Janet Mills v Trump and tonight’s censure of Rep. Libby was just the culmination of a six year effort to establish transgender ideology as the official state religion of Maine.
Here’s a brief review 🧵🧵🧵
Mills unilaterally changed Medicaid rules to pay for transgender surgeries, including for children.
That means taxpayers who don’t subscribe to the gender Gnosticism are forced at gun point to fund trans hormones for kids.
Maine’s public education system has become a migrant resettlement program. We don’t teach math and reading, we teach English and western social norms. Our bright-eyed young teachers become trauma counselors, dealing with horrifying cases of migrant exploitation.
The Dems have done this. It’s partisan and crass to say. But they’ve ruled Maine ruthlessly for 6+ years. They’ve turned Maine into a global welfare program. They’ve pushed schools into social-emotional group therapy sessions.
Their only answer is to say the tests are flawed.
Jan 20 • 5 tweets • 4 min read
Here are the individuals arrested in Maine since Jan. 1 and held in Cumberland County who are waiting on a ride from @ICEgov @EROBoston.
Each of these individuals has an immigration detainer. We'll check back Fri to see if Maine taxpayers are still covering rent.
🧵1/5 2/5
Dec 19, 2024 • 13 tweets • 4 min read
Here's a map plotting the properties that the Dept. of Homeland Security has said are associated with Asian Transnational Criminal Organizations, aka Chinese mafia, in Maine.
Here's the DHS list of Chinese mafia sites in Maine zoomed in to show just how many we're dealing with.
Nov 29, 2024 • 6 tweets • 3 min read
The Maine Wire has obtained a copy of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s list of 270 properties in Maine that federal law enforcement believes are affiliated with Asian Transnational Criminal Organizations.
Additionally, we’ve obtained records from the Maine Office of Cannabis Policy that show, in a few limited cases, that the agency has revoked cannabis licenses acquired under the names of out-of-state operatives who are or were part of the illegal Chinese grows.
At the same time, we have obtained Maine law enforcement records that show the Maine State Police have been aware of the activities of “Chinese gangs from NY” since at least March 2021.
Taken together, the records offer an unprecedented look at how the federal government, Maine’s elected officials, law enforcement, and cannabis regulators have tried — and failed spectacularly — to reckon with the growing threat of Chinese organized crime in Maine.
At the center of the Chinese organized crime ring are Yen “Johnny” Hsein Wu, Shunwang Ding, Sheng Cheng Ye, Jung “Jason” Yen Tsai, and a series of properties and front companies organized around Green Future, LLC.
Nov 12, 2024 • 4 tweets • 3 min read
For the 2024 elections, Maine's Warden counted more than 6,500 UOCAVA (overseas absentee ballots).
However, the Secretary of State's Absentee Ballot data shows fewer than 2,000 requests for Absentee Ballots.
That means there are ~4,600 UOCAVA votes for which there are not *currently* AB requests in the data.
In prior years, UOCAVA AB data has matched UOCAVA ballots counted.
We've been asking the SOS for an explanation on this discrepancy between the two UOCAVA AB counts, but they have not been forthcoming with an answer.
We're still trying to determine whether the gap is an issue of databases needing to update or something else.
Here's the UOCAVA count from the Warden, signed by Deputy Secretary of State Julie Flynn
The Biden admin awarded $1.1 billion in tax dollars to the "Acacia Center for Justice" to help foreign nationals who entered the US illegally apply for asylum.
Acacia is ~3yo, created out of thin air, and suddenly the gov't $ comes pouring in via the Dept. of Interior.
Here's the link to the USA Spending page:
Acacia isn't the only non-profit or LLC that went from almost no taxpayer money to hundreds of millions or billions of taxpayer dollars as a result of the migrant crisis.usaspending.gov/search/?hash=a…
Feb 24, 2024 • 25 tweets • 10 min read
How about a saturday morning 🧵on how Chinese organized crime built a drug trafficking empire in Maine with U.S. taxpayer dollars?
Links 1:
Link 2: themainewire.com/2023/11/triad-… themainewire.com/2024/02/how-th…
The story revolves around Quontic Bank, a "Community Development Finance Institution" (CDFI). Basically, that means they get tax dollars to make riskier loans to non-citizens w/ no income. It's a humdrum bank until 2020, when this happens:
Feb 23, 2024 • 10 tweets • 4 min read
Xisen Guo, 67, arrested at an illegal drug trafficking hub in Passadumkeag, Maine -- a town of less than 500 people.
Guo was charged with felony trafficking. Cops seized 40 lbs of marijuana and some methamphetamine.
If you follow the corporate/real estate record trail, this one gets interesting... themainewire.com/2024/02/triad-…
The house itself is fairly typical for triad grows we've found in Maine: large detached buildings, remote, very little attention from cops, abundant power.
But it was among the first purchased in Maine.
Records show it was purchased in Feb. 2020 by "GC Realty 168"
Dec 18, 2022 • 4 tweets • 2 min read
Amber Lavigne discovered a chest binder in her 13-year-old daughter's bedroom.
She later learned a 26-year-old UMaine grad student with a conditional license to practice social work at her daughter's school had given it to her.
To enforce the "Thou Shall Not Help Deport" policy of Suffolk County, Rollins has ordered her employees to surveil courtrooms for agents of Homeland Security.
If an evil ICE agent is spotted doing his or her job, Suffolk DA employees are now required to call Rollins.
So you're an illegal alien heroin dealer arrested for driving without a license. ICE has been watching you for a bit and see you're going to be in a courthouse.
One of Rollins' narcs sees ICE and calls the boss.
What then? The Rollins Memo doesn't say...
Mar 26, 2019 • 6 tweets • 2 min read
The DA of Suffolk County, MA has released new guidelines -- "The Rachel Rollins Policy Memo" -- and the new policy is absolutely insane.
I just finished reading the memo, here's an overview. [thread]
Here's a key phrase: "collateral consequences." Rollins wants her office to consider what happens to a cocaine or heroin dealer when they've been convicted for dealing drugs.