नृपः PROTECTOR OF MEN Profile picture
Namaste • Manhood - Strength - Life • DAND BAITHAK - DESI GHEE - REPEAT • दिमाग ठंडा बदन गरम • पुरुषार्थ • DandRajya
3 subscribers
Dec 12, 2023 11 tweets 3 min read
He talks sense and bullshit, you as an Indian will need to separate the two.

Just for instance the bottom three South Indian states are amongst the top meat consuming states but they also have the most people with abdominal obesity.

A thread that will make you fit 👇🏽

Psychologically we are wired to defend what we do and ridicule what is done by others. Rationalizations are used to defend against feelings of guilt, maintain self-respect, have congruency in life and protect oneself from criticism. That is why you see 'debates' all around.
Jan 6, 2023 12 tweets 2 min read
HOW TO RAISE A TRADITIONAL DAUGHTER? Raising a traditional daughter is a necessity and requires careful precise steps from your part.

I am not a father yet, but I have seen traditional daughters being bought up.

This is how you must do it -
Nov 10, 2022 14 tweets 3 min read
Is Homosexuality a mental disorder?

Well, It used to be once, until the 1970's.

Thread In an article by Robert L. Kinney

he revealed how the medical associations who proposed that homosexuality is normal citing scientific evidence, infact, arbitrarily termed homosexuality as normal.
Mar 13, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
I did a 21 Day Transformation Routine with members of my telegram group.

Let me be honest, it was a rigorous one.

This is what we followed

- Waking up at 3:30 in morning

- Chanting of Narayan and Shiva just after waking up (For 2 minutes atleast) - Then we did some light stretching and some pushups

• Neck rotation
• Arm rotation
• Torso rotation
• Bhujangasan
• Balasana
• Uttanasan
• Adho mukha shvanasana
• Paschimottanasana
• Pushups (as many as you can and the repetitions are to be increased daily)
Mar 7, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
There is one more way to introduce changes. This method is generally followed by governments.

It goes like this

Step 1: Bring the change all of a sudden

For ex. Increase the prices of Fuel from say ₹ 80 to ₹ 110 all of a sudden Step 2: Wait for some time

This step is crucial,

The time should not exceed a certain limit because you don't want big rallies and protest against the changed policy and prices from masses.

Therefore you keep the prices high only for some time
Mar 2, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
At last, girls will be girls.

You cannot expect sanity from them everytime.

Even the most sane and traditional woman will do dumb IQ things every now and then.

Accept her, don't expect much. Consider this quote by Chanakya.

It is more about woman being devoted to her husband than actually sipping the water used to wash her husband's feet.

But if you will present it directly to a woman (even a trad one), she will get annoyed Image
Feb 24, 2022 7 tweets 2 min read
Are you a fat ass?


A skinny stick?

I will provide you a simple 13 step process to become a man full of strength and muscles.

1. Do Dands and it's variations

2. Do Baithaks and it's variations

3. Baithaks should be double the number of dands

4. Desi ghee mixed in Milk 5. No fast food

6. Eat whatever healthy food you get your hands on (Dal, Chickpeas, Chana, Dalia)

7. Do not worry about calorie intake, protein intake etc.

8. At night, Eat 2-3 hours before sleep.

9. Eat like a lion. (Fill yourself up, no worries)
Feb 9, 2022 11 tweets 2 min read
How to identify a high value men?

You need strong men around you. This thread will help you identify them.

THREAD Image There is difference between a man and a biological male body.

Look around, you will find more male feminists then female.

These liberal men will lack every basic masculine traits including brotherhood and integrity.
Feb 6, 2022 8 tweets 2 min read
"But how do we find a virgin girl, everyone have sexual partners nowadays"

If you are in India, you have 90% more chances to find a virgin girl.

Here are some green and red flags to look out for. 1. Find a young girl

and not a feminist at 30 years of age working in a city (She is bound to be a degenerate).

The more her age, the more she becomes vulnerable to degeneracy.

Find her young, vet her young, marry her young.
Feb 6, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
Talking about violence and actually being involved in one are two entirely different things.

When real violence arrives, your heart throbs, you heat up, critical thinking gets blurred by hormonal rush, body takes control of mind.

Even greatest of warriors face this. It is important to understand that you will never become perfect.

You may think that you know how to throw a good punch but there is someone out there who can throw better.

You may think you can sail calmly through a storm but a cyclone waits for you.
Jan 6, 2022 11 tweets 2 min read
A thread that will change your degenerate existence.

Let's teach men The Art of Success

👑 Every man is bombarded with hundreds of ideas within a time frame, on an average 2-3 mind-blowing ideas on a daily basis.

Some with more.
Dec 15, 2021 13 tweets 3 min read
Triple the sexual harrassment cases, add creepy tag and significantly decrease the banging count.

Why you should never apply the western idea of dating and banging here in India?

THREAD Image We still have women (majority) who know their worth and guard their chastity.

The half naked, promiscuous women that are ready to bang any guy who knows the so called 'communication tricks' are rare here. Extremely rare
Dec 14, 2021 9 tweets 2 min read

Thread Image Rewind to 1628 when Shah Jahan was crowned as the emperor of Mughal Empire. Around the same time Garhwal was ruled by King Mahipati Shah.
Nov 18, 2021 6 tweets 1 min read
Young boys and girls who think that it's a necessity to get into relationships.

You are wrong.

Don't give in to peer pressure.

This age is for building yourself. You at this age are not mature enough for relationships and will inevitably end up heartbroken and fucking up your minds.

Neither will this relationship help you grow in any way nor does it provide long term value.
Nov 16, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
An idle man feels worthless.

To avoid this feeling he seeks pleasure.

One of the ways to get pleasure is to sexually arouse yourself.

Therefore he watches porn beacuse it's an easy and free way of getting pleasure.

He then ends up masturbating. After masturbation he now feels guilty as well as worthless.

He tries to compensate it by watching some netflix series.

After hours of binge watching he again is devoid of pleasure.

He again remembers the easy option.

He goes for it.

Ends up feeling fucked up, dead.
Oct 5, 2021 26 tweets 2 min read
The ultimate "free" guide to quit masturbation once and for all. ☠️ I have been observing number of masturbation addicts in my DMs and real life from past 7 months now.
Aug 21, 2021 15 tweets 4 min read

Read it.

/Thread/ Image Modern men heart is the weakest.

Stress, Depression and Anxiety comes handy in a modern men. A near agressive situation and your body starts shivering uncontrollably

You are not even half the man your father was.
Jul 6, 2021 10 tweets 3 min read
BRAHMA MUHURATA - The ultimate mantra for infinite mental and physical development.

Incorporate this single habit in your life to become an unstoppable machine.

/Thread/ • What is Brahma Muhurata

'Brahma' means higher consciousness, attaining the highest wisdom.

'Muhurata' means time or time period

Thus, Brahma Muhurata is the time period to achieve highest wisdom
Jul 5, 2021 9 tweets 2 min read

The ultimate mantra to achieve your vision According to Black Mamba himself

'Mamba mentality is all about focusing on the process and trusting in the hard work when it matters most.

Mamba mentality means to constantly try to be the best version of yourself.
Jun 16, 2021 8 tweets 3 min read

Let's make men, men again • Strength train your body like a bull ploughing the field.

The more you exercise the more T-Levels you have, which ultimately builds confidence, useful ego, strength to protect your family and a healthy patriarchal mind. Image
Jun 8, 2021 11 tweets 5 min read

Let's make men, men again. Image • Be Solar Powered

Vitamin D is a natural testosterone booster, make a habit to charge yourself with solar energy for atleast half an hour everyday. Image