Alvaro Bedoya Profile picture
Official account of @FTC Commissioner Alvaro M. Bedoya. ***Commissioner Bedoya will never ask you for personal or bank information, or for a money transfer.***
Jul 22 5 tweets 2 min read
The Kids Online Health and Safety task force released its report today. Here are the *default* settings that we think social media companies should adopt to protect teen mental health online. Image A lot of the discussions around teen mental health have focused on content moderation. This report is a reminder that design - the structure of these platforms - is a key factor to consider.
Jul 15 14 tweets 4 min read
1. Last week I visited Biloxi, Mississippi and Bayou La Batre, Alabama. The docked boats might look nice. To the shrimpers it was the opposite. "These boats shouldn't be tied up. They should be out working." Some of the boats we saw had been idle for 2 years. Image 2. I spent Friday with shrimpers from Alabama, Mississippi, and Louisiana, whose families work the water from Texas up to North Carolina, some for four or five generations. A few decades ago, 800 ships docked in Bayou La Batre alone. Now it's 300. Many of those are docked & idle.
Dec 19, 2023 14 tweets 4 min read
1/ Today @FTC brought and settled charges against Rite Aid for using a biased face scanning system that led to employees falsely accusing people of crimes they did not commit. We impose a 5-year ban on Rite Aid using face surveillance. My statement:… 2/ We allege that false matches resulted in people being followed in stores, banned from stores, kicked out of stores, detained, searched, denied prescription drugs, and called in to police — in front of their kids, bosses, and families. Image
Oct 14, 2022 11 tweets 4 min read
People think Joseph Welch or Margaret Chase Smith were the first to confront Joe McCarthy in the U.S. Senate.

In reality, Dennis Chávez, the first U.S.-born Hispanic senator, preceded them.

On the last weekday of Hispanic Heritage Month, I'd like to share part of his story. Seated black and white port... Chávez was born in a dirt floor house with no running water. He left school in the 7th grade to help his family.

He became the fourth most senior senator, chair of its most powerful subcommittee, and a tireless advocate for the poor, Native Americans, and gender pay equality. Image
Oct 11, 2022 16 tweets 4 min read
35 years ago last night, my mother, brother and I landed at JFK on a long Lufthansa flight. My father had gone ahead of us; our mom didn't know if we had utensils at our new home, so she asked our flight attendant if we could keep the cutlery. She quietly said yes. Two metal spoons, each labe... There weren't heavy winter coats in Lima, so when we arrived we wore little wool overcoats sewn from my great-grandfathers' suit jackets. We fell asleep in my dad's friend's car and woke up in the glow of a McDonald's. I thought the burgers had rice in them. It was dried onions.
Aug 10, 2022 6 tweets 3 min read
1/ We talk a lot about the latest implications of the latest technology. I think we need to take a step back and ask: Who’s being left behind?

A few points from my first speech as commissioner @FTC🧵 2/ We can't leave people behind because of the language they speak. Yet software used by social media and messaging companies to help detect fraud is trained on English by a factor of 10:1. For languages like Cherokee or Diné, it’s 1000:1.

See @Roprajo/@SebastinSanty/Budhiraja: Image
Jun 16, 2022 12 tweets 6 min read
1/ In a competitive market, companies compete to lower prices. It appears that in the insulin market, companies compete to *raise* prices. 2/ Today, @FTC announced that we will use every tool at our disposal to investigate what's going on with pharmacy middlemen, drug manufacturers, and insulin prices.

A few points from my full statement, which is below and linked at the end of this thread.
Jun 7, 2022 11 tweets 7 min read
1/ A family walks into a pharmacy in West Virginia. Their child has cancer. The pharmacy has the medicine behind the counter. But when that pharmacist calls the pharmacy benefit manager for the family’s insurance, they are denied authorization to give the family the medicine. 2/ Instead, they're told that the medicine can only be dispensed by the PBM’s mail order specialty pharmacy. The family was to go home and wait *two weeks* to receive the medicine for their child in the mail.