Ben Noll Profile picture
Meteorologist, National Institute of Water & Atmospheric Research, New Zealand | Unique climate science, analysis & maps | #HudsonValley snow days
Aug 11 7 tweets 3 min read
Yesterday was "Copernicus Day" for August 2024 ~ a day on which weather nerds get their hands on lots of new long-range forecast data 🤓 💾

Here are five key takeaways 🧵 ⬇️ Image The height of Atlantic hurricane season is expected to be busier than normal 🌀

Islands in the Caribbean, Mexico, the southern/eastern U.S. + Canada, and even western Europe should be prepared for potential weather extremes. Image
Jul 11 9 tweets 4 min read
Yesterday was "Copernicus Day" for July 2024, a monthly holiday for weather nerds around the world 🤓

A bunch of new seasonal climate data just dropped, providing a glimpse at forecast patterns in the months ahead.

🧵 Here's a quick thread about what it's showing... A La Niña-like pattern of cool water in the equatorial Pacific will be a key climate driver in the second half of 2024.

Most elsewhere, global sea surface temperatures are forecast to be above average, with marine heatwaves possible in the North & South Pacific. Image
Jun 11 9 tweets 4 min read
Yesterday was "Copernicus Day", a monthly holiday for weather nerds around the world 🤓

A whole bunch of new seasonal climate data just dropped, providing a glimpse at patterns in the months ahead.

🧵 Here's a quick thread about what it's showing... Image A developing La Niña (cool equatorial Pacific) is expected to become the main climate driver in the second half of 2024.

Most elsewhere, global sea surface temperatures are forecast to be above or well above average, contributing to marine heatwaves and warmer air temperatures. Image
Jun 6 10 tweets 4 min read
🧵 May 2024 climatic pulse of the planet…

My goal is to provide simple-yet-powerful information that quantifies last month’s extremes in near-real time - to let the data speak.

We’ll explore temperatures (air & sea), rain, snow, wind, cloud cover, humidity & heat stress ⬇️ Image May 2024 heat extremes (red, 43% coverage) greatly outpaced cold extremes (blue, 2% coverage).

This is not normal.

While a 1:1 ratio is not to be expected, such a large difference between the two suggests something is out of balance. Image
May 11 7 tweets 3 min read
A whole bunch of new seasonal climate data just dropped!

Yesterday was "Copernicus Day", a monthly holiday for weather nerds around the world 🤓

🧵 Here's a quick thread about what it's showing for the months ahead 🔮 Above average temperatures (🔴) are almost exclusively predicted worldwide from June-August 2024, aside from La Niña in the equatorial Pacific & a few patchy cool areas.

A hotter than average summer is forecast in the U.S. + Europe & many parts of the Northern Hemisphere. Image
Nov 1, 2021 9 tweets 3 min read
In the spirit of #COP26, I've put together a few climate charts for measuring change in the #HudsonValley.

We are getting warmer, more humid, and there's more moisture in our atmosphere.

Our future may be a bit foggy, but it's in our hands.

🧵 on our changing climate... #HudsonValley temperatures: 📈

Years with ≤50˚F average temperatures are a thing of the past.

Our future? 55-60˚F average annual temperatures. That's more like Philadelphia or Washington D.C.
Sep 18, 2021 18 tweets 8 min read
December 2021: this forecast of stratospheric temperature anomalies is pretty unusual 🔴

How unusual? The zonal mean anomaly between 60-90˚N is the *2nd warmest* predicted by @ECMWF (from September) compared to all years from 1993-2020.

🧵 Thread: winter forecast tea leaves 🌿 The stratospheric polar vortex, located high up in our atmosphere above the poles during winter, weakens substantially about ~6 times per decade when a sudden warming & west-to-east wind reversal occurs.

This can end up bringing cold weather to the troposphere, where we live 🥶