Palmer Luckey (once Anduril gets all the govt contracts to run the servers,) Eric Prince take over
Feb 2, 2024 9 tweets 2 min read
By the way, reading contemporary primary sources about the Russian imperial nobility, one is struck by the fact that these people were mostly trash, degenerates functioning at best at the cognitive and moral level of a mediocre sergeant major in an army logistics unit. For instance, Grand Duke Nicholas Nikokayevich spent his entire adult life in the Russian Army, where he distinguished himself by his love of drill and ceremony and pretty uniforms. As Commander In Chief of the Russian Army in the first years of WW1, he screwed up to the point...
Feb 2, 2024 7 tweets 2 min read
I was assured that crime and insurgency are complex, multidimensional problems with no solutions, requiring a complex and multidimensional interdisciplinary approach to mitigate. Turns out you can just...lock them up? 🤔 It's almost as though the state, a social technology that's at least 12K years old, can trivially solve the basic problem of gangs of ne'er do wells challenging it for sovereignty if it wants to.
Feb 1, 2024 7 tweets 2 min read
I think that foreign alliances always have a tragic outcome. Betrayal, subsumption of one partner by the other, or the forcing of one partner to sacrifice itself for the interests of the other. Am I wrong? Did I miss other categories? What works much better is union and secession. The latter is surprising, but true. Singapore is much better off independent from Malaysia, and Malaysia is much better off with Singapore next to it but not under its control.
Jan 23, 2024 4 tweets 1 min read
How much of this shit do we need to listen to? The answer to terrorism is more gibz, if after gibz you get more terrorism, you must not have gibben enough, repeat ad infinitum or until your state collapses, whichever comes first.

I have an alternate suggestion: [REDACTED]. PLO is in Tunisia: "Arabs are throwing rocks because they lack a ruling body"

PLO is in Ramallah: "Arabs are shooting Jews and blowing them up because they lack a state"

Gaza becomes a de facto Arab state: "Arabs are launching rockets because they need more jobs"
Jan 16, 2024 4 tweets 1 min read
Some of you guys don't understand the basic truth that in a successful marriage, in the best case scenario, you're gonna be with a middle aged/old lady for far longer than with a young girl. With all that implies. Maybe you're thinking that you'll just trade your wife in for a hotter, younger model periodically, but that makes you a dirtbag. Maybe you're ok with that, but you're gonna have to live with your kids seeing you that way.
Jan 15, 2024 4 tweets 1 min read
Just a reminder: Rav Binyamin Kahane and his wife, Talia, HY''D, were assassinated by Palestinian Authority Force 17 soldiers. Interviewed a few years later, the PA team leader explained that their success in terror attacks was due to the excellent training they'd received... ... from the American contractors who'd trained them in Jordan on a CIA contract, with full Israeli approval. The training has been going on since the Oslo Accords and covers topics like surveillance, kidnapping, ambushes, sniping and demolitions.
Dec 11, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Reached out to allegedly right wing American Jewish politicians about the GOI's persecution of homesteading settlers (Tal Inon and Noam Marmelstein got four months of jail without a trial, Neriah Ben Pazi got an administrative distancing order from his home.)


Cowards. To be honest, I generally expected nothing from them. Kahanists in general are by and large useful for nothing but self promotion, waving around their martyrdom complex, incapable of achieving any useful practical results. But I'm still somehow disappointed.
Nov 2, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
Good thread.

But there is something missing here.

There are really not many secular voluntarists left. They saw Israel as embodying some sort of Marxist zeitgeist, or were inspired by earlier Israeli successes, or were just young and full of chutzpah. All that is gone. Fatalism is fundamentally a trait of exhausted secular Israelis who embrace the modernist worldview. Once you believe that God doesn't exist/care and that there's no fundamental difference between Jews and anyone else, what's left? Only material conditions. What are those?
Nov 1, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
Again, what would happen if Israelis were to have their own militias, with light arms, rockets, drones etc.?

For instance, instead of the IAF spending millions flying F-35s to bomb terrorist buildings, you'd have a drone guide a homemade missile into a marketplace... ...or any other location where the civilians of Gaza gathered aboveground numbering five or more.

The IDF could still do its thing with the Iron Dome and its other toys.

I bet in a month the Gazans would embrace beace and harmony, or leave.

This is, btw, their model today.
Oct 29, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
Why are they like this?

1) originally, the IDF was led by a socialist mafia which would cover up its mistakes and lie about its failures, unaccountably

2) with the sale of Israel to the US as a satrapy in the 1970s, the existential threats keeping them a little bit honest were ...pushed off into the indefinite future. This freed our generals completely to focus on what was important: their own careers, both pre- and post-retirement.
Oct 12, 2023 8 tweets 1 min read
I don't see the GOI (Government of Israel) as capable of formulating a goal for the Gaza operation. What is the desired end state? 1. Expulsion. This would be condemned as a war crime, result in sanctions hurting our I-Tek economy, crippling the essential ability of Israeli politicians to go shopping in Europe and retired Israeli generals to make millions off consulting contracts and arms deals.
Aug 2, 2023 21 tweets 4 min read

What is going on in Israel right now is much deeper than the legal reform and the question of whether the opinion of 15 self appointed judges on whether a law or executive decision is reasonable or not should be the final say in any matter. What is going on is that the establishment, which has controlled all the institutions that matter and thus set the bounds of permitted discourse for half a century after losing the majority of Jewish voters, is feeling that control crack. The earth is opening up under their feet.
Jul 26, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
Secular Israeli kibbutzcucks don't reproduce but won't cede their land to Jews who do at normal prices. Therefore, they lose it to Arabs. The decaying state can't stop Arab crime, extortion, theft. The kibbutzcucks won't stop it-they're not "hilltop hooligans", after all! This is the context of the rage towards me and those like me from @GhostArikSharon. This is a young guy who drank the Kool Aid and bought into the lies, which grow more threadbare daily, but doesn't have the courage to admit he was made into a freier.
Jul 26, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
I'll say it again. A conqueror must rule the conquered (or expel them.) If you do not rule over them, others will emerge to do so, because hierarchy is natural to humans. And then soon those others will work to get rid of your ineffectual presence. And then, having conquered those areas back, they will look to your original territory.
Jul 24, 2023 15 tweets 4 min read
Do we need an air force like this, where pilots refuse to attack targets or provide fire support to troops in contact because of their personal politics, hold the government hostage because it passes a law contrary to their class interests and ideology?… A military which is politically unreliable is worse than no military at all in many ways.

And keep in mind that once you set a precedent, others will follow it. Why should Golani, Givati and the rest of the grunts show up to miluim if the ruling coalition is not to their taste?
Jul 20, 2023 11 tweets 2 min read
Reading secular Israelis talking about the judicial reform and Israel's inevitable future as a religious country, I'm struck by their deep insecurity manifesting in constantly having to tell themselves the sun shines out of their ass.

"You can't survive without us!" "We will leave and the country will turn into Mogadishu! just will!"

Look, I don't know how to break this to you, but most of you do make work office jobs for a living. Even most of the programmers spend their days flying libraries together into CRUD.
Jul 4, 2023 9 tweets 2 min read
As a Jewish nationalist, I tend to support nationalist movements that do not seek to do harm to my people.

Had I been born 100 years ago, I'd probably have supported a supranational ideology, but I happen to live on the tail end of a century of that, and the results suck. Soyfacing over this multiethnic empire or another misses the point-these empires inevitably, through striving with one another, produced the supranational empire which consumed them. The Global HOA: "In this house, we believe" sign on every lawn, or else!
Jun 11, 2023 9 tweets 2 min read
While the Rambam is awesome and we would all be better off living by the Mishne Torah, the average Rambamist is a deeply insecure baal teshuva whose feeling of self worth is out of proportion to his achievements (few to none) and who uses the Rambam to dig at the frum from birth. Since all of his cleverness is directed at protecting his vulnerable self image, which involves being smart, honest and correct while everyone else is dumb, dishonest and wrong, the typical Rambamist is totally immune to persuasion and reasoning.
May 25, 2023 9 tweets 2 min read
The linked exchange is the critical difference between Xtianity and Judaism in a nutshell.

Troon claims Judaism accepts troonery.
Squid ink, Wikipedia
"Halachic source?"
Troon is immediately forced to admit no such source exists and sources exist forbidding troonery. ...and in the process immediately admit shim doesn't believe in Judaism (by denying the written Torah.)

Thus saving everyone tons of time and nerves.

Because why?

Because we all know what the idea of halacha is and what a halachic source is and isn't. Even our opponents know.