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Better Path Coalition
Jul 13 11 tweets 2 min read
#WrongWayPA Day 13 is going to be a doozy. Thursday night, your compromised legislature voted for a bill introduced by Senator Gene Yaw who says, “This legislation is a proactive step to secure Pennsylvania’s future as a hub for carbon capture and sequestration.” #SB831 1/ Image The Appropriations Committee announced it would be meeting in the evening after it met twice earlier in the day. The late-in-the-day meeting was convened just to pass #SB831 without discussion. It had already been rammed through the Consumer Protection committee... 2/
Jul 4 6 tweets 2 min read
Senator Gene Yaw's bill, #SB831, would establish a form of subsurface eminent domain. If enough of your neighbors agree to have carbon stored in the pore space under their properties, you can't say no. 1/ Image One of the reasons for that is the unpredictable path the CO2 plume will take once injected. 2/
Jun 23 13 tweets 3 min read
On Tuesday, the PA House Consumer Protection, Technology, & Utilities committee will vote on a HUGELY consequential bill without holding a public hearing on it. The bill opens PA to Carbon Capture & Storage. Here are some points we're sending members. #handsoffourporespace 🧵 We are out of time for necessary site characterization - Identifying sites where CO2 will stay put once injected is not an easy task. @NaomiOreskes discusses it in her essay in @sciam 2/…
Mar 13 16 tweets 5 min read
"In a statement emailed later to WHYY, Shapiro’s spokesman Manuel Bonder criticized the protesters for ignoring the climate benefits of clean hydrogen production." How perfect foolish of you to even suggest such a thing, @GovernorShapiro. 🧵… We are well aware of what Hydrogen will do to the climate. It's why we have been begging you to pay attention to the nationally- and internationally-recognized experts we have lined up month after month for briefings. 2/…
Aug 21, 2023 21 tweets 3 min read
There's no whole-of-government coordination of carbon capture & storage. Multiple agencies from DOE, EPA, IRS, PHMSA & ACOE have responsibilities for funding, permitting, & oversight yet there are startling disconnects between agencies & CCS programs. #NoRulesNoCO2Pipelines 🧵 Image For instance, the IRS is responsible for coordinating with @EPA to verify that the tax credits claimed by companies for CCS are valid. However, neither agency has regulations, personnel or systems in place for verifying the tax credits. #NoRulesNoCO2Pipelines 2/
Aug 16, 2023 10 tweets 2 min read
@GovernorShapiro We didn't see your statement on the studies that found children in proximity of fracking are more likely to develop lymphoma and suffer other health impacts. 🧵 The only thing press release you issued today is entitled Pennsylvania is Open for Business: Bipartisan Budget Includes Governor Shapiro’s Proposed Funding to Spur Job Creation, Foster Innovation, and Make Pennsylvania More Economically Competitive 2/
Feb 25, 2022 7 tweets 5 min read
Let's pretend. 🧵Let's pretend this is a surprise to anyone - ⁦@GovernorTomWolf⁩, ⁦@PennsylvaniaDEP⁩, ⁦@PADems⁩, ⁦@PAGOP⁩, ⁦@POTUS⁩, ⁦@EPA⁩, ⁦@USCongress⁩, ⁦@FERC⁩, ⁦@DRBC1961, ⁦… Let's pretend that the idea of capturing methane is a good one because it would actually help us stop the bleeding until we can transition off of #methanegas and not a terrible one because your cynical gov't would just say, "See? We fixed it! Full speed ahead!"
Apr 18, 2021 36 tweets 4 min read
We are the ones, Governor. We are the ones whose experiences informed your decision to ban fracking in the Delaware River Basin.