@LASK_Official Ex- @ctfa_football, @CESabadell B, Chinese FA🇨🇳
| UEFA A | Coaching Education | Elite Player Performance Analyst
Jan 19 • 8 tweets • 1 min read
5 Foundations for Any Playing Style 🧵
In this @SundayShare10, let’s dive into five key concepts that are essential for players to succeed in both positional and dynamic styles of play 👇🏻
1) Beat the 1V1
In any game model, the ability to beat a direct opponent 1v1 is a game-changer.
It creates numerical advantages, disrupts defensive structures, and opens up new possibilities.
Jan 9 • 7 tweets • 2 min read
Positional Play vs. Relationism—Are they so different? 🧵
In recent years, these two ideas have been treated as opposites, competing for the “truth” of football.
In this thread, I’ll explore some shared principles that belong to the game itself 👇🏻 1/ The Diagonal
Diagonal positioning or passing helps the receiver control forward and forces defenders to adjust their body and attention.
It’s a universal foundation that benefits players in any style, disrupting defensive stability and opening new angles.
Dec 13, 2024 • 6 tweets • 2 min read
Technical Rondos | not Tactical?
Rondos are known for improving decision-making, but when designed with the proper constraints, they can also help refine technical skills.
Discover 3 examples of Technical Rondos in this thread 👇
A Technical Rondo combines decision-making with simplicity, allowing players to make simple yet effective choices.
By reducing decision-making stress, we can focus on improving technical actions. These rondos should include few players and plenty of ball interactions.
Dec 10, 2024 • 11 tweets • 2 min read
5 Ideas to Convert the Build-Up Into a Scoring Chance 🧵
A while ago, I noticed a disconnect between the build-up phase & the ultimate goal: scoring.
We can perfect our build-up, but if it doesn’t lead to scoring opportunities, have we achieved our objective? Let’s reflect 💡 1) The build-up is crucial, but it’s only part of the process. Its objective is to find the player best positioned near the backline to connect with the space behind.
Building up for the sake of possession doesn’t guarantee success. We build up to create chances to score.
Sep 22, 2024 • 8 tweets • 3 min read
🎯 In the final third, playmakers often face a crucial choice: pass or dribble.
In this @SundayShare10, I'll share some tips to improve decision-making, plus a drill that can enhance passing and dribbling in the final third with just one rule change.
First, let’s break down what to focus on when deciding to pass or dribble in the final third.
The positioning of defenders is critical.
Their location offers clues: Should we exploit the space behind them or take advantage of the space in front?
Sep 20, 2024 • 7 tweets • 3 min read
🧵 Finishing Drills
Here are 4 common mistakes coaches make when designing finishing drills.
Today, I want to share tips on improving the effectiveness of these drills and ensuring they better reflect game situations 👇
The first mistake relates to the gap between what we practice and what happens in real matches.
Too often, we focus on small spaces and crosses into the box, which doesn't truly mirror the variety of situations players face on the pitch.
Sep 18, 2024 • 17 tweets • 5 min read
🧵Rational Space Occupation is a hot topic, often debated between Positional Play and Relationism.
These two approaches lead to different perspectives on how space should be used.
Let's dive into my point of view of the Rational Space Occupation.📝
When reflecting on space occupation, we must consider 4 fundamental elements:
·Ball possessor
·Defender marking the possessor
·Player's direct defender
These factors constantly interact, influencing the available space and potential movements.
Sep 6, 2024 • 8 tweets • 3 min read
In defense, we often emphasize protecting spaces or pressing the opponent.
But are players solely defending?
Are the players conscious of how to initiate and facilitate the counterattack effectively? 👇
When discussing pressing, we often focus on correcting the player pressing the ball.
However, the nearby pressing players are crucial to regaining possession.
Outside the recovery zone, the covering players are the target to beat the counter-pressing and transition forward.
Sep 1, 2024 • 6 tweets • 2 min read
🧵Coaches often design specific drills for specific objectives.
But we're overlooking a powerful opportunity. The same drill, with different constraints, can target multiple objectives simultaneously.
This @SundayShare10 , I’ll show you how it works in practice 👇
We’re running a 6v3 Rondo with 3 teams of 3 players each. We’re targeting three key objectives:
· Enhancing the Possessor's Decision-Making
· Enhancing the Near Receivers' Positioning & First Touch
· Enhancing the Intermediate Positioning & 3rd Man
Aug 22, 2024 • 6 tweets • 2 min read
🧵In football, what matters most: the individual player, the interactions between players, or the team's collective intention?
This debate often surfaces, so I'd like to share my perspective on how these elements impact both player and team development 👇
The player is key to bringing the team's principles to life. When players possess the right capacities, they make the team's ideas and style of play a reality.
Thus, individual development is essential; implementing any game style becomes impossible without it.
May 27, 2024 • 5 tweets • 2 min read
The Numerical Advantage is Meaningless 🧵
Many coaches look for the Numerical Advantages, but this is only the first step.
The Positional Advantage is crucial to exploiting the numerical advantages.
Let's see the common mistakes and how to correct them 👇
The 1st Mistake is related to the possessor; the objective is to commit the defender.
Some players pass the ball too early without committing the opponent and allowing the defender to press the teammate.
The player must dribble a bit to catch the defender's attention.
May 15, 2024 • 5 tweets • 2 min read
Drill Analysis | The best option?
Once we consider the drill's effectiveness, we must consider the players' opportunities to achieve the objective.
If the drill's objective is to improve dribbling in multiple directions, is this the best option? 🧵
The numbers don't lie.
If your objective is the player with the ball, does it work to have 4 defenders and 1 attacker?
We must figure out different ways to challenge the possessor, but having more attacking players involved 👇
May 14, 2024 • 9 tweets • 6 min read
4 Defensive Positional Advantages 🧵
Many coaches talk about the Positional Advantage only from the attacking perspective.
But can we identify the 4 Advantages depending on the game's situation?
Let's break down the 4 Defensive Positional Advantages 👇
During my UEFA License, we talked about the Defensive Intentions:
- Guide the Opponent's Attack
- Pressing to Regain Possession
- Avoid the Progression (Protect the Inside Space)
- Delay the Attack (Time to Rebalance the Team)
- Defend the Goal
May 12, 2024 • 5 tweets • 3 min read
In my first @SundayShare10, I would like to share with you 3 Rondos that are not typical.
🔹 3V1+1+1V1
🔹 3V1+2V1 with Gaps
Discover Rondos beyond the 4V2 👇
The First Rondo is a 3V1+1V1.
We play in 2 spaces; in the active, we play a 3V1, aiming to complete 4 passes and switch fields.
We can reach the other half by passing or dribbling.
Once in the other field, the players must move to restart the 3V1.
More complexity? 👇
May 8, 2024 • 7 tweets • 5 min read
4 Positional Advantages in Football 🧵
Many mistakenly think that Positional Advantage is rigid, tied to a player’s spot on the field.
But is it about stand static, or can we identify different advantages depending on the scenario?
Let's break down the 4 Positional Advantages
Positional Advantage isn't just about standing in a spot on the pitch.
It's about occupying a space that either allows you to receive the ball under favorable conditions or helps a teammate by increasing their space and time with the ball.