Lego on WRONG SIDE OF 50 Profile picture
Can't stand liars. Life-long Bills fan. #GoBills CA SUCKS. Unaffiliated b/c both parties serve only themselves. Populist vs Elites. 1A 2A LIFE
Jul 15, 2021 11 tweets 3 min read
@HawleyMO says, votes were certified and we had an inauguration. Despite concerns about election, "we" need to focus on retaking House & Senate. It's cute you think there will ever be a legit election again with @GOP shrugging and saying oh well, well get 'em next time 😂😂😂😂 @HawleyMO I'm not exactly inspired to vote for GOP who think a fraudulent election, and an illigitimate POTUS (& likely 2 illigitimate senators) is just something we live with until the next election. 30+ years voting straight GOP. In past, would have voted for a rock if it/1
Jun 27, 2021 20 tweets 4 min read
Every day I learn of another betrayal delivered by our so-called "betters." Today it was Barr, though to be fair, evidence of his failures were plain to see prior to the election. He failed to produce an interim Durham report, ignored criminal activity tied to Biden, failed to/ do anything meaningful to stop the threat of Antifa and BLM via federal prosecutions for attacks on federal buildings and officers. He spoke of the threats of mass mail in ballots, noting that those embracing their use without restriction were "playing with fire," yet when a /2