Biden-Harris HQ Profile picture
Just the facts, Jack. We’re on the other website, too:
Diana Roby Profile picture Fourth Branch Action - #TeamYou 🌊 Profile picture jdy thrp Profile picture 4 subscribed
May 6 12 tweets 5 min read
This Holocaust Remembrance Day, at a time of rising antisemitism, let’s remember who the Republican nominee is.

Here is a thread of Donald Trump’s long history of praising antisemites, hanging out with antisemites, and other antisemitic behavior.

A photo of Donald Trump
A photo of neo-Nazis and KKK members  marchingCharlottesville with tiki torches
Trump’s Chief of Staff John Kelly confirmed that Trump said Adolf Hitler did “some good things”
The Guardian headline: "Trump told chief of staff Hitler 'did a lot of good things', book says"
A picture of Donald Trump
Apr 8 13 tweets 7 min read
Donald Trump just said he supports extreme abortion bans across the country that criminalize doctors, threaten IVF, and force rape victims to give birth: “That’s what they will be”

Here is what Trump is supporting.

🧵 Oklahoma has multiple extreme abortion bans on the books, including a criminal ban from 1910 with no exceptions for rape or incest.

Trump says he supports this.
The NPR headline: "'Wait in the parking lot to die': Oklahoma woman files complaint against hospitals after abortion ordeal"
Apr 6 16 tweets 8 min read
Tonight, Donald Trump is holding a billionaire fundraiser to pay his mounting legal bills.

Here are some of the scammers, racists, and extremists funding Trump’s failing campaign.

🧵 A picture of Donald Trump Trump donor John Paulson wants to cut Social Security and opposed financial regulations to protect Americans after the 2008 crash, which he profited off of
A picture of John Paulson
The Wall Street Journal headline: “Trader Made Billions on Subprime, John Paulson Bet Big on Drop in Housing Values;”
Mar 21 21 tweets 11 min read
The people who know Trump best won’t support him.

Why should you?

A thread A picture of Donald Trump’s Cabinet Trump’s former Attorney General Bill Barr: Trump is a consummate narcissist who constantly engages in reckless conduct. He will always put his own interests and gratifying his own ego ahead of everything else, including the country’s interest
A picture of Trump’s former Attorney General Bill Barr
Feb 28 8 tweets 2 min read
Project 2025 is a set of extreme policy plans for Trump’s second term.

It is being plotted by a vast network of powerful MAGA organizations that are preparing to take over the federal government if Trump gets a second term.

A thread of what’s in their plan A picture of Donald Trump: "Project 2025: Plan for Trump's 2nd Term." Reproductive rights/abortion PROJECT 2025: PLAN FOR TRUMP'S 2ND TERM  ABORTION • Reverse the FDA's approval of abortion medication • Invoke a 150 year-old defunct law called the Comstock Act to ban the shipment of abortion pills, enacting a de-facto national abortion ban • Compel states to report the "reason" for every abortion performed within their borders • Allow states to ban employers from providing health benefits that cover abortion care
Feb 6 9 tweets 5 min read
Republicans lying about wanting to secure the border

A thread A picture of Donald Trump and Mike Johnson Left: Trump in 2018 saying the only way to properly secure the border is with a bill from Congress

Right: Trump last night saying America doesn’t “need a bill, frankly” to secure the border

Jan 6 11 tweets 4 min read
Three years ago today, a violent mob of MAGA extremists, riled up by Donald Trump, took part in an insurrection against American democracy.

This thread will chronicle it as it unfolded
Trump riles up his MAGA crowd on January 6
MAGA mob erect gallows outside the Capitol
12:43am, three years ago at this moment: Trump commands Republicans to “FIGHT” as Congress prepares to certify the 2020 election Donald Trump tweet: "Get smart Republicans. FIGHT"
Dec 13, 2023 10 tweets 3 min read
Republicans admitting out loud they have no evidence for impeachment

A thread Marjorie Taylor Greene and Mike Johnson GOP Sen. Chuck Grassley “I have no evidence... I can’t say the president is guilty of anything.” Sen. Chuck Grassley (R)
Nov 23, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
Your handy guide for responding to crazy MAGA nonsense this Thanksgiving

A thread Your Handy Guide for Responding To Crazy MAGA Nonsense This Thanksgiving The economy "The economy was better during Trump!"  • Wrong. • Trump had the worst jobs record of any president since the Great Depression. • Inflation is the lowest it's been in two years, the economy is growing, and unemployment has been under 4% for the longest stretch on record. • Just look at your Thanksgiving costs compared to last year - gas prices: cheaper. Turkey: cheaper. Eggs: cheaper. • Joe Biden has created nearly 14 million jobs and the economy is on the rise.