Karen Feridun, BGT @karenferidun.bsky.social Profile picture
Berks Gas Truth is a grassroots organization founded by Karen Feridun to fight shale gas development in PA.
Aug 20, 2023 20 tweets 3 min read
There's no whole-of-government coordination of carbon capture & storage. Multiple agencies from DOE, EPA, IRS, PHMSA & ACOE have responsibilities for funding, permitting, & oversight yet there are startling disconnects between agencies & CCS programs. #NoRulesNoCO2Pipelines 🧵 Image For instance, the IRS is responsible for coordinating with @EPA to verify that the tax credits claimed by companies for CCS are valid. However, neither agency has regulations, personnel or systems in place for verifying the tax credits. #NoRulesNoCO2Pipelines 2/
Sep 9, 2021 13 tweets 2 min read
Here are my comments to the PA DEP's Technical Advisory Board today.
My name is Karen Feridun, Founder of Berks Gas Truth and Co-founder of the Better Path Coalition. Thank you for the opportunity to comment. 🧵 I’ll be interested to hear Mr. Perry’s comments on the PennState study on road spreading of drilling waste.
Jun 27, 2021 29 tweets 11 min read
.@PennsylvaniaDEP @SecMcDonnell How are Pennsylvanians supposed to have any faith in your ability, or even interest in, addressing climate change when every action you take ignores the urgency of the crisis, dismisses the real-time impacts, and does it all belligerently? A 🧵 Friday was the anntiversary of the Grand Jury report that concluded that you failed to protect Pennsylvanians from fracking. @PAAttorneyGen Josh Shapiro published a fact sheet on your reaction to the report. attorneygeneral.gov/wp-content/upl… /2
Apr 21, 2021 12 tweets 5 min read
On March 20, @PennsylvaniaDEP announced a public comment period on 64 WMGR123 (drilling waste) permit applications. We asked for an extension of the 60-day comment period for 31 of them that span 12 counties. We did that because it's often left up to us to make sure people 🧵 know about it and submit comments. Hard to do in 12 counties during a pandemic when local organizing from hundreds of miles away isn't possible. And the permits are good for 10 years, so speak now, as they say.🧵
Feb 20, 2020 25 tweets 11 min read
Predictably, @JohnFetterman used jobs as the reason why we shouldn't #banfracking in his con to my pro on the issue in this @PhillyInquirer op-ed. Just as predictably, he used the piece to promote #RestorePA. (thread)

inquirer.com/opinion/commen… Along the way, he invoked the purity argument against the anti-fracking movement and, by extension, the climate movement.

It is the purity of the firefighter trying to save the home.
May 12, 2019 6 tweets 2 min read
Hey $ET investors, if you read the recent quarterly report's discussion of ROW expenses and saw the company's discussion of the Revolution pipeline, you didn't get the full story... "On September 10, 2018, a pipeline release and fire (the “Incident”) occurred on the Revolution pipeline, a natural gas gathering line, in the vicinity of Ivy Lane located in Center Township, Beaver County, Pennsylvania."...