Ben Williamson Profile picture
Digital tech & education | Projects on digital learning futures & data-driven biology in education | Editor @LMT_Journal | Same handle on bsky and masto too
Sep 27, 2024 5 tweets 2 min read
When Sam Altman expresses views about the future of education and the role of AI in it - as he did this week in his very silly "Age of Intelligence" post - I think it's important to realize he is absolutely full of shit 1/ It won’t happen all at once, but we’ll soon be able to work with AI that helps us accomplish much more than we ever could without AI; eventually we can each have a personal AI team, full of virtual experts in different areas, working together to create almost anything we can imagine. Our children will have virtual tutors who can provide personalized instruction in any subject, in any language, and at whatever pace they need. We can imagine similar ideas for better healthcare, the ability to create any kind of software someone can imagine, and much more. Altman has said "visionary" things about AI tutors before, claiming the "difference between classroom education and one-on-one tutoring is like two standard deviations – unbelievable difference" as evidence for AI being better than actual teachers 2/…