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Better Path Coalition
Nov 1, 2024 9 tweets 2 min read
"The amount of the powerful climate-changing gas methane spilling out of oil and gas equipment, coal mines and landfills globally is nowhere near fully documented and what is known is 'only scratching the surface'"
That's all that matters. 🧵… It doesn't matter how people poll on banning fracking.
"Rather than improving, the methane emissions problem is worsening according to Stephane Germain of GHGSat. 'The past year, we’ve detected more emissions than ever before,' he said." 2/
Aug 31, 2024 18 tweets 4 min read
The #PAEnviroScorecard is a travesty this year. One of the most consequential environmental/climate bills to pass in a long time was the dreadful SB831, a bill from Gene Yaw that was rammed through at the 11th hour of the budget vote. 🧵 Senator Yaw's Environmental Resources and Energy committee approved the bill, but when it reached the House, it was sent to the Consumer Protection, Technology, and Utilities committee instead. Bills typically go to the same committee in both chambers. 2/
Aug 30, 2024 9 tweets 2 min read
Yesterday, 40 organizations and 13 individuals, including @SenatorMuth, sent a letter to @ENERGY @SecGranholm to tell her that CNX has no business being mentioned in the same sentence as Justice 40 and should not receive a penny of public money. 🧵… CNX is part of the proposed #ARCH2 hydrogen hub. On DOE's ARCH2 webpage is a report called Community Benefits Commitments Summary. Community engagement is supposed to be a critical factor in determining who gets our tax dollars and who doesn't. 2/
Jul 13, 2024 11 tweets 2 min read
#WrongWayPA Day 13 is going to be a doozy. Thursday night, your compromised legislature voted for a bill introduced by Senator Gene Yaw who says, “This legislation is a proactive step to secure Pennsylvania’s future as a hub for carbon capture and sequestration.” #SB831 1/ Image The Appropriations Committee announced it would be meeting in the evening after it met twice earlier in the day. The late-in-the-day meeting was convened just to pass #SB831 without discussion. It had already been rammed through the Consumer Protection committee... 2/
Jul 4, 2024 6 tweets 2 min read
Senator Gene Yaw's bill, #SB831, would establish a form of subsurface eminent domain. If enough of your neighbors agree to have carbon stored in the pore space under their properties, you can't say no. 1/ Image One of the reasons for that is the unpredictable path the CO2 plume will take once injected. 2/
Jun 23, 2024 13 tweets 3 min read
On Tuesday, the PA House Consumer Protection, Technology, & Utilities committee will vote on a HUGELY consequential bill without holding a public hearing on it. The bill opens PA to Carbon Capture & Storage. Here are some points we're sending members. #handsoffourporespace 🧵 We are out of time for necessary site characterization - Identifying sites where CO2 will stay put once injected is not an easy task. @NaomiOreskes discusses it in her essay in @sciam 2/…
Mar 13, 2024 16 tweets 5 min read
"In a statement emailed later to WHYY, Shapiro’s spokesman Manuel Bonder criticized the protesters for ignoring the climate benefits of clean hydrogen production." How perfect foolish of you to even suggest such a thing, @GovernorShapiro. 🧵… We are well aware of what Hydrogen will do to the climate. It's why we have been begging you to pay attention to the nationally- and internationally-recognized experts we have lined up month after month for briefings. 2/…
Aug 21, 2023 21 tweets 3 min read
There's no whole-of-government coordination of carbon capture & storage. Multiple agencies from DOE, EPA, IRS, PHMSA & ACOE have responsibilities for funding, permitting, & oversight yet there are startling disconnects between agencies & CCS programs. #NoRulesNoCO2Pipelines 🧵 Image For instance, the IRS is responsible for coordinating with @EPA to verify that the tax credits claimed by companies for CCS are valid. However, neither agency has regulations, personnel or systems in place for verifying the tax credits. #NoRulesNoCO2Pipelines 2/
Aug 16, 2023 10 tweets 2 min read
@GovernorShapiro We didn't see your statement on the studies that found children in proximity of fracking are more likely to develop lymphoma and suffer other health impacts. 🧵 The only thing press release you issued today is entitled Pennsylvania is Open for Business: Bipartisan Budget Includes Governor Shapiro’s Proposed Funding to Spur Job Creation, Foster Innovation, and Make Pennsylvania More Economically Competitive 2/
Feb 25, 2022 7 tweets 5 min read
Let's pretend. 🧵Let's pretend this is a surprise to anyone - ⁦@GovernorTomWolf⁩, ⁦@PennsylvaniaDEP⁩, ⁦@PADems⁩, ⁦@PAGOP⁩, ⁦@POTUS⁩, ⁦@EPA⁩, ⁦@USCongress⁩, ⁦@FERC⁩, ⁦@DRBC1961, ⁦… Let's pretend that the idea of capturing methane is a good one because it would actually help us stop the bleeding until we can transition off of #methanegas and not a terrible one because your cynical gov't would just say, "See? We fixed it! Full speed ahead!"
Apr 18, 2021 36 tweets 4 min read
We are the ones, Governor. We are the ones whose experiences informed your decision to ban fracking in the Delaware River Basin.