🏳️‍🌈 Izzy Rizinti Profile picture
Cis Lesbian. Queer AF. Feminist, gives good resting b/tch face. Find me at https://t.co/6dfCfuGrVV - I swear a lot so, ya know, be prepared. 🏳️‍🌈 She/Her🌈
Aug 15, 2023 9 tweets 2 min read
Just had a terf insisting that suffragette movement wasn't at all racist because women of colour "didn't exist" back then in the UK. She asked me to name "ethnic women" who were there. The suffragette movement was loaded with white, upper class "imperialists" who dropped... out of the fight for women's rights the very second they got vote. They were not interested in advancing rights for working class women (many of whom were women of colour). The suffragette movement was driven by those with white supremacist ideals. "Imperialism" and "empire".
Feb 11, 2023 14 tweets 3 min read
I've been thinking about this tweet. Last night I was watching one of my favourite cis lesbian channels. A cis lesbian with a 413k following of predominantly other cis lesbians. She often discusses non binary and trans inclusion as matter of fact, because to most of us... ... non binary folks and trans folks are just a regular part of our everyday lives and we go about our business of being very inclusively gay without spending too much time on this because there's no need too. She has this series she does where she reads out "queer secrets"....
Sep 9, 2020 12 tweets 3 min read
Watching the hate group LGBAlliance and the few queer folks who are propping it up take aim at LGBTQ+ kids is sickening. This whole "It's a phase" and "You'll grow up straight" rhetoric they're pushing is pure homophobia. There's not a queer person who's made it to adulthood... who hasn't lived through some form of homophobia/biphobia as a kid. Whether it was just background noise that took form of "straight" being the only acceptable option or the more direct and violent bullying for being *different*. Pretty sure we all have those experiences.
Aug 15, 2020 15 tweets 3 min read
Lesbian discourse is still popping off in my mentions about lesbians using he/him pronouns.

I suggest those of u still having issues with this rewatch The L Word. The episode with Ivan & Kit. On & off stage, Ivan uses HE/HIM pronouns. Stop harassing he/him lesbians you fuckwits. The L Word was a fictional serious but it's rooted in LESBIAN CULTURE and the fucking proof is there. Some lesnians use HE/HIM pronouns.

Aug 1, 2020 16 tweets 4 min read
I think people are unaware of how organised the transphobes are in the UK. They've established online hate groups, groups that are attacking LGBTQ+ education in schools, groups attacking Stonewall, groups that infiltrate political parties, groups to "recruit" young lesbians... They have thousands of fake social media accounts that spend 24 hours a day targeting trans & nonbinary folks and anyone who supports them. They have groups that monitor twitter, search for words and then call in other accts to pile on the abuse. They monitor all...
Jul 29, 2020 20 tweets 4 min read
I want to talk about "The LGBTQ+ Community" for a sec and how I feel our internal prejudices have become more of a problem since we've become an actual community.

Ok so we've always been here. That's not a matter of dispute but we haven't always had the community we have today. There was a time when being who we are was illegal. I'm specifically talking about western countries for the sake of this thread. When being who we are was illegal in these countries, we still here but very much underground. There's a long history of places we'd gather...
Jul 2, 2020 8 tweets 2 min read
CW Homophobia, Suicide

Lots of parents of LGBTQ+ kids out there who are accepting these days. Still a lot who aren't. Of the accepting parents, I often hear "I knew my kid was gay when they were very young. It was obvious". Lots of parents also say "I knew before they did" &... it's been true in many cases.

The parents who took a little while to come around to it often say "I knew, but ignored it. I hoped it was phase." Deeper conversations with those parents reveal that the hoping part wasn't about their kids sexuality as much as how the parents...
Jun 22, 2020 25 tweets 5 min read
Spending a few minutes looking through the Twitter search "Define woman" this morning. It's full of transphobes questioning random people, cis & trans alike. Aggressive, nasty, bullying tweets. Their misogynist & patriarchal tweets are very disturbing.

I am a woman.

(Thread) To start off, I'd like to quote Simone de Beauvoir:

"One is not born, but rather becomes, a woman."

I was born.. a baby.

Now it's true that when I was born, someone took a quick look at my gentials and they jotted down on a form "Girl".

My parents named me a girls name.
Jun 16, 2020 16 tweets 4 min read
OK, I want to talk about this. This is a typical response to "why transphobes want to discriminate against trans women".

Let's get into it. Tina says "It's genuinely not trans women" but....

She admits trans women aren't the problem. Probably not intentionally, as is the case with most transphobes. When they do acknowledge that trans women aren't the "big baddies" they try to make out, it's usually not on purpose.
Jun 3, 2020 14 tweets 3 min read
Many folks have asked me about Stormé DeLarverie over the last couple of days. Mostly about pronouns. Stormé was a Black Butch Lesbian who threw the 1st punch at Stonewall.

Stormé DeLarverie used different pronouns throughout life. The latter part, was mostly he/him.

So to be clear here, Stormé DeLarverie was a he/him black butch cis lesbian. Grace Chu interviewed Stormé at the S.V.A. 41st Conference & Reunion after Pride in 2010. She asked Willson Henderson (Founder of the S.V.A) which pronouns to use for Stormé during the interview...

Mar 8, 2020 12 tweets 3 min read
Why *womxn*?

Ignorant cis white transphobes losing their shit on an LGBTQ WoC acct about this.

There's a complex history surrounding the word "woman" that these transphobes who claim to be feminists don't even know. It's a lot to get into on twitter but a short thread: “In America, white racist ideology has always allowed white women 2 assume the word woman is synonymous with yt woman, 4 women of other races r always perceived as Others, as de-humanized beings who do not fall under the heading woman.” - Ain't I a Woman? Black women & feminism
Feb 29, 2020 5 tweets 2 min read
This is just a reminder to anyone who sees a transphobe mention that a judge ruled TERF a slur in UK court:

It never happened.

What did happen is someone's lawyer claimed it was a slur and the judge acknowledged but did not validate that claim.

Court transcripts are a thing. The judge DID SAY that being a terf wasn't a protected characteristic. I suggest that transphobes stop bringing that court case up with a load of falsehoods. Your transphobic bullshit is easily refuted in the transcript.
Jan 7, 2020 29 tweets 6 min read
Ok. I keep getting DMs from cis folks asking me "How can I help the trans community?".

My general response is "Ask trans folks what they need & try your best to help them get it."

This generally leads to more questions so: Here's what I do. Things I've learned from trans folks. Follow lots of trans & non-binary folks.
Read their tweets & ABSORB what they say.
Share their tweets.
Share their crowdfunders.
Raise their voices.
If you have questions, google first. Try to get at least a basic grasp on trans issues before asking them questions...
Nov 16, 2019 8 tweets 2 min read
Something a little different today.

Trans & Non-Binary folks.

What do u want to say to cis people?

It can be venting your frustrations, some advice on how to help u all, helpful hints on how to support u better etc... anything u like.

I'll block any transphobes, so have it. Any "NotAllCis" will get a block too so if you're cis and you are feeling particularly fragile, just scroll on by this thread.
Oct 26, 2019 10 tweets 2 min read
There's a story being spread via several media outlets in the US regarding a 6 year old trans girl named Luna, who's mother is being accused by Luna's father of child abuse. He claims she's *forcing his son to be a girl*. This is not the case. There's an excellent video, linked: In which, the YouTuber investigates this case. He compares the prejudiced (and transphobic) media coverage to the actual court transcripts and basically picks apart the media bias and lies. PLEASE watch it to hear the TRUE version of events.

Sep 28, 2019 22 tweets 6 min read
Lot's of discourse surrounding genital preference at the moment. I'm ever cautious when it comes to sharing my thoughts on this because it's such a complex issue.

I'm gonna share a few thoughts tho... here we go. Before I get into it, I wrote a thread sharing my own opinions on this a while back. I'm linking it here, with a disclaimer that I've learned a few things since I wrote it and I'm STILL learning:

Sep 17, 2019 17 tweets 4 min read
Short thread on "Political Lesbians".

I've had some questions about this so I'm just going to take a few minutes to explain what it's all about. Political lesbianism first surfaced during the 2nd wave feminist (rad fem) movement in the 60's.

They believe that sexual orientation is a political & feminist choice. That u should CHOOSE to be a lesbian as a fuck you to men & NOT because they are actually attracted to women.
Aug 18, 2019 20 tweets 4 min read
I want to take a few minutes and talk about "lesbian gate keepers".

Seen a lot of things on twitter lately. A group of lesbians busy policing femme & butch, Bisexuals, Pansexuals.

To be clear here, the lesbian community has never been all hearts & rainbows. There's always... ...been a level of elitism within our ranks and it sucks. You can find evidence of this 4 as long as we've been using the word "lesbian" to describe who we are. Some have taken identities such as "Femme & Butch" & claimed them as uniquely ours. No1 else gets to use OUR words...
May 21, 2019 7 tweets 2 min read
"I'm so totally supportive of the trans community but like *hair flip* I'm just concerned about sports because XX & XY things from some other totally supportive transpho... people & well, I mean *giggles in cis woman* there's the whole super fast transing thing, like 80... ... plus weeks to get an appointment for a consultation is too fast, like *another hair flip* seriously, transes should be waiting for 10 years at least for the "phase" to pass because it's all in the head ya know? *giggles in cis woman* and they say they can't get jobs...
Mar 21, 2019 4 tweets 1 min read
Trans & Non-Binary Fam:

I've had some cis folks ask me "What can I do to help trans folks?" over the last week or so. Rather than cis me give advice on trans issues, I'd like to ask you all what advice you'd give them.

What would you suggest cis folks can do to help? Linking this to help (Please read the comments from Trans & Non-Binary folks):

Mar 15, 2019 12 tweets 3 min read
I need a cis lesbian rant. This one is about London Pride.

Ok. Terfs are going to claim it's their right to wave their transphobic horse shit banners because "lesbian erasure". WRONG.

Picture this: 1) Terf Lesbians waving banners "Get the B out!" cuz Bisexuals give lesbians a bad rep!!

2) Gay men waving banners "Get the B out!" cuz Bisexuals give lesbians a bad rep!!

3) Bisexuals waving banners "Get the B out!" cuz we ALL erase their identities pretty fucking often.