BendyGirl Profile picture
Former benefit scrounger now squeezed middle slummy mummy & occasional social justice warrior.
Jan 27, 2021 19 tweets 4 min read
As my old campaigning tales proved so popular yesterday, inspired by @BeresfordPeter, here comes another. The tale of the 'free our people' bear.
This one is probably not a tactic to emulate.. /1 Once upon a time, many years ago, although unfortunately for those involved still within the remit of The Theft Act, there lived a very sad bear. /2
Jan 26, 2021 41 tweets 8 min read
In the 10 minutes or so I have to myself each day, before my tornado of a child awakes, I've become fascinated by the reflections of the 3rd sector about campaigning and how to influence/1 Framing, narratives, focus, public opinion data, blah, blah /2
May 13, 2018 8 tweets 2 min read
The park was lovely. I tried really hard not to do the 'disability rights' thing but it all just played out in front of us & really demonstrated to me why there is so little progress being made for those with more severe learning disabilities and/or autism (1) There were a few toddlers & (grand)parents at the park, then a couple of little girls of 7-10 ish arrived. These girls had LD & autism. That was particularly apparent because they were with support workers. That was apparent because they were wearing lanyards