Benjamin Fernandes 🇹🇿 Profile picture
Believer✝️ | Building @NALAmoney | Payments for #TheNextBillion 💪🏾 | Y-Combinator W19 | Stanford MBA | Harvard Govt. | Romans 12:2
Jun 26, 2021 24 tweets 3 min read
basic things that can be solved with simple tech in Tanzania: why hasn't @SelcomTanzania created an online portal to search which restaurants and petrol stations take Masterpass as a merchant payment method?
Dec 21, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
Selling health insurance in Africa is hard, your competition is literally Jesus.

In many African countries, less than 2% of the population have health insurance. I’m curious if someone could flip the script on this one where the insurance company pays for the health care bill when the person is sick and have them sign up for the insurance plan for a certain time period?

Could that potentially be a cheaper customer acquisition cost?
Mar 2, 2020 19 tweets 11 min read
Thread: I met #CalebMeakins early last year. We were both speaking at #VivaTech in Paris on Africa’s tech ecosystem. Caleb has founded a few organizations including a coffee shop, a media company and @Mella_Ethio. When we met up, we both found that we had a few things in common.. Our faith, how we both didn’t look like we were from the countries we are from (he’s Ethiopian and I’m Tanzanian), our love for creating content (look him up on YouTube -over ~ 10 million cumulative views), and our love to go back home to our countries to build something.
Dec 10, 2019 27 tweets 11 min read
5 years ago today: I just got home in Dar es Salaam after a stressful day at work. As i sat on the table, my phone started ringing with an American phone number calling me. I picked up and was informed i had been accepted to @StanfordGSB with a full tuition scholarship. I remember the tears strolling down my face especially after the hundreds of hours of work you put into getting something you really want and more importantly, the faith I had that God would come through. I froze on the phone and struggled to say thank you.