Benjamin M. Cole, Ph.D. Profile picture
Pre-Election Trump: "I alone can fix it." Coronavirus Trump: "No, I don't take responsibility at all."
Aug 30, 2022 10 tweets 2 min read
1/ The GOP always rail about "fraud, waste & abuse" in gov't. Curious how they don't see Trump's purported "standing classification order" as creating *ENORMOUS* governmental *WASTE* and *FRAUD." Let's dig in.... 2/ First, keep in mind that something as simple as this--while not fancy--is sufficient to serve as evidence of declassification by the President. Trump used this form of classification (and fancier forms that included his signature) numerous times during his term. Image
Sep 5, 2019 14 tweets 5 min read
1/ It was good to see Rachel Maddow covering the Alabama Sharpie map incident, but there is another possibility of the origins of the Tweet. @maddow @allinwithchris @amjoyshow 2/ Psychologist and former Asst Professor at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, John Gartner covered another possibility in a USA Today Op-Ed back in April (before "Alabama" ever came on the scene). I'd like to quote it in length....…
Apr 12, 2019 25 tweets 10 min read
1/ The goal of @HouseJudiciary hearings with Barr must be to (1) show bias in his judgment to prosecute, (2) show his wordsmithing in his summary letter to Congress was manipulative, and (3) get Barr on record so Mueller can retort publicly. Thus, the order of the QNs matters. 2/ Please, please, please, someone on @HouseJudiciary ask Barr the following questions in the following order. @RepJerryNadler @RepMGS @RepZoeLofgren @RepCohen @RepTedDeutch @RepRichmond @RepCicilline
@tedlieu @RepJayapal @RepLouCorrea @RepJoeNeguse @gregstantonaz
Apr 11, 2019 25 tweets 9 min read
1/ When the FBI says that it “found no evidence” that votes were changed in the 2016 election, it is VERY important that the media specify that the FBI found no FORENSIC evidence. But forensic evidence, such as the presence of malware, represents just one type of evidence. 2/ Seth Abramson @SethAbramson already did a brilliant job of illuminated the difference between DIRECT evidence and CIRCUMSTANTIAL evidence @Maddow @RepCummings @RepJerryNadler @tedlieu @AOC