BetterSts4Enfield Profile picture
We are a group of Enfield residents who want our streets to be safer, cleaner and greener for everyone. Updates by @adrianday1, @halhaines and guests
Oct 25, 2020 11 tweets 3 min read
You often see the comment "all roads are for cars". This is the wrong way of looking at it - roads are designed for a certain purpose. Even in a London suburb from the early 20th century you can work out a road's purpose. Also roads have a handy classification to help work it out 'The system of roads classification is intended to direct motorists towards the most suitable routes for reaching their destination.' 'A' roads are strategic routes or main roads 'intended to provide large-scale transport links within or between areas.'
Sep 15, 2020 6 tweets 1 min read
Some thoughts on campaigning for low traffic neighbourhoods particularly around the Bowes area. It might appear that we are two groups that are suspicious of each other but perhaps it is for all the wrong reasons. 1/6 Some think that people are only opposing LTNs because they don't want to change their own behaviour and they represent the 'status quo'. This might be true of some of course but can't be true of everyone. 2/6