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Jul 30 17 tweets 4 min read
ANOTHER ASSAULT ON WOMEN | The latest NHS 'Resolution' report documents medical negligence claims made against them. Maternity blunders account for 62%, £58.5bn! Home birthing is safer but discouraged 'in case something goes wrong'. Read facts in the 🧵
1.… NHS say maternity is now a 'priority'. In May, the APPG birth trauma inquiry heard that failures by NHS staff led to life-changing injuries for some women, as well as stillbirths, premature births and babies starved of oxygen at birth.
@RosieDuffield1 @theodoraclarke
May 30 16 tweets 4 min read
🚨MMR NEWS! A court accepted Merck changed official data to claim MMR's mumps component was 95% effective. Real figures: Zero to 50%. Mumps outbreaks in the vaccinated means it wears off. Mumps is harmless in children but can cause infertility in adults🧵… 2. Merck is 3rd most-fined drug manufacturer with $10.7bn fines to date. By 2009, it had paid over £2bn compensation to 44,000 US citizens: its arthritis drug Vioxx increased the risk of heart attacks. It threatened to 'destroy' doctors raising the alarm.…
May 20 10 tweets 3 min read
🚨FAKE MEAT ALARM | Inmates fed a 'planet-saving' diet loaded with imitation, soy based foods suffered. Women stopped menstruating after a few months. The men developed digestive, thyroid and heart issues, erectile dysfunction, and began to grow breasts.
1… The push to eat fake food is underway but fake burgers need foetal bovine serum, made from blood extracted from the live foetuses of slaughtered pregnant cows. There’s nothing ethical about this; it has not been approved as safe to consume either.
May 3 21 tweets 5 min read
🚨SHOCKING! The reason we know jibbies can cause potentially fatal heart inflammation is because the signal first showed in men age 18-24. The signal in older patients was lost because they were treated as coronary artery disease patients.
1/21… HEART specialist waiting lists are up by 75%, according to NHS figures. Health authorities have admitted mRNA jabs can cause potentially fatal heart issues, despite this, MSM has not looked at the role covid vaccinations play in heart problems.

Apr 25 12 tweets 3 min read
🚨BREAKING! Autism-vaccine connection real. Denied for decades! Child neurologist Dr Andrew Zimmerman raised the alarm in 2007. A govt expert medical witness he said: 'there are exceptions in which vaccinations could cause autism’. He was fired.
1/12… @ChildrensHD say they have uncovered an alleged fraud used to dismiss the vaccine-autism link and filed a motion on National Autism Day, April 2, to compel the government to release the facts. Dr Zimmerman has signed an affidavit confirming the link...
Apr 16 16 tweets 4 min read
🚨TRUTH OUT! 40 studies by CDC sponsored scientists declared covid vaccines 'safe and effective' based on just 7 days real time adverse event reporting through the v-safe app. Thanks to a US judge, independent scientists can now assess if this is true.
1… Data was gathered from v-safe in two ways: a tick-box list with questions like ‘did you experience nausea, sore arm, fever?’ – all vaccine reactions the CDC considers normal. The list did not include any serious adverse events like myocarditis, miscarriage, seizures and GBS.
Apr 8 19 tweets 5 min read
🚨BREAKING! MEASLES NOT A PROBLEM SINCE 1940s. Despite this revelation, our health agencies continue to whip up the fear. They 'modelled' 160,000 cases in London alone, but since last October, only 733 materialised to March countrywide. Sound familiar?
1… The BBC began ramping up the fear last July and @UKHSA described an 'an "urgent" need to vaccinate children, teenagers and young adults.'
‘Measles is highly infectious, the most infectious of all diseases transmitted through the respiratory route.'
Mar 6 18 tweets 4 min read
🚨ASSAULT ON FARMING Supermarkets are creating a crisis that is devastating family farms. Research shows that due to unfair business practices, nearly half of British fruit and vegetable producers could give up their farms in the next 12 months.

1.… Organic farmer Guy Singh-Watson, who founded the @Riverford veg box delivery company, said the future of family farms looks bleak.
‘Thirty years ago, Riverford used to sell lettuces to Sainsbury’s. Halfway through the season they decided that instead of paying me 15 pence ...
Feb 22 16 tweets 5 min read
🚨EXCLUSIVE! Over 2,000 English farmers have accepted Defra money to leave their farms. They are being side-lined. Sainsbury's are growing greens in store hydroponically and planning a fake meat aisle: ‘Meat could become a luxury product,’ they said.
1.… In the name of Net Zero, our top universities have told the government that by 2029 they should reduce beef and lamb consumption by 50 per cent. By 2050 all beef and lamb production should end and energy used to cook and transport food should be reduced by 60 per cent.
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Feb 13 17 tweets 4 min read
🚨 BREAKING! Oncologist Prof Angus Dalgleish has been fired for questioning covid 💉 He told his board: '...if hospital policy is to keep giving everyone a booster, it is no longer incompetence, it’s negligence because they’re causing more harm than good."… He wrote a comment piece for @Daily_Express explaining what he was seeing. The result was complaints to his employers St George's University London and St George's Medical School
Jan 23 16 tweets 4 min read
🚨LAWYERS PERSECUTED In '21, crime no: 6029679/21 indicated a Met investigation into 'misconduct in a public office.' The JCVI advised govt NOT to jab children overruled by our CMOs. Solicitor Lois Bayliss warned: jabbing kids could be a criminal act.
1.… Teachers were worried. One sought legal advice, alarmed pupils & parents were not given proper informed consent, which is law in the UK. He was deeply uncomfortable overseeing the administration of experimental vaccines. He was given two options: ...
Jan 15 14 tweets 4 min read
🚨FOOTBALLERS: High profile sudden deaths & collapses but no investigation.Former England player & Sky Sports presenter Matt Le Tissier contacted football's professional bodies.He had a meeting with the FA's doctor.The request: investigate the cause. Nada!… 2.
This was despite the fact a petition asking for an investigation, signed by nearly 100 footballers, had been sent to the PFA asking for investigation. Signatories included Le Tissier, England legends Kevin Keegan & Bruce Grobbelaar, manager Rob Newman, & player Glenn Cockerill
Dec 16, 2023 15 tweets 3 min read
🚨UNEXPLAINED POST JAB SYMPTOMS? Three Korean universities have searched the country's health insurance database. They've compared vax vs unvaxxed and have discovered that the vaxxed have an array of autoimmune and other conditions the unvaxxed dont
1.… One study investigated musculoskeletal disorders (injuries or disorders of the muscles, nerves, tendons, joints, cartilage, and spinal discs): ‘All Covid-19 vaccines were identified as significant risk factors for each inflammatory musculoskeletal disorder. ...
Dec 4, 2023 10 tweets 3 min read
🚨PILOT INCAPACITATIONS More evidence: 272% increase in mayday calls in 2022 with 30% fewer flights. Latest incapacitations occurred on Nov 29 & 26, and Oct 30. First officer in American Airlines flight 755 from Paris to Philadelphia suffered a seizure..
1… Pilot incapacitated on Ryanair flight FR-3472 from Luton to Poland. Oct: pilot became incapacitated during a flight from Manchester in the UK to Turkey, on a Jet2 Boeing 737-800. The airliner had to make an emergency landing in Budapest, Hungary.
Nov 20, 2023 20 tweets 4 min read
🚨REFUSED COMPENSATION DESPITE BRAIN INJURY | AZ batch PV46664 gave Mark Kerry life-threatening VITT. After a stroke, a thrombectomy, brain injury, and fatigue that can cause him to sleep for 24hrs, VDPS say he doesn't meet the 60% injury threshold.
1.… Family applied for compensation in April 2021. The VDPS medical assessor accepted AZ's v as causation. They only pay if it is decided that a patient is 60% injured, and do not consider Mr Kerry reaches the threshold. 'The final disablement would be 18 to 35%.’ They said.
Nov 15, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
🚨 MAYDAY MAYDAY Distress calls made by pilots were up 386% in the first 3 months of this year! Last year there was 272% increase. These 7700 mayday calls are reserved for dire emergency that put passengers and crew in danger. @GCFlightAlerts
1.… Between 2018, and 2019, the mayday average was 29.1 per cent of all distress calls. The graph shows there was an instant, steep increase when the va. cc. ines were mandated to pilots 3 years ago today.
@AussieFlyers @JoshYoder @USFreedomFlyers
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Nov 14, 2023 16 tweets 4 min read
🚨HUMAN SHIELDS The flu jab is 'about marketing not science.' So why give it? UKHSA said:‘Vaccinating kids protects others vulnerable to flu, such as babies & older people.’ Introduced in schools in 2014, deaths increased by 140% in 2015

@cochranecollab… 2.
When the flu spray was first introduced for 2to16-yr-olds in 2014, the NHS said that the vaccine was expected to prevent 2,000 deaths in the population. There had or has never been anything close to 2,000 deaths from influenza in the population in the last 22 years.
Nov 8, 2023 25 tweets 4 min read
🚨NO JUSTICE FOR THALIDOMIDE VICTIMS. This illustrates how perpetrators of horrendous medical crimes evade justice.
It also shows how victims were betrayed by political interference in the trial. Thalidomide maimed 20,000 babies and killed 80,000.
1.… 2.
Until c0 vid it remained the greatest manmade global disaster.
Papers, examined and authenticated, speak to political interference that violated the constitutional division of power between the legislative, the executive and the judiciary.
Nov 1, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
🚨REVEALED: Anthony Fauci-run lab in MONTANA experimented with coronavirus strain shipped from Wuhan a year BEFORE Covid pandemic began
The NIH infected 12 bats with a SARS-like coronavirus in 2018. The virus was shipped from Wuhan to an NIH lab in Montana… 2.
US taxpayer money was used to experiment with coronaviruses from the Chinese lab thought to be the source of the Covid pandemic more than a year before the global outbreak, an investigation has found.
Oct 30, 2023 12 tweets 3 min read
🚨DISMANTLING A GENERATION One teen put adults to shame questioning the narrative. His history teacher could not explain why c0vid propaganda was different to WW2 propaganda nor his maths teacher why Swedish mortality was less than British. 🧵
1.… @MontgomeryToms was 14 in 2020 and is 18 now. He said: 'Age 15, I really started to wake up to the World Economic Forum (WEF) and their Great Reset. In history, my teacher was talking about H!tl3r’s rise to power, and I drew parallels to exactly what was happening with C0vid.
Oct 11, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
🚨 HPV DRUG TRIAL DEATHS When 7 girls died in India in an HPV trial they blamed snake bites, pesticides and suicide. The government investigated and decided the trial was 'child abuse'. That was 2013. There should have been a court case but nothing so far!… 2.
A fact-finding report by physicians detailed several interviews with subjects and their family members. They learned that families were told that the vaccine would protect the subjects from ALL cancers, they were not told about any side effects, and they were not provided ...