Ben Crum Profile picture
Political Scientist at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam / Partner in @reconnectEU / Political Theory of the European Union /
Jan 24, 2020 6 tweets 3 min read
Since you asked @aidanosullivan @paulwujek
Here is my take on why the European Parliament lost the #Spitzenkandidaten-process [or why did @vonderleyen become Commission President instead of EPP lead candidate @ManfredWeber?]
+ what to make of it
Thread 1/6 Lisbon treaty 17.7 defines election of the Com Pres as ‘ping-pong game’ between EP and Eur Council:
1) EP elections indicate political direction
2) Eur Council nominates candidate on that basis
3) EP elects
In line with 2 channels of EU democracy: EP and member states (Art.10.2)