Bellingcat Monitoring Project Profile picture
@Bellingcat project monitoring far-right and anti-equality movements, with an emphasis on digital organization and activism.
Roger Boaden 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿🇬🇧🇪🇺 #IAmEuropean Profile picture Hakan Profile picture Balint Forgo Profile picture 3 subscribed
Sep 19, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
🧵1/5 Germany has banned the neo-Nazi Hammerskins group, as well as their affiliated support group Crew 38.

The Hammerskins are a secretive international neo-Nazi network, as we at @bellingcat have written about in several articles recently (below).… 2/5 In Finland, neo-Nazis have organized small concert meetups at secret locations — until we found them.

Members of Finland's Crew 38, who are alleged by police to have connections to accused far-right terrorists in Finland, took part in these events.…
Mar 31, 2023 10 tweets 4 min read
U.S. far-right extremist Robert Rundo has been arrested in Bucharest, Romania 🇷🇴

Facing U.S. federal charges and an extradition stateside, he's been on the run for several years. He's someone we at @Bellingcat know well (and vice versa)

A short 🧵… Back in 2020 Rundo was, at least temporarily, free. He was arrested in 2018 on federal charges related to violence at rallies, but a judge dismissed the case in 2019. Rundo left to Europe. U.S. attorneys appealed, which was in progress at the time.…
Apr 4, 2022 10 tweets 4 min read
🧵1/10: In Hungary 🇭🇺 and Serbia 🇷🇸 elections, nationalist, Putin-friendly right-wing parties led by Viktor Orbán (Fidesz) & Aleksandar Vučić (SNS) have tightened holds on power — with some new far-right allies — thanks in part to illiberal systems they've built for themselves 2/10 In Hungary, the electoral system is hardly fair, being called an "electoral autocracy": gerrymandered systems + institutional/media domination by ruling Fidesz after more than a decade in power, all while benefiting from 🇪🇺 funds

Oct 21, 2019 8 tweets 3 min read
Don't want to help mainstream neo-Nazis? Then don't do what Ukraine's Prime Minister did last week.

Oleksiy Honcharuk, Ukraine's PM, appeared on stage at a concert organized by a notorious far-right figure and headlined by an openly neo-Nazi band… Both Ukraine's PM Oleksiy Honcharuk and veterans affairs minister Oksana Koliada appeared at the "Veterans Strong" event October 13. The organizer of the event was Andriy Medvedko (pictured here), a leading member of the neo-Nazi C14 who's on trial for murder
Sep 27, 2019 7 tweets 4 min read
March 20: five days after the Christchurch shootings, Ukraine-based Russian Azov veteran Nikita Makeev posts praise for the shooter on @instagram - shooter as saint, along with excerpt from a poem about the Crusades

July 18: Makeev is given Ukrainian citizenship by @ZelenskyyUa
Makeev's past and present with Ukraine's far-right, specifically the Azov movement, is no secret. As noted in our @bellingcat investigation earlier this month, Makeev is close to Alexey Levkin from openly neo-Nazi Wotanjugend…

Sep 23, 2019 9 tweets 4 min read
C14's Andriy Medvedko, accused murderer & organizer of a football tourney "for white children only," has apparently made it onto the public council for the National Anti-Corruption Bureau, NABU. It's the latest example of Ukraine's far-right using this tactic to mainstream itself Image In a social media post from the "Democratic Axe" party (a party that describes itself as "right-liberal"), who also supported Medvedko's nomination, they state that the accused murderer made it onto the council
Sep 16, 2019 6 tweets 3 min read
After 17 far-right extremists were detained after #KharkivPride violence (3 still detained), Tradition and Order (TiP) held a small rally in support of their comrades in front of Ukraine's interior ministry in Kyiv.

Also present - and front and centre - was C14's Yevhen Karas As we wrote in a @bellingcat investigation in August, neo-Nazi C14 is bent on redefining itself, using affiliated organizations to present a sanitized image to Ukrainians, including those in mainstream politics/society who have defended and supported them…
Sep 15, 2019 10 tweets 4 min read
Kharkiv, Ukraine's second-largest city, is hosting its first-ever pride march - it's underway now (photo from @HromadskeUA) Meanwhile far-right groups have led a much smaller counter-protest, a "march for traditional values," wearing masks to conceal their identities.

Jul 24, 2019 11 tweets 6 min read
“Will,” an NGO for the "Protection of Armenian Values", has organized a petition against the ratification of the Istanbul Convention by the Armenian Government, claiming that the Convention “opens up opportunities for the propaganda and legitimization of perversion and perverts.” Representatives of the group have been collecting signatures at several locations in Yerevan for a week now, and are looking to expand to other cities, including Gyumri and Vanadzor, to prevent the “sinister and apocalyptic dangers of the Convention.”